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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Ohhhh I want the Deep Eyes armor... The only real cool thing to come out of FF: Spirits was the Deep Eyes... And the Hammerheads. Vostok 7
  2. You vulture. Besides, she's already giving me her chain armor Or, loaning it anyway Just as long as you clean it first, Abombz... Vostok 7
  3. Gee thanks captian bringdown <_< Vostok 7
  4. I should have started as a Mithra... Vostok 7
  5. When? I don't remember any that really "pushed it". Vostok 7
  6. I made two levels today (17 and 18)... I'm happy about that. Now I just need Abombz to hook me up with her linkshell and get me a magicked skull so I can get a subjob. What server are you on Beltane? Vostok 7
  7. Ouch! hey anyone know the date for doom 3? Yeah, shortly after Duke Nukem: Forever! :lol: You mean "when it's done"? Vostok 7
  8. It would be good for a repaint... I wonder what the Gelgoog looks like. Vostok 7
  9. No, you were wearing that red and tan armor lots of elvann's wear. You looked cool at least Vostok 7
  10. At least it wasn't a male elvann Iron Musketeer again Vostok 7
  11. You didn't make lvl30 last night Yeah, I hate it when people train to the zone spots. I've been guilty of it before, but usually if I'm zoning, I try not to get linkers... That way at the most, one or two aggros will end up at the zone spot. I've seen people drag 5, 6, 7 gobs to the zone. GRRR. What I hate is when people drag bogys to the zones. grr. Bogys suck. I had a dream about FFXI last night again. It starred bogys, and characters with much improved animations... I was still a scrub low level, and there was Seraphae who was now a really high class character, helping out a lower level (but still higher than me) Monk named Abombz with a couple other people. I had just been killed by a bogy when I ran into them. Yeah, I'm pathetic. Vostok 7
  12. And then forget to heal their main tank. "Oh, I'm sorry... I was too busy forgetting you were saving our weakling mage asses." Vostok 7
  13. Also remember that the Valkyries were designed in anticipation of a alien threat that the humans knew would be giant humanoids. The valkyries (and the destroids) were supposed to bring humans to "on par" with the giant humanoids. Besides, why are most mecha humanoid? Mecha like Gundams, Valkyries and the like are supposed to be extentions of the human body, so as such, they are designed with the same limitations. Vostok 7
  14. With all the homoeroticisim in sports, maybe we need teams like these How about a valk-girl then? One of Bake_art's valkgirls would be awesome. Vostok 7
  15. Hasn't that always been the case? <_< Vostok 7
  16. Painting random panels the secondary color just really does not work... Vostok 7
  17. Think about it bro. There's always Popstar Millia... And Cabaret Millia, which I won't post here Vostok 7
  18. Yeah, bake_art has some really good pics. Love his valkgirls. Is this too racy for a mascot? His best Millia so far. Three thumbs up from me. And this one too... Though it's not "flight suit" millia... It's still a uniform Vostok 7
  19. Too bad it's rowboatack. But it's still nummy Vostok 7
  20. I'm standing firm behind Flight Suit Millia! ah... you know what I mean... :lol: Vostok 7
  21. My vote goes to Flight Suit Millia. Vostok 7
  22. I think you're thinking of FFX-2 buddy. FFXI is an online MMORPG like SWG and/or Evercrack... There really are no "characters" Vostok 7
  23. The very first valk I ever owned was a Revell VF-1J model kit in Max colors. It was missing the pieces necessary to complete, but I bought it for $5 at an antique store in '99 or '00. I soon found this place around that time looking for parts (unsucessfully) so I sold it for about $15 on ebay. Shortly after that I found Valky-Exchange and pre-ordered my Toycom YF-19. Of course, that fell through, and a couple months later found me in touch with TSKOH via these boards and me being a proud owner of a complete set of Mac+ valks. About a year (and a whole bunch of funny photoshop pictures later), I was in Hong Kong for the release of the Yammie VF-1A Hikaru, which I picked up there only days after release. Vostok 7
  24. I bet we touched on something we weren't supposed to know or see. Who knows. Vostok 7
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