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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Aztek, your poly count is as insane as your riG!!! I totally admire the effort you've put into realism, it shows even without that sick rig! The flaws in my model are definately visible, I'm working to fix them thanks man. Kornholio, nice updates, the proportions on the battroid look good. Especially the legs, I really like the way you've modelled them especially the top part where the vents cover the air jets. My experience: if you're transforming or looking for proportions that go both ways, don't use the strike hasegawa scans :/ I did and ended up having to manipulate my entire model to fit decent ones. I'm using a fighter blueprint and am looking at the proportins on Aztek, Gonzos and Datter's valks as those are off the hook.
  2. Aztek, that is one intense pose! Its awesome to see that you have pushed your rig that far. Looks like its going to be ready for some awesome animation. Can't wait to see what else your valk is going to have under the hood. Woz, wow man, your progress is insane! Love the wip posts but the detail you add in at the end is sick! Here's the latest progress on my valk. I'm modelling it so that it can transform bvut have switched to the VF-1j fighter refs for proportions, the Strike Valk was waaay off. I'm having some problems figuring out whats underneath the chest piece (the red arrow), it seems to curve inwards but I'm not sure where to go from there, this is tough with no model ref. Any crits on the cockpit? I'm having trouble with the shape and the smooth. Plus the cockpit needs to get modelled in. More progress midweek, hopefully I can finalize the model and start texturing it.
  3. Kornholio, Great! That second render is much clearer and looks great. Personally I'm in the process of rescaling all my stuff, alot of which is just going to get remodelled because of the change to fighter mode, the model has to be "sleak." On proportions: the shoulders seem alittle small and the forarms seem alittle big, also is the head a little small? I haven't modelled one so I don't really know. I'm no valk expert but these are just the things that caught my eye. Can't wait to see more stuff Kornholio, its fun working on this project for sure, especially with you guys. Agentex
  4. Looking good man, from what I can tell it looks like you just need to watch your proportions. Also, looks like to help you with the legs you might want to add some geometry around the far edge of the bowl shape, to give it that bump out. Also, around the nose I think you need to do the same thing towards the top. Keep up the good work, can't wait for some updates. Agentex
  5. The underside, can't wait to animate this baby!!
  6. Fighter mode after I've resized the arms and legs, the rest I modelled in fighter mode to start with.
  7. An example, don't mind the wireframe its not ready to get rendered yet.
  8. Wow, modelling a transformable valk is tough. I'm using the two references from Brian's site, the VF-1s battroid and the VF-1j fighter. I've pretty much got all the parts roughed in and am working between modes trying to figure out how its going to work together to xform. Any specialist opinions on which models these came from? Is this an xformable schematic? It doesn't seem like it, just trying to make adjustments to get it into fighter mode now. Any advice on how accurate that VF-1j schematic is to a good xform, it seems sleaker than the VF-1s battroid, I'm now modifying all my battroid parts to the size of the VF-1j then I'm going to put it back into battroid and hope it looks ok. Any advice on these comprimises? Agentex
  9. Wow, that books looks really nice. I'll order it after the holiday, hope it comes soon. I've been modelling the VF1s Strike (honestly not planning on doing a space kit right now). Need to add alot of detail but the structure is roughed out. I'm modelling it with the xform in mind. I'll post some pics but its really blocky right now, lemme work it tommorrow. Woz, man you are making some great progress, I've seen your whole sequence, nice work! Can't wait to see some more updates! Check out this xform from the variable... http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazines/mg_0398a4.jpg http://www.macrossworld.com/macross/magazines/mg_0398a5.jpg I'm using that as my primarily reference on how the xform will happen. Is the model the same as the series? Don't have Zero ep 1 handy. Agentex
  10. Wow, everything on this thread looks fantastic. Love the variations and the textures that everyone is doing. I just started modelling a valk thanks to the fantastic references on MW world and anime3d.net. Thanks alot! I'm going to post my progress so far later today but I have some questions about the xform sequence. I saw Aztek's shoulder socket and have those as references, you guys mentioned a book that has some really good references? Whats the title of the book? I've got 3 weeks to work on this project so I'd like to get the whole xform sequence done by then. Looking forward to sharing my valk with the others in this squad, top notch stuff guys! Agentex
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