Two months ago, I started collecting MAC, both from MPCs and Yamato. Lemme tell ya....MPCs are not that bad. If you plan to buy MPCs, I suggest to wait since the price is dropping (Damn, I should have wait.....) And the production of Toynami, each valk yet hasn't reached 15,000 (I think).
As Yamato 1/, they are beautilful and well-detailed. You won't be disappointed. I own about five valks, and still hunting for more. (No way that I will be able to catch up with Godzilla ) However, Yamato produced limit numbers of 1/48 and soon to be rare. There is no word if Yamato is going to re-issue or produce more.
If you are planning to buy with your hard-earned money, you may consider Yamato 1/48 since there are not so many out there. MPCs can wait. Hope it helps. Good luck!!!