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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. lol bah I'm just not a "bard" type person Vostok 7
  2. :lol: BARD?! And you think getting a party as a WAR is tough! I've only ever seen Bard as a sub... Another one I'd consider is Summoner... mmm summoning giant things. Vostok 7
  3. Yeah, that's why I said I wish it was a stronger class at higher levels, so you don't have to commit yourself to one side or the other. Though I supposed someone could just be like you and do everything I'm really leaning to PLD now. If not PLD then I'll do something completely different like NIN or SAM. Vostok 7
  4. I hear that... I like attacking just as much as the next guy. I actually wish WAR was a stronger job. In my opinion it's a nice "middle road" between a dedicated attacking job like DRK, SAM or NIN and a dedicated defensive job like PLD. So I've almost considered just keeping with WAR and levelling different advanced jobs for subs, just for the bonuses. Vostok 7
  5. We had a MNK/WAR pulling for us last night. The PLD and I kept trying to volunteer but he insisted Then we had a DRK/WAR who would voke the mob off the PLD any time she got into the yellow. Finally she said "Don't voke it off me! Save it until you absolutely have to!" and he goes "oh, ok." At least I knew better than to voke off a PLD. Vostok 7
  6. lol that is true of about every class in the game... There's many times I can be out hit by a similarly level'd WAR... (which is one reason why I want a braveheart at the moment). PLD just makes alot of sense to me. I always seem to be the tank anyway, so why not just dedicate myself to that? Vostok 7
  7. Alright... PLD/WAR it is then. I partied with one last night (lvl 25 PLD/WAR mithra). Whats funny is usually PLDs of my same lvl have less HP than I do at this moment subbing MNK (424hp... She had around 400-410hp) but the difference is, she could take damage alot easier, plus she could heal herself. It made me want to be a PLD I see alot of DRKs running around, but as you guys have said, I could never really see an advantage to them. I could almost always out hit and out defend one. The only advantages I've seen them have are BLM casts, which, if you have a dedicated BLM on your party, are practically useless as well. Usually, the DRK in my parties are the first to die. Vostok 7
  8. The NIN AF looks sweet too! Never seen it before. If I was serious with my Mithra THF I'd work her up to getting NIN AF. The WAR AF looks cool, but only on chicks That THF AF is kinda cool... Very "robin hood" esq. You'd need one of those green feather'ed caps and a good bow to go along with it And that's another AF that should only be worn by chicks. (good lord I hate the yaoi factor of this game. Fanservice is great except when it's guys ) I'm seriously thinking going PLD/WAR now... I would like to be an attacker, but something about being the saving grace of a party (other than a WHM) appeals to me. But then, Yoh wants PLD too so I dunno... Maybe I should just stick with my original plan of DRK/SAM... But then I heard that DRKs aren't as desireable for partys as a PLD since a DRK is just another attacker, whereas PLDs will almost always get a party like a WHM since they have an honest to god ability. That and the PLD AF armor looks cooler than the DRK. So I still don't know yet LOL. Vostok 7
  9. That PLD AF is pretty cool. Would probably look good with an IM helmet. Vostok 7
  10. LOL yeah I know, but come on, who really cares about WB? Vostok 7
  11. You're not the only one *drool* I went to a TRU in Hong Kong (IIRC, it was Kowloon side in that big 3 story mall). Wasn't impressive to me. It looked like a US TRU I wanna go to Japan now. Vostok 7
  12. I love it when shows just magically disappear... You'll hear a show hyped up and then suddenly... nothing. Like Happy Family... Or It's all Reletive... Or any other CBS sitcom... I'm suprised 2 and 1/2 men is surviving... It's actually somewhat funny in spots but I tend to find it... i dunno. I get this really strange feeling from it. Also the humor is too dry. Grounded for Life was pretty good. I wonder why it didn't do so well. I also like Bernie Mac... That show is funny. And Malcom in the Middle has it's moments. Vostok 7
  13. I was with a good party last night, but then everyone had to leave. I hate that. We took down a giant and I only got 50xp probably because we had 25's in the party. grrr I'm so lonely now that I'm the only 23. Except hatsuko... meh. Vostok 7
  14. http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...320entry96790 Vostok 7
  15. Simpsons is a great show, but with all the episodes that can be re-run, I wouldn't mind if the movie is indeed it's swan song, as long as it's good. And right now, yes, Arrested Development is giving me more literal "LOL"s than Simpsons. Vostok 7
  16. I think it looks pretty good. Vostok 7
  17. VERY MUCH SO kasumi... Vostok 7
  18. lol you're just so... Pokeable. :lol: No worries. I poke Abombz and DT when I see them, and Abombz will 50/50 either ignore me or poke/wave back. Vostok 7
  19. I took one look at the requirements for the AF quests and said "what's the use." Vostok 7
  20. lol ah all those money wasters. Check yo' PMs too Vostok 7
  21. Great choice. It's still a good car. As long as you get the GT-S and not the SR5. Both are still RWD and still strong cars but the GT-S has a way better engine. It's much harder to find though But you can usually get one for about 2-4k if you buy right. Vostok 7
  22. The Agent ONEs of the world are collectively crying and jacking off on doorknobs in sadness. Vostok 7
  23. I wanted a bastokan cap... like a 10 HP boost and looks just like that crusty old Legionnaires cap Vostok 7
  24. Headbands are so lvl 7, duh. Vostok 7
  25. what else am I supposed to wear? That ugly looking lizard helm? Please. Vostok 7
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