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Everything posted by Vostok 7
It really wasn't that bad of a fight... It's just usually my PTs are afraid of taking on Giants. Vostok 7
lol pwn3d. As usual Yeah yeah yeah, I remember now, it is Divine Circle + Curega... Because that brings about as much hate as Benediction. I was confused Vostok 7
lol I know... when they run around it only makes it tougher for me to 'voke 'em off because then I either get "unable to see" or "out of range". I was in a good pt that got raped by a pugil last night. I think pugils are out to get me... every time I've ever had a problem with a good party, it was a Pugil. BTW Abombz, I think you and your EF rocks... Qufim is under Bastokan control... Which means HPs and crystals. WOOHOO! I came back to the HP in time to get XP from that pugil that raped us (they busted out the 2hrs on it and managed to finish it off somehow, but both 'vokers got killed, so they had no damage). So it was all good. Then, I got in a party with Suko when I was gonna log and we managed to take down a Giant Trapper that some PT had been kind enough to drop in our spawn spot while we were killing clippies. Only 192xp. Not impressive. But it was impressive that we managed to kill it after we were already damaged from the clip. I'm a voking machine lately... Any time something aggros anyone except me, and I have more health, I will voke it off and tell everyone to zone or call for help if we can't zone and get it away from the mages. Thank god for high lvl japanese players who will take down CFH's. The party that got raped by pugs... our WHM made the mistake of using benediction while we were fighting Smart. Anymore I tell WHMs to only use Bene during down times, becaust I can't 'voke the hate from a Bene. Vostok 7
Am I the only MW'er that posted their photo?
Vostok 7 replied to UN Spacy's topic in MW Site News & Member Feedback
I didn't think I'd ever see the day Agent ONE used the word "Cute" lol check my photo, especially DA... "Everybody do the Colony Drop!" Vostok 7 -
Everything is for the weak with you!! Vostok 7
Well that tears it, I'm going to Qufim tonight and partying like mad. After I take a bath and clean some more clothes of course Priorities!! I still don't know what I want to do as a advanced job yet. Vostok 7
For one thing, I don't even know what the heck a gobbie bag is... I just want money (I hate being poor, in real life and in games)... And as far as "not managing my life correctly"... wtf do you mean? I mean, abombz you know my life more than anyone else... and lately it's been "forsake everything to play FFXI". I wake up before 8am in the morning and work until five, at which point I ignore all the dishes that have to be washed, rooms and clothes that have to be cleaned and play FFXI until about 1 or 2am at which point I go back to bed hoping I won't ignore the alarm and get back to work in the morning... Then, on the weekends I usually drop any other things I have to do to play FFXI. You sound like my mom! Vostok 7
Can't you ever just let me be mad in peace? You always have a point... I just hate feeling like I'm being left behind and that's all that has happened. And it doesn't help that you all brag about every little thing I haven't done yet "oh I got a chocobo!" "oh I got to this place!" blah blah blah. I don't even have a fing linkshell to help me or anything (even yoh's brother has a freaking LS!). I don't know what or where I'm supposed to go half of the time. And then I look on the online guides about how to finish quests and stuff and I keep getting shades of the pissy micromanagement of FFTA. blah. I'm just getting worn out... between trying to get fame and money, and needing XP bad... it's just too much. And I even took a 3 day off this weekend without playing. The problem is breaks make it worse because I get time to reflect on all the things I hate about something, and that's true of everything. And I'm stupid enough that I keep buying PS2 games and now I bought an Xbox and a whole bunch of games and I feel the need to get those finished but I can't because I'm spending all my time working or playing FFXI. So basically, it's all my fault. Like always Vostok 7
How can I take a break when you guys are going to lap me (and in abombz case, again and again and again)? I have enough stress in real life at the moment, I don't need some stupid game taking up all my free time and pissing me off every time I play it because it's so damn frustrating. I'm broke ass poor (I finally hit 11k gil FINALLY) when everyone else brags about how much money they have, I never get any good equipment and it takes me forever to get levels and then, I never get to party with my friends (except yoh I suppose) which was the whole purpose of me getting the damn game in the first place. And then, I see places like that place in the sky and I'm like "I wanna go there!" but no, I have to be lvl 60-75 to even think about it, and like I'm EVER going to get lvl 60-75 in my lifetime at the speed in which I lvl in this stupid game. So once again, here I am, more than just a little pissed by this game. I thought questing and NM hunting would breath a little life into it, but then I come here and everyone tells me how stupid it is because you never find them or get anything anyway. So whats the point anymore. Vostok 7
Feh. I'm seriously starting to hate this game (again). Vostok 7
What did I miss! What did I miss! Nice, she'll party with you Drad, but not me. I see how this is. j/k I'm seriously torn between keeping trying to trudge on and just plain quitting. There's some things about this game I just cannot stand anymore. Vostok 7
Treant bulbs? I can't get them to grow. And where do I get fruit seeds? Vostok 7
I grew a ice crystal from an earth pot (I think mine's earth) / grain seeds / dark crystal. You guys know the best place to get dark crystals is Raunfare with the fungars. I used to get tons of dark crystals as Sandra when she was high enough to fight the fungars. I also grew a stack of Millioncorn the other day. Doesn't sell for much though Vostok 7
Because you haven't explored enough? yes you're supposed to let me keep stuff you paid for! Duh! Every time I've tried to sell fetich parts on the AH they didn't move... And yeah, I tried that "sell it when there's nothing" thing once by putting a pinch of sulfur up for 6k... didn't sell... And I've explored just fine thank you very much. Until now I was too busy to go into Palborough. And maybe a part of me was being a wuss and didn't want to go after the bad experience I had the first time I went there. Vostok 7
I've tried this... Fetich parts just aren't selling on Unicorn... At least I can get 2g less from the markets for them. (198g instead of 200g) But for a few minuites of soot hunting in Zeruhn I can get a stack of soot and trade it to that guy in the mines for 150g for 3 pieces (600g, less than they sell for on the AH but see next point...) and get bat wings and fame to boot. There's a boat to Bastok from Palborough? Why didn't I know this? Vostok 7
I know you were referring to his house... And as for guides, I didn't buy one I've been using all the online ones I don't know how I don't have any money either! I'm just unlucky... Whenever I was soloing, I never got any drops, and even when I party I never managed to get anything. And of course, everyone tells you not to lot. Not to mention the fact that I made the mistake of throwing away and selling to shops lots of stuff instead of saving it and stacking. So the only chance I have to get any serious money is to get some luck on an NM (I did manage to get 5k off that wild cudgel from Hudredscar Hajwaj) or stumble on to some stacks (like bat wings last night, 1.5k). I might go out to the wadi and try my hand at some sulfur stacks (6k), because I can actually get drops off the mobs in the Wadi and plus, I can always get animal glue out there. And of course, crystals at this level are almost impossible to get. I somehow managed to get a stack of Winds though I'll have to get sold. Yeah, and you have 70k because you made me give back all the weapons I borrowed from you Vostok 7
mmmmmm kate beckinsale. She'll be worth the price of admission. And my main man has always been, and always will be, Van Mundegaarde. Vostok 7
I know you were talking about farming that's why I said "anyway". I meant easily as in all the guides say you can take that mission at a minimum of lvl 15 I know it's not going to be easy And all I have for furniture is a table and a pot. The table I got for free, and the pot I bought to start getting stuff from gardening. I was agreeing with you... Geez. Get off my case Vostok 7
I want it!! [abombz] SUKEBE!!!! [/abombz] Vostok 7
We have to kill Copper Quads anyway for the mission after the Emissary. I've finally got myself to about 8k now, with a few good auctions I hope will sell. Then, I'm doing the Drachenfall quest. Then I'm going to Sandy to finish off that orc warlord. After that, I'm going back to Qufim to get myself to lvl 25 so we can finish the dragon quest easily. And unfortunately, partying with his brother anywhere there's something that can aggro us is like an elephant in a fine china store <--- yoh's words, not mine. I think we do need to whip it into shape. My biggest problem has been money and the fact I have none. But I think I have a way to remedy that quickly and easily (the cost of a chocobo and the time to run around and I can make 8-10k a whack) when I get the chance. Vostok 7
Damn! I just noticed the FA-78-1 doesn't have the extra barrels mounted on the arm shield. I hope I'm just overlooking it Vostok 7
Which one? The RGC-83 GM Cannon II was a 0083 figure... And the Mudrock, I'm not sure where it fits in exactly Vostok 7
ooo pretty. Must. Have. Fix. Mudrock. And. FA-78-1. Msia. Drool. Buy. Buy. Buy. Vostok 7
Imagine the RX-78-3 NT-1 had an illegitimate lovechild with the RGC-83 GM Cannon II... [homer simpson] with sexy results [/homer simpson] http://www.mahq.net/mecha/gundam/zeonicfront/rx-78-6.htm Vostok 7
Oh crap... Mudrock FIX?! FA-78-1?!?! Why must bandai do this to me... Vostok 7