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Everything posted by Vostok 7
I was talking about your character. Otherwise Vostok 7
It's impressive. I haven't played the demo yet (dling now) but the screen shots certainly look impressive. This is the kind of engine they needed for Trespasser. Vostok 7 <--- unabashed Jurassic Park: Trespasser fan
Hey, it's what the game is SUPPOSED to be about. I see sooo much OOC stuff... We hadda shake 'em up a bit. Abombz!! and I tried roleplaying in SWG but it was just too dull to really pull off well. FFXI is rich enough that it's easy to do well. We had our characters down perfect to their stereotypical races... I was the stubborn, glory hogging Hume, and she was the proud warrior Elvann. It was awesome. Vostok 7
No... I think the thread was deleted, but this was that really tiny (110mm) figure of Rei with insane articulation. I must have one http://www.tokyocentral.com/shop/exd.asp?id=2181 Vostok 7
Um... Vostok 7
Prolly the most classic quote that came out of the whole act. That was pretty awesome. We had a crowd around us and I'm sure everyone in the port was scratching their heads going "wtf"... It was like playing a cutscene! Vostok 7
Dude... If they have them and I haven't gotten one by then, lemme know! Hook me up!! Vostok 7
That's such BS, they should produce more if there's a desire for it. Trying to make it some rare collectible piece when lots more people want it doesn't make any business sense; so maybe there's hope yet they'll do a second run. Sorry man. Exactly my thoughts. It sounds like it's a damn Star Wars figure. "Uh, yeah, there's a HUGE demand for this, so we're only going to make 5. Sorry, you're screwed even though it's like your most favorite character of all of them. Look on the bright side, if you ever take over Microsoft and can afford the multi-million dollar pricetag this will have in 30 years, you're welcome to it." <_< <_< Vostok 7
So I just got this email from Tokyo Central... So where do I get one now? *cries* Vostok 7
:lol: Star Wars IVIIVVVXXX: Attack of the Cloned Sigs Vostok 7
I like the robot mode. Hopefully it's got an at least 75% decent "other" mode. Vostok 7
A-a-and Yoshi..... he isn't Yoshi?!?!?!?! Vostok 7
Uh, good thing that sketch is a complete ripoff seeing as how it's a sketch of the VF-3000... Quit teasing us man! I want to see it!!! Vostok 7
*cough cough* plus it's just a cartoon *cough cough* Vostok 7
*insert harsh Duke and Agent-esq statement here*
Yeah you can get there from San d'Oria and it's way shorter than going the way you did... That's an awful long walk... You go La Thein to Junger Forest (sp?), to some "hollow" place (can't remember the name off the top of my head) then to Jeuno... La Thein is just the San d'Orian version of the Highlands, and as such, there's a San d'Orian version of the Pashow. Really, the setup of Vana'diel is really simple. Jeuno is the center, and there's three arms that are basically the exact same of each other, with one exception... Only San d'Oria and Bastok are directly connected. Windhurst isn't connected like they are. meh, I can't make a map thing... Jeuno --> Windhurst, Bastok, San d'Oria Windhurst --> Jeuno, Selbina (centerpoint to San d'Oria and Bastok) Bastok --> Jeuno, San d'Oria San d'Oria --> Jeuno, Bastok Each country has 2 close in zones, 1 farther zone, and 1 "centerpoint" zone... IE Bastok, South Gustaburg, North Gustaburg, Highlands, Selbina. Jeuno has 2 zones in each direction, IE, Rolandberry and Pashow Meadows. Vostok 7
You didn't have a map?! I bought a full set of maps as soon as I got to Selbina! Speaking of maps, where can I get a map to Qufim? Those giant things are scary... Vostok 7
I went with a 20THF/10RDM through the San d'Oria side and it took us all of five minuites and we never got aggroed once. Of course, I haven't been on the Bastok side yet. But I know a 18 WHM that walked all the way from Windhurst through Jeuno to the Dunes... Vostok 7
lol it's ok. It wasn't half as bad of a trip as Abombz!! made it seem We've got four to do the Emissary mission btw. You, your bro, myself and a lvl 20 THF / 10 RDM. So we'd need a BLM and a good WHM. (I would be the tank and you all would nuke everything) Vostok 7
"Wow! My masterpiece prime TRANSFORMER showed up and I'm gonna sign up and post about it on a MACROSS forum! Awesome!" Sorry, just had to make light of the situation Welcome and enjoy the masterpiece prime (I still don't have one) Vostok 7
See? Thats my point... You guys BOTH bragged to me up and down about how cool Jeuno was and when you got your chocobo and stuff... Then, I get one, brag about it to ONE person, and suddenly I just suck. I can never win. Story of my life. I told your bro to get to 20 asap and that I'd help him get to Jeuno when he did (and I actually will which is more than I got from any of you two after all your promises ) but he's focusing on lvling MNK for his subjob at the moment. I got killed twice in Jeuno last night Once in Qufim and once in the area just before Jeuno on the San d'Oria side because I was with the person I came up with and they wanted to kill things so we got one other guy and I kept saying take toughs, but they brought this VT Ba and we all ended up getting killed Good thing I had gotten to like 1900xp in Qufim before dying... Vostok 7
Only cost me 140g You just can't give me a break, can you... I finally get this ONE THING to hold over someone but NOOO I'm just a jerk... :P Vostok 7
Gee thanks for telling me NOW after it took me so long to get from 18 to 20 The easiest levels to party in the dunes seem to be the lower end (10-15) and then again in the higher levels (18-20). In between seems tough, though there's not many low levels either. Yoh, I think your bro is pissed at me... I spent all the time he and I were on last night bragging about how I was in Jeuno and then had my Chocobo I told him "Hey, I had to hear it from both Abombz!! and your brother" so I know exactly how he felt Vostok 7
It really isn't, you just gotta know where to go. Get a party and head to the NW corner of Valkurm from approx. 2200 to 400... This is the corner where the beach for the second part of the Bard quest is. There's at least 2 - 3 ghouls that spawn in this area, usually only toughs or decents. Another area is J-6 and J-7 in Valkurm, but you have to kill bats to get the ghouls to spawn. And finally, there's the Gusgen Mines, but I wouldn't go there with out some really high level support. I made it to Jeuno. It really wasn't as hard as people make it out to be ( ) and I'm about 3/4 of the way through the chocobo quest. There's some pretty amazing stuff around Jeuno... It's nice having a change of scenery. And it sucks because I'm totally broke. Once I get my chocobo I guess I'm gonna have to go farming. I'm shocked and amazed how many ~lvl 20 n00bies there are. And how they got to Jeuno blows my mind. Vostok 7