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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Actually, I think that describes most foreign dubs. Vostok 7
  2. IIRC, lots of people were having this problem early on... I remember a "fix" was to delete your first avatar and then re-upload. That's what I had to do to get my current avatar since every time I uploaded, it would just go to the old one (which was probably because it was cached)... Anyway, try that. Vostok 7
  3. Yeah... That's why I'm always careful challenging peoples decisions because I've run into alot of people who have other characters that are high and the like... If someone's being just downright stupid, then I question. But if someone seems to know what they are doing, then I listen, no matter the level. I've learned lots of good things that way. Vostok 7
  4. Grr I've ran into this... I was lvl 15 and partied with a group, one guy was like a lvl 11 or 12 WAR... The party leader died (she was WHM IIRC, and I tried to tank but my provoke ran out and the other WAR didn't provoke... party leader dies and ends up in like Jeuno) and was trying to get back, but then left the party when she warped... I kept saying "lets wait for her to come back" but this low lvl WAR is like "no, let's kill things." Then, he decides we should camp right next to another party so that we can get all their spam. Then, he's telling me to pull high level gobs. This stupid n00b is basically trying to run the whole show, when he didn't even get party leader status after our party leader left! One pull and the whole party gets slaughtered because yet again, this kid is a total n00b and doesn't know how to play, but is still trying to call all the shots. I die and am so torked off I leave the party. I hate parties that go bad. Vostok 7
  5. you guys are too much!! Vostok 7
  6. Welcome to why we basically quit. (trying to) actually roleplaying in the game with a friend can be fun... to a point. And Yoh, didn't get to play tonight... Though I kept trying to use the macro at the Pool, it didn't work quite right Vostok 7
  7. Vostok 7


    Okay, almost bigger. [insert rabid anti-max jenius rant here] Vostok 7
  8. The vendors that treated me bad... were the most popular vendors of the server. Like I said, maybe it's just the server we were on... And those harvesters? They were there from 2 days after I built my house... Until I quit... 3 months later. Vostok 7
  9. Vostok 7


    Well.... Think of it this way. It's based on the DYRL Q-Rau, which was only seen actually standing for all of like 5 seconds. So really, it's not supposed to stand on it's own. Vostok 7
  10. Maybe it was just our server then because there were many times I was told "can't make it anymore" whenever I asked about something I needed. I worked my tail off for some carbine I absolutely needed (can't remember the type now) and as soon as I walked into the weapons dealer, money in hand, to buy it, I was told "no resources... Can't make those anymore." And of course, all the ones on the Bazaar were crap because all the bazaar gets is second, third, fourth hand crap that someone used Overcharge on way too much or ads for some dealer on Naboo or out in the middle of nowhere, where yet again, you would get gouged or told they couldn't make what you were looking for. Don't get me wrong, get in with the right vendor and you can get pretty good service and deals... But on my server, there were some serious problems with inflated egos and bad customer service. Maybe it was just a sucky server. Oh yeah, and don't even get me started on how bad the resource system is... What fun is a game when you work your ass off to buy a house, find a beautiful secluded spot to put it on, are able to enjoy said spot for about 2 days before someone else puts 2 houses and a bajillion smoking, ugly resource collectors right next to you? Vostok 7
  11. At least it's better than SWG and it's 100% player-based economy. It was like a Microsoft, Enron and RIAA run world what with all the monopolies, pricefixing and gouging that went on. And on top of that, there was exaustable resources... Which meant the 10,000c Carbine you needed for your next level would be 500,000c by the time you could buy it, and by the time you had that kind of money, wouldn't be able to be made again. And then you had to deal with item decay! Grr, the more and more I think about SWG, the more and more I barely miss it. Vostok 7
  12. Pfft, you shoulda taken a play from the "1995 Rabid Star Wars Fan" playbook and just knocked the sucker down and taken his Smokescreen. Vostok 7
  13. Someone's not paying attention... And it's not Keith this time. Vostok 7
  14. [sukebe] ....... [/sukebe] Vostok 7
  15. Reason #2567 I am not having children anytime soon. Vostok 7
  16. No, the M7 Clown Valkries were way worse. I like it. I'd like to pick one up... Little sumthin' sumthin' to cover the stupid "face" and a repaint and that'd be one sweet looking -19. Vostok 7
  17. None in WA... but we're usually the very very last to get anything good, if we even do. Vostok 7
  18. They're not too bad. Some aren't great, but they're typical models... Don't expect them to be toys. You can't manhandle them and expect them to survive very long. They are way better quality than your usual model though. Vostok 7
  19. Did I say it was anyone elses fault? Vostok 7
  20. I guess we all have that problem... Abombz is running circles around me in a Chocobo, Yohsho is nearly too... And in the time it took them to go from 13 to 20, I went from 10 to 16. And had to make level 11 six times. And had 3 months I screwed around in while I could have been catching up. All in a game I bought to play with my friends, who I've barely even seen in the game. I love this game, but at times it can be very frustrating. Vostok 7
  21. Vostok 7


    Grr! Who to buy from! Kevin or Will?! Don't make me choose!!! Abombz and I were talking about this the other day... You know, really, it's not that bad of a deal. $125 for something that's heads and shoulders bigger than the 1/48, is the only of it's kind (there are no Q-Rau toys of this kind, never have been), and has a figure for heavens sake... There's no way I'm passing this up. Even Abombz said she was picking one up, and while not vocal about it, she hasn't been a huge fan of Yamato. Count your blessings guys. Not even the "godlike" Bandai has done a Q-Rau. Vostok 7
  22. 48...? And you started around the same time as us!! I hate you the most!! Vostok 7
  23. That's why I said walking to Windhurst is tough I knew about the ship to Mhaura. 100g is pocket change for that far of a trip!! Vostok 7
  24. I thought Windhurst was a good place for mages? Of course, walking to Windhurst is kinda hard... Vostok 7
  25. whitemage is a quick way to lvl and party too. Though I found that from 15 up, WAR becomes a pretty hot profession. Monk is going to be my subjob. Vostok 7
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