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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Ew... With other guys around?! That's N-A-S-T-Y. Vostok 7
  2. both single and multi. Vostok 7
  3. hasn't been posted on the new forums... :lol: it's still teh funnay. Vostok 7
  4. Yeah, there was a expansion released awhile back called "Forgotten Battles." I forget what planes are in it, but I know a few american planes were added. Vostok 7
  5. Vostok 7

    Age Check! :)

    20 1/2. Waiting for 25 Interesting... I've been on MW since I was 17 Vostok 7
  6. Yeah these guys are teh cool. It's really too bad I never got a chance to meet any of ya'll when I was over there Vostok 7
  7. I want to get Crimson Skies... Other than that, I don't know of any "non-serious" sims. Vostok 7
  8. I believe the 75mm was the largest. It was heavy enough that planes were known to stall firing it. It was mounted on a suspension system so that it would recoil... The game is IL-2 Sturmovik, released a couple years back. Unfortunately, the Hs' aren't flyable It's a Russian theater themed WWII flight sim, so the predominant focus is on Russian aircraft of the vintage. It's still a great game as it includes alot of aircraft you don't see very often, including the BI-1 Rocket Interceptor, arguably the first of it's kind even predating the Komet by a year. Vostok 7
  9. Yowza! I'd get married to that!!! Vostok 7
  10. The B-3/Wa has the 75mm cannon and 2x 20mm MGs (MG-151/20) The B-2 has: 2x13 mm (MG 131); 2x20 mm (MG 151/20) or 2x7.9 mm (MG-17); 2x20 mm (MG-151/20); 1x30 mm (MK 101): placed in gondola beneath the fuselage or 4x13 mm (MG 131) or 2x13 mm (MG 131); 2x20 mm (MG 151/20); Bomb racks beneath the fuselage for 4x50 kg bombs or a 250 kg bomb or 2x20 mm (MG 151/20); 1x37 mm (BK 3.7): placed in gondola beneath the fuselage. And no doubt there were other variations. Vostok 7
  11. I had a few of those moments in Jedi Outcast. Damn swamp. Vostok 7
  12. That's what I'm arguing. I'm certain it's a Hs-129B-3/Wa. I just provided picts of the different craft in question so that whenever Ben comes back, one of them may refresh his memory. Vostok 7
  13. I'm still placing my bets on the fact it's an Hs-129. I've been a fan of the design for some time. Here's a question that should put this all to rest... Did it have an external gunsite? I don't think the tankbusting JU-87's or the Me-210/410s had external gunsites. It could be an Me-210/410. I'm betting it's not the JU-87 since Stukas are single engine, fixed gear and have distinctive wing/cockpits and are nothing like the Bf110 like he described. The closest thing I can think of to the Bf-110 that was a tank destroyer was the Hs-129, though the Me-210/410 looks very similar to the Bf-110. Hs-129B-3/Wa "Waffentraeger" Bf-110G-2 Me-210CA-1 Zerstorer Ju-87G-1 Stuka Hs-129 model box (albiet a B-2 with the smaller cannon). Vostok 7
  14. When I was there (albiet a couple years ago), you could find Yammie VF-19's pretty easy. Look for anything that will turn over well, like Gundams. I got a MSiA Dendrobium for super cheap and turned it around for a nice profit. Vostok 7
  15. La-5FN/La-7 > P-47M Vostok 7
  16. I say we watch Alizee more. She's teh cutie. Vostok 7
  17. Good point. Vostok 7
  18. Yeah... But he grew back alot of body hair and a gut by then is what I'm saying. Vostok 7
  19. hey, I'm a sucker for the Russian aircraft. Did you know the MiG-3 was one of the fastest aircraft of the early part of WWII? It set many speed records. And the La-7 was the first prop plane to down a Me-262. Vostok 7
  20. That's the Stuka you're thinking of... Can't remember which one was the tankbuster variant with the big cannons, but you're definitely thinking of the Stuka. The Stuka though is a single engine, whereas the Bf110 Zerstorer was a twin engine. That's why I'm putting my bets on the Henschel. Though I agree the HS129 doesn't look much like a Zerstorer, but whatever Vostok 7
  21. Sounds like it. Hs129 is a cool plane, but the IL-2 Sturmovik pwn3z all. Vostok 7
  22. Despite the bad press this game has gotten, I'm probably going to get it. The selection of MSs available is nothing to sneeze at. Too bad it's a rail shooter, but as long as it's fun and the graphics are good I'm sure it won't be bad. I liked FvZ. Don't have any others than that. Too bad the SD Gundams aren't us releases Vostok 7
  23. I'll agree... I heart the Xamel. Vostok 7
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