You didn't make lvl30 last night
Yeah, I hate it when people train to the zone spots. I've been guilty of it before, but usually if I'm zoning, I try not to get linkers... That way at the most, one or two aggros will end up at the zone spot. I've seen people drag 5, 6, 7 gobs to the zone. GRRR.
What I hate is when people drag bogys to the zones. grr. Bogys suck.
I had a dream about FFXI last night again. It starred bogys, and characters with much improved animations... I was still a scrub low level, and there was Seraphae who was now a really high class character, helping out a lower level (but still higher than me) Monk named Abombz with a couple other people. I had just been killed by a bogy when I ran into them.
Yeah, I'm pathetic.
Vostok 7