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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. LOL you mean that hat I had had since we first met in game? I got rid of it now, remember? Vostok 7
  2. Baaahahahaha best response of the thread!! Vostok 7
  3. lol.... that would be extreme overreaction/hyperventilating HS teenage girl BS. Like, OMG, did you see what Harmony was wearing yesterday! Vostok 7
  4. You mean the one that you weren't supposed to do? Vostok 7
  5. The one we did last night was Dark Harvest + one I can't remember + Hard Slash. Vostok 7
  6. I should have joined Unicorn!!!!!! I've been able to pull off a couple chains. Fortunately, with GS WS' I'm usually at the middle or rear end of a high lvl chain, so if everyone sets "I'm doing such and such a WS now!" macro, I know when to trip. Last night I was with a PT with Suko who was helping me out (pt was 2 mithra, 2 elvann females, Suko (hume female) and myself, hume male lol) with trying to do some chains... So I told the girl going before me to set a macro that would say what she's doing, then I adjusted my Hard Slash macro to /wait 4 so I could trip it immediately when I saw her message. Sometimes the party is going too fast for me to pay attention, but I've pulled off a chain just by counting and hitting the macro and praying Vostok 7
  7. No I can't read... I was homeschooled. He's just not as vocal with things about that like me Vostok 7
  8. Yeah, well, he has one already. And I'm beginning to think that being a girl means nothing in this game. I swear, you're the only girl/girl in the game I know... and I'm not even 100% positive sometimes :P j/k DT's LS still thinks he's a chick. Vostok 7
  9. *whine* because I want oneeeeeee... I don't know why but I dooooooo... *whine* Vostok 7
  10. I said drop that. Gee, now I know why you get so pissed when I don't leave subjects alone. Vostok 7
  11. More than likely they're just trying to see what they can get away with... But I don't know. I'd like to think they're not that stupid, but we shall see I suppose. Vostok 7
  12. lol you, yoh and DT have been bugging me about not having a LS since you guys first got them. The only thing I could have ever imagined I've ever done wrong was when I complained once on the dunes about not being healed by my party... I was the tank and pulling and I didn't get one heal, and I voiced my feelings about such since it got me killed... I didn't leave the party, and I did my job still like I was supposed to, and everything came out real cool... But I was like already lvl 17 by that time. Usually I never say anything... I just do my job and respond to questions. Lately I've been even trying to do chains with people (but I suck because I can't time it right). The only time I ever speak out is if someone is doing something stupid, and usually only after the rest of the party has spoken their peace. Vostok 7
  13. Exactly my question. Vostok 7
  14. Really, what else is new Vostok 7
  15. LOL you guys are the ones making a big deal about me not having one! How exactly does that make me feel better? I'm not making a big deal out of anything (and if it seems I am, it's mostly a joke )... I just get frustrated when people wave things in front of me like it's some kind of prize and I haven't gotten it yet. It's the exact same reason I hate video games with "unlockable" crap... because the stuff you have to unlock is always way cooler than the regular game has to offer, and like I'm ever going to play the game to get it. Vostok 7
  16. GRRRRR. Vostok 7
  17. In that vein I could understand why YOU wouldn't give me a linkpearl, but other people don't know me. Vostok 7
  18. ...RISING... Vostok 7
  19. Oh I see Urge to get angry and quit again... rising. I do my damn job, and I rarely tell anyone else to do their jobs unless they're doing something stupid or not doing what they are supposed to do. And do I get helped or anything because of that? No. I was in a party where 3 of the 6 people got a linkpearl... and I didn't get one because I had died or something and was running back. Vostok 7
  20. boobie missles. Vostok 7
  21. no, I didn't tell him that. I just said "you can't voke bene hate." Everyone else in the party was saying the same thing. And the only other time I've said anything was when a WHM was using Divine Circle + Curega while we were fighting and then screaming for a voke Vostok 7
  22. I know, I've noticed that too. What I'd love is that I would actually be hitting the damn thing, then bust the 2hr, and then miss every hit afterwards High evasion mobs it's almost useless to use anything other than a defensive 2hr since your chances of hitting seem to almost halve. And that's especially bad soloing with a GS and you get into trouble because not only will you be missing, but it takes years for you to swing again I wish hundred fists would carry over on the sub... Pretty much, the only useful 2hr attack for a pt is hundred fists... Vostok 7
  23. I suppose you have a point. I'm just the type of person who waits until the absolute last second to bust the 2hr, because many times I've seen people use their two hours every chance they get or "feel necessary" and end up not having it when we really could have used it. Vostok 7
  24. He was close enough to the tower to voke and had plenty of HP and IIRC, he had MP too, and we definitely had the upper hand on the pug we were killing. If anything it would have been better if he had saved it until we were being raped by that other pug but then, that's just my opinion I suppose. There were members in the party that were still in white and yellow HP levels when he bene'd. Vostok 7
  25. lol I have been a WHM before remember? Fine, I won't tell people what to do anymore... If they get killed because they generated so much hate I couldn't voke then that's their problem. btw, in the situation this person used benediction, I didn't feel it was necessary. Vostok 7
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