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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Actually, the highlands are a good place to lvl from 9 to 10 if you avoid anything that'll aggro and only take the hornets and stuff. But yeah, otherwise avoid going past Gustaburg for awhile... Though, if you pick your way past the Gobbies and get to the Valkurm Dunes, you can start partying at lvl 10. Or you can party in the Highlands. Partying of course involves having a WHM to cover your backs. btw... lvl 20 here Vostok 7
  2. I just had the best day of partying I've had in some time... I went from 18 to 19 today and I'm 1500xp away from 20. Not too shabby And I died two times! Having lots of fun... Can't wait to get level 20 and head to qufim and Jeuno. Vostok 7
  3. *cries* I have no money. I swear I only have 4k to my name... Is it just me or is it really hard for a WAR to make money in this game early on? Vostok 7
  4. Yeah, but you had an RDM and three ( ) BLMs... We had like 1 RDM, 1 BLM and a handful of other jobs For the record, some of the most considerate and excellent players I have run into are Japanese. There was a WHM in Selbina once I /t to join my party and she (mithra) replied "Do you speak Japanese" and I said "No, sorry" and she said "Too bad." (via the auto translationy dealy)... I didn't take that "too bad" to be a bad thing... Just that she didn't want to party with us if we didn't speak Japanese. I've partied with a few Japanese players and they are always very respectful (if you are respectful to them) and they know their job like no tomorrow... Which is great since you don't have to communicate with them to tell them what to do. The only time I have been mad at anyone Japanese is when I ran into a high level Japanese WHM doing raises for 3000g. Now that's just a little unfair, especially since he was the only WHM around that could do a raise. Vostok 7
  5. :lol: :lol: Vostok 7
  6. Here's a question... IS IT HUMANLY POSSIBLE FOR MACROSSWORLDERS TO NOT COMPLAIN ABOUT ANYTHING??? Good LORD. First it's that the 1/60s are "too pointy" or "have detachable legs" or some other crap. Then it's the 1/48s are "too chubby" or "too flimsy" or some other crap. Then, anything 1/60 is "too small" and "when are they gonna make a 1/48". And now, we see the FIRST VF-0 toy EVER and it's "why isn't it 1/48" and "1/100 is crappy" and "it's gonna suck". My god. I'm glad Yamato only really listens to the Japanese market or they would have given up a LONG LONG time ago. Vostok 7
  7. WOOHOO!!! VF-0!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! *ducks molotov cocktails and flaming toilet paper* So it's 1:100, IT'S THE FIRST DAMN VF-0 TOY WE HAVE. And knowing Yamato, it'll be quite cool. 1:100 is unexpected... I was expecting 1:72. Maybe they'll change the scale before release? It happened with the VF-1s. Vostok 7
  8. BAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHAHHAAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA. That's hilarious. What I love is when someone gets aggroed and pulls like 3 Gobs to a zone, all the while running past every PC and party he can find as close as possible to try to "shake" the Gobs... Usually, they get theirs. There are some freaking stupid people in this game. It's amazing. I thought SWG had it's fair share of incredably stupid people (like the guy who decided he hated Bothans, and went around saying so... After proclaming he was my "friend" because I had made the mistake of grouping with him and saving his ass from a Swooper) but FFXI has taken the cake so far. The one I loved is when I got into a party with a lvl 11 war (I was lvl 13 or 14 by now) and after a couple pulls our party leader D/Ced somehow. Now, this little lvl 11 war had already been trying to run the party, but after our party leader D/Ced, he just went off on what we should do and when and where and yadda yadda and he wasn't even the new party leader! And even worse, the other party members were listening to him!! I kept saying "No, we shouldn't do that. No, we shouldn't do that" and then waiting for the party leader to say something, but then they'd all just follow this 11 WAR! And what happend? He got the whole party killed because he was an idiot. Also, never party without a WHM (I did it once, will never do it again) or with a WHM on dialup that D/Cs in the middle of heated battles. (how he got to lvl 19 I do NOT know) Vostok 7
  9. Yes, I was really trying to Vostok 7
  10. What I love is the apparent recent inability for WHMs to heal their tanks. I've died like three times now because of WHMs that didn't do their job correctly. And they always come up with lame ass excuses... Like one time, I pulled a Gambler or a Leecher and it cast Stonega on me as I was running up to the PT... It took away most of my HP... And a few MINUITES later without a heal, I was dead. I hadn't gotten ONE heal the whole time. The damn WHMs should have been healing as I walked up! Not waited until I was half dead, then taken their sweet time to heal me at their leisure while healing other PCs. That really really pissed me off. The tank should ALWAYS be the focus of healing BEFORE ANYONE ELSE, no matter what damage they have. The tank is there to save everyones asses, and if no one else can be bothered to save his, he can't do his job. Vostok 7
  11. Doesn't everyone? Too bad she's too slow to be a real killer character. She's good and all (I love her range and throws) but she's just a touch too slow for my tastes. I'm a really really fast player... I like to get in and get out before I can take much damage. Talim does that perfectly. I hate Ashteroth the most... First time I played I did get raped by Cervantes and Lizardman, but now they're not that hard. Ashteroth and Necrid can rape me if I don't get inside of them as quick as possible... Necrid's probably the toughest in that case since he's got a better up close game than Ashteroth. Vostok 7
  12. 1. EWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWW 2. Yes, but only in the sixties 3. Not bad, but kinda a weird face at times and a funky voice 4. Agreed. 5. I'm torn between EWWWW and Yeah. Vostok 7
  13. I'm really leaning towards Talim now. I got Seung Mina and I think she sucks. Way to slow... Nice distance, but if you don't know her moves you get stuck in crappy ones that get you pw3nd real easy. I'm starting to prefer Talim over Taki because Taki just has speed... Talim has an excellent combination of speed and damage that makes her a great character IMO. I got her crescent blades and she's practiaclly unstoppable now. What I like about her is that her moves flow into each other, so with well timed and placed moves, you can take down your enemy in no time. Taki is fast, but her moves aren't natural to me, they don't flow as well as Talim's, plus, I think Talim does a bit more damage. I desparately need to learn how to GI though. I'm too slow to figure it out. Vostok 7
  14. She's hot... Like a latino flavored Alizee in a couple picts. But she's got a weird lower lip thing going I don't like I'd hit it like a doorknob though. Vostok 7
  15. Oooo! OOooo! Can I get one that says "Winger RuleZ!" Or "Facts of Life Kicks total AZZZ!" Someone got a thing for Blair, Nat and Tootie?? .....or is it Edna? :lol: :lol: Vostok 7
  16. Ms. Scarlet can use the candle stick on me anyday. did I just say that out loud? Vostok 7
  17. Same here. Vostok 7
  18. It's probably female only Vostok 7
  19. OHHHH GUNCANNON PRODUCTION!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SOLD. Now just make a 8th MS Team production Guntank. Vostok 7
  20. I wonder if there's a feather boa in the game... And I need to chrome plate my longbow. :lol: Vostok 7
  21. I did a little party with another guy doing what I'm trying to do, level his subjob to 10 before continuing... He was subbing RDM20 with BLM10 and was at 8 so he partied with me and we just powered through stuff. Got killed by a Shrapnel, then moved on to lighter stuff lol. We took out two chains in a row... Two lizzies chained, then two Quadavs chained on us at the same time... we took them all out without a problem. It was fulfilling. Vostok 7
  22. Shawn has been really busy lately. Actually the real Shawn died years ago, I have assumed his role.(For those of you that have seen Equilibrium, you know the ref.) I was wondering why he was so mean and smelled like old cheese lately... Does this mean your many admirers can have you banned for having multiple accounts? BAAAAAAAAANNNNNNNNNNNNN!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  23. Used to be my MSIA Dendrobium. Now... not sure. Vostok 7
  24. William! Move your head! Look at the size of that boy's head! Shhhh! I'm not kidding, that's like an orange on a toothpick! Shh! You're going to give the kid a complex. Well, that's a huge noggin! That's a virtual planetoid! Has its own weather system! Head! Move! HEEEEEEEEEEAAAAAADDDDDDDDDD!! Vostok 7
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