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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. When are we getting some models of the T-50
  2. Just finished my HGUC MS-06F2 Zaku F2 Zeon Version. Killer killer HGUC kit, I'm impressed with how far they've come even in recent releases. I believe my last HGUC was the MS-05L Zaku I Sniper and the F2 is crazy how much they've improved it. Extremely posable. I'm quite impressed. Now I need to get the D-50C Loto set.
  3. And something not totally bigger than 1:144 scale
  4. The VF-1 is just tiny "in real life" in general. Ever compared a 1/72 or 1/48 VF-1 to a 1/72 or 1/48 F-14? Yeesh.
  5. It is rather uncanny I'm also waiting for the Scarlett Johansson as Black Widow... THAT will be a must buy also
  6. War Machine is a MUST have. Danged. Even without the right face, who cares? WANT!
  7. I have to admit, I did roll my eyes at that one. Threads like that in other forums I'm on get flamed to high heaven when they get posted, usually facilitated by someone posting "against the rules" and the OP getting his panties in a bunch and posting a ton of impotent rage. It's always hilarious.
  8. I can NOT wait to see this movie!
  9. Paint on mine has been flawless so far, other than a few minor scrape points due to transforming.
  10. You have to really pull on it, it comes out after a bit, the tab is just really strong compared to the -25. I still haven't quite gotten down posing the -27 yet. I did have one problem with mine. For some reason the neck plate was crooked and I couldn't figure out why, turns out one of the little tabs that slide inside the chest area for the neck plate wasn't in it's channel. Fortunately all it took was the turn of a screw and it popped right in (it won't go in without unscrewing the intake because there's a "cap" on the post) and now everything looks better. The -27 is definitely my most favorite Frontier piece yet!
  11. Just got my VF-27y today and I am definitely impressed. It's a billion times better than the VF-25s. Everything locks together tight in fighter mode, and it looks WAY better in fighter mode than the VF-25s. I can't wait to get the green VF-27b!
  12. 'Scuse me, I need to go change my pants...
  13. Try here: http://www.hlj.com/product/YMT00185 Still saying March. So usually that means end of the month.
  14. Get in on Nanoplasm's group buy. He's got the best price I've seen so far.
  15. So I just got my first couple accessories packs for my Yamato Scopedog, does anyone know what the little parts taped in the box are? They appear to be a couple shoulder peg shrouds and something that goes on the foot but I don't know any Japanese so I have no idea what they are or what they are for. My guess was to improve the pose holding of the V1 Scopedog maybe? But I thought I'd ask.
  16. Indeed, one of Yamato's best. I liked the pilots from the 1/60 VF-0s as well.
  17. Yep, I got my Defender when they came out too. I always wished they had done a TIE Avenger though, as that was my favorite from the game. I think I have an E-Wing too, but those aren't worth nearly as much on eBay. No boxes for either, unfortunately. Awhile back I got the rest of the TIE series that was released in Action Fleet form that I was missing on eBay. I loved those AFs. So awesome. I was very sad when that line died. I was REALLY surprised that LEGO released a TIE Defender just this year. Of course I bought one as soon as I found one!!
  18. Anyone know if there's any changes to the VF-0s? I might be tempted to pick up another VF-0A if they actually did some improvements.
  19. Off duty uniforms!!!
  20. For anyone interested, HLJ has the Yamato Unit 1 on sale for 30% off right now.
  21. If it's real then the number is crooked. And why would they number a prototype "Blue 51"? Even the S-37/Su-47 was numbered 01. Unless it's a play on being the first T-50, but I doubt it. And why camo for a prototype? Just doesn't add up very well.
  22. Supposedly the LERX are maneuvering surfaces, in lieu of canards.
  23. Mmmm lineart. *russian plane fanatic nerdgasm*
  24. We've all been asking that for some time now
  25. Apparently these were moved back to March. I think Yamato was waiting for them to sell out the production run, which I believe they have now.
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