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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. 110mm. It's about 4.30" Vostok 7
  2. I need money. Vostok 7
  3. hjafsdjh haouhef afjndjnas hdaoladljhfda Vostok 7
  4. My opinion? Yes. Will it happen? No. Or at least, it's more likely that we'll get a 1/48 scale SDF-1 than an English Yamato website <_< Vostok 7
  5. BTW, do you really think Yamato cares? That kind of stuff may work here in the states, but first of all, Yamato could care less about the American market of (or feelings about) these toys. Why should they? They really can't even legally care. Yamato didn't care that people didn't like 1/60 scale. Or removable parts. Or "mosquito noses". They did change those things, and in the end made the 1/48 which was chubby and had no removable parts... And people STILL complained. Frankly, I'm glad Yamato DOESN'T listen to most of it's customers. If I was Yamato I would have said "Aw screw it" years ago. Vostok 7
  6. And you just came to this realization... NOW? Vostok 7
  7. Clearly you mistake me for someone else. I just continue to wonder if it's possible for Yamato to do anything right in the eyes of the fanboy. I wonder how many Japanese fans are complaining about Yamato's move away from diecast. Obviously, the Japanese are favorable since in Yamato's eyes, that's the only market they care about, and rightfully so. Personally? I think the move is an excellent decision. Why? 1) Price. 2) Balance. 3) Detail. Some people can't afford fifteen 1/48s of the same type... Some people can't even afford the 1/60s! So I think this move is great because it brings it down to an affordable level. And as Graham mentioned, there's better balance and detail. Don't look at the YF-19 and tell me it's a detail and balance marvel. Or even worse, the YF-21. So it's plastic. It's more VF-0 toy than we've gotten so far, and that's good enough for me. Vostok 7
  8. You have, my friend. You have. Vostok 7
  9. WTF! $34.99 for that itty bitty figure?! Wasn't the original Japanese version for less than ¥2,000? And I thought Diamond always get those Eva stuff at below yen MSRP... It also comes with the vol. 9 manga Vostok 7
  10. Don't you just love coming to very early assumptions? You know what happens when you assume, don't you? Vostok 7
  11. See my comment above... <_< Vostok 7
  12. Don'tcha just love ignorance? Vostok 7
  13. Supposedly, it spawns down by the little spire in F-8... by the campfire. Some ass ran through there and emoted "points at leaping lizzy" and shouts "WHAT WAS THAT?!" I was like uh, right, since I didn't see anything. I want leaping boots btw, usually only brutal sheep spawn on the top of vamp hill. Though, probably Enchanted Bones and Black Wolves do as well. Anyone know why you can target the campfire on the top of the hill in N Gustaberg? Most campfires you can't... but that one you can. Strange. Vostok 7
  14. Ok, can someone tell me where the Leaping Lizzie spawns in S. Gustaberg? Does anyone know? Vostok 7
  15. If anyone's interested lol. Is "I must have one" and "I want one too DESPERATELY" interest enough? I'd pay $35 for it Vostok 7
  16. Demo is only single player. Vostok 7
  17. Finished the demo. I'm absolutely impressed. The body physics need to be touched up a bit (they're not quite Halo level yet) but overall I really really like this game. I'm sold... I'm getting the full version. I can only imagine what the multiplayer would be like. All those plants... And Abombz, you'll be happy... there's a rocket launcher Vostok 7
  18. We didn't get one aggro. We musta just been lucky because I went through there again with my chocobo and the place is crawling with weapons and gobs. Vostok 7
  19. Baaahaha. Tell that to me 6 months ago when I was playing SWG Vostok 7
  20. She speaks from experience unfortunately Vostok 7
  21. Just played for a few minuites and I have to say I am FLOORED by this game. Last game that impressed me this much and had this much depth was Trespasser... This game is almost the same, but there's much more richness and realisim and detail. It has it's faults... Obviously, it's way too graphically intensive (I have a 3.0ghz P4 with 256mb DDR ram and a GF4 and it still brought my comptuer to a standstill, but I have it set on very high graphics)... but damn is it pretty. The AI is interesting, but I can see it has faults. On the other hand, if someone is hiding, it's very tough to find them. The interactivity is on a level I haven't seen since Trespasser as well. Very impressive. I can't wait for the full version. And to explore the whole island. Vostok 7
  22. 1hr 50mins Now to try it out... Vostok 7
  23. Almost done Pulling about 77.8kbps Vostok 7
  24. Hey, I wasn't the one who said something about being lonely and a moogle. Vostok 7
  25. I think that's part of the problem Abombz had with me in SWG too Something like that <_< Vostok 7
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