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Everything posted by JoLe727

  1. Awesome...that's beautiful.
  2. No kidding!!! a seller is selling 1st Edition of YF-19 which it is cheaper than the 2nd Ed.??? Well, check it out... YF-19-1stEd YF-19-2ndEd
  3. Check it out!!! It's not red. It's not blue...it's green Q-Rau http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5930818815&rd=1
  4. Awesome!!! It convinces me to buy model kits and build..... Good job!!!
  5. Check it out!!! There is 1/48 VF-1S Max available....wait a minute it's just a VF-1A Max with unassembled recast VF-1S head. Orignal VF-1A is not provided??? http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...5929409528&rd=1
  6. Damn..... TISINC is selling $300 for 2nd Edition of Roy's VF-1S in ebay http://cgi.ebay.com/ws/eBayISAPI.dll?ViewI...ssPageName=WD1V With the re-issue coming soon in Dec. (I hope) you can buy at least two Roy.
  7. They are bootlegs. If you look at the picture and see a small pic on the right bottom corner and notice that it is character pic then it's bootlegs. If it is bandai logo, then it is orignal. And if you notice it is selling cheap, then it's obvious a bootlegs.
  8. As one of the newbies, I will start. Since July 2004, I just started collecting and so far I have: 1/48 - 7 (+ 4 more coming soon) 1/60 - 5 (+ 2 " " " ) 1/72 - 2 (+ 2 " " " )
  9. Wow!!! Awesome!!! I noticed the arrow on the VF-1S head is not painted. Should it be painted?? Anyway, good job!!! Hope to save enough money so you can customize my valks...
  10. You may want to check out at www.animekits.com . They are accepting pre-order for VF-1S Roy. The price plus the flat rate shipping seems to be reasonable. I already emailed to one of employee and I got replied as stated below: To confirm it, you may want to contact William Chen (wchen@animekits.com) or questions@animekits.com Also, I believe www.animekits is on SSL. Hope it helps!!
  11. Right now, I am trying to resolve the problem with zerocool personally via email. Hope everything goes well....if not, then....oh well!! So, let's move on, and let's me take care of this matter. Thank you for being there and your support on this matter. Thanks, Joe
  12. I noticed you sent me a pm and you want to resolve the problem??? Man, you need to learn how to resolve the problem properly....you can't act like there is nothing happen. I took it very personal. I don't understand why are you upset and you decided that deal is off??? Well, you know, I didn't do anything wrong or against you. What's up with that? Just remember, I took a risk to bid your items and willing to pay you with my hard-earned money. After what you did like you left me with no explanation or no reason why you don't want to sell to me, then I deserve an explanation.
  13. Man, I don't understand what's going on with the seller. All I did was to request for total amount to pay , included shipping, and this what I received from him... Dear jole727, Ok the deal is off i don't wnat to sell you the item's i will still email you the pic. i just don't like what you said on macross world. thank you any way's so please post the is there any one ells got somthink from me and is on the post list i will not sell to them Please respond to the question on eBay by clicking the button below. Thank you, gigglez127 I found out the seller's name turned out to be Ceballos Fam. If he didn't sell it to me, I will file a complaint against him. Still, I don't understand him.
  14. For someone who put down such eloquent descriptions in one place and crappy descriptions in others he/she has either been recently debilitated or it is a scam. Either way it is over now so who cares. Be interested to know though if Jole will get the items. How much cash does this guy have anyways? He is buying everything. Yup...Let's hope things go well. I know it's risky. I keep you all update about this matter if you want. As long as I am working, I am going to buy everything..... I know Ontario is the city in southern Cal coz, I have relatives livng there about 15-30 minutes from there.
  15. I may be dreaming , but I noticed that HLJ (Hobby Link Japan) is plannin' to restock 1/48 vf-1s roy in dec. Here's the link: http://www.hlj.com/scripts/hljpage.cgi?YMT00018
  16. Two months ago, I started collecting MAC, both from MPCs and Yamato. Lemme tell ya....MPCs are not that bad. If you plan to buy MPCs, I suggest to wait since the price is dropping (Damn, I should have wait.....) And the production of Toynami, each valk yet hasn't reached 15,000 (I think). As Yamato 1/48....man, they are beautilful and well-detailed. You won't be disappointed. I own about five valks, and still hunting for more. (No way that I will be able to catch up with Godzilla ) However, Yamato produced limit numbers of 1/48 and soon to be rare. There is no word if Yamato is going to re-issue or produce more. If you are planning to buy with your hard-earned money, you may consider Yamato 1/48 since there are not so many out there. MPCs can wait. Hope it helps. Good luck!!!
  17. Hey connor99...Thank you for the 1/48 VF-1S Hikaru!!! I am not plannin' to customize VF-1S that I got from you. I want to keep in mint I plan to buy more valks..one or two in the mint and others on display. Anyway, I intend to customize 1/60 HIKARU 1A to KAKIZAKI colors. I think it will be a good start for me, since I do not much experience. When I feel comfortable, then I may take the next step, customizing 1/48. Since you are plannin' to customize your 1/60 Vf-1a, post some pic, dude!!!
  18. Hello!! I am new to MW Forum, just recently joined last four weeks ago and started collecting Macross Valks. I am also interested customizing my valks, but unfortunately, I am in elementary level in Customizing Valks 101. Anyway, the tips that you all provided on how to re-paint the accent color are very helpful which will give me some ideas. The question is do I need to put clear coat or else on the accent after it re-painted? Hope you don't mind answering this question. Thank you in advance. Joe
  19. Awesome!!! I am interested!!! PM sent.
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