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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. I picked up one of these over the weekend. I'm impressed. For a $20 there's alot of detail here. Excellent articulation, almost on the level of the V2 MSIA (not as good in some spots, and better in others... kind of a wash). Lots of accessories... Two shields (one with a regular arm mount, and one with a beam rifle holster and arm mount), two beam sabers (duh), beam javalin, hyper bazooka (the Gundam also has a folding panel on the back to hold the hyper bazooka), beam rifle, Gundam Hammer, 6 or 8 hands, and the core block fighter (which has to be assembled, but is prepainted and detailed). The backpack has a removable cover, the codpiece slides down to allow the cockpit cover to open, and the body splits in half to allow the core block to be inserted... there's even detail on those interior parts! Very impressive. However, there's some things I don't like. I know some have complained about the QC on paint jobs... The store had 3 of them, and all looked like they had decent paint (it's nicely weathered and lined, a first for a US RX-78), but all three had crooked V-fins. Also, the head design is one of the worst I've seen on an RX-78-2 to date... It's got the same bulbous proportions as the Ver. Ka but not quite as good looking. The head is really the worst part on this toy. But all in all it's a good deal for what you get for your $19.99 (I think that's the price isn't it?). I just can't wait to get my hands on the Gelgoog. Here's a little Gundam song to finish off this post, sung to the tune of Strongbad's song "TROGDOR" from the "Strongbad Sings and other type hits" album. GUNDAM!! GUNDAM!!! Gundam was a man! I mean, he was a Robot Man. Or maybe he was just a Robot. But he was still... GUNDAM!! GUNDAM!!! Burninating the countryside. Burninating all the Zakus Burninating all the Zeons In the spaceborne colonies!! Spaceborne colonies!! (guitar solo) When all the land is in ruin. And burnalition has forsaken the countryside. Only one guy will prevail. My money's on... GUNDAM!! GUNDAM!!! And the GUNDAM comes in the NIIIIIIGGGGHHHHHTTTTT!!!!!! Vostok 7
  2. Sounds like they're still having problems... Information says FFXI will be down until 1500 PST (3pm). Vostok 7
  3. No, Duke Togo will be complaining about that in the Feedback forum. Vostok 7
  4. Hm... If cute asian girls were doing it to me, I really wouldn't care... [abombz] SUKEBE!! [/abombz] Vostok 7
  5. Hey there, would you like a chocolate pretzel? Vostok 7
  6. Mmm, Mai Mai... <---- Vostok 7
  7. If he did it cool and it still carried many of the original design traits, I would like/buy it in a heartbeat. That is, as long as it's a difference like between the RX-78-2 and RX-78-02 (Origin version). Vostok 7
  8. Actually I would say it's more like the 1/100 is fine with me damnit!!! crusade. I don't care what size it is, I just want transforming VF-0 toys. Vostok 7
  9. And the soon to be released expansion packs: I want everything in 1/60 damnit !!! and the I want everything in 1/72 damnit !!! Haven't we been here before? At least they phased out the I want everything in 1/55 damnit !!! model. Vostok 7
  10. I hope I get one this year. I didn't last year. I actually had to pay MORE taxes last year because the guy who set up my payroll is an idiot (gave me too many deductions). So what am I going to do with it? Dunno yet. I got a healthy bonus and a good raise last year, so I'm good for dough and all I need. I might splurge on a Monster or something. Vostok 7
  11. Hm, couldn't we say the same thing about WWF threads and a certain thread about a certain movie star someone here has a love affair with? Way to pick your battles bro. Vostok 7
  12. Gah!! You scared me for a moment there! Don't do that!! *wipes forehead* So what is the story? Vostok 7
  13. FIGHT WITH SCREWS!! CLASSIC!!!!!!!!! :lol: Vostok 7
  14. BTW, this IS true last I heard... Graham said about 6mo. ago that after the VT-1, VE-1, Monster and one other 1/60 (which we now know is the Q-Rau), the 1/60 line was dead. I know this because when we first supposed/asked that a 1/60 M0 line was in the works, Graham said that there wouldn't be any 1/60 M0 toys. Frankly, I'll be suprised if the VF-0 is made in 1/60. More than likely we'll see a 1/72 version. POSSIBLY a 1/48 but I wouldn't bet on it just yet. Sorry all you 1/60 lovers (which is suprising since everyone chants 1/48 around here) but it looks like 1/72 is gonna be the way. Besides, a 1/72 VF-0 is already going to be as big or slightly bigger than a 1/60 VF-1. Vostok 7
  15. The zoom on the sniper rifle is also controlled by the mouse wheel Vostok 7
  16. Yeah, the 1/100 VF-0 is gonna be a little smaller than the 1/60 VF-1's are already. I don't mind that. For a bigger scale though, I think 1/72 would be nice. 1/48 would be just way too big. And we know Yamato is ditching the 1/60's after the Monster and Q-Rau. Vostok 7
  17. stange. I like it. Vostok 7
  18. Of course!!!! Vostok 7
  19. Damn, it should have been a divorce!!! Vostok 7
  20. I must have that Q-Rau. Vostok 7
  21. Hmmm neat custom Q-Rau. Vostok 7
  22. The anger is strong in this one... Vostok 7
  24. First people who preordered and still wanted them (as in hadn't aquired them elsewhere) would get first dibs on whatever they get. Unfortunately, I made the mistake of waiting until the day before the pre-order ended which means my chance of getting one through them is slim to nil. Vostok 7
  25. They said they would be able to secure a few, but not nearly enough to satisfy all pre-orders, and that what they did get, would be first come first serve. It was sent from websensei@tokyocentral.com Vostok 7
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