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Everything posted by Vostok 7
I might be able to get a Mithra RDM, but he's never ever on. I ran into him in Qufim last night and that's the first time I've seen him in a month... I think my LS has a RDM/WHM but pretty low lvl. I'll keep my eye out and maybe even ask around. Why is it finding WHMs is always a problem? geez. Oh yeah on saturday in the party with Matelle, there was this other party camping near us and they kept giving us trouble. There was this one jerk that would "cheer on" whatever we were fighting and then get mad when we won... Then when a couple of our members got killed he was kicking them and stuff Oh yeah, and when they linked 2 pugs and I voked one of them off and our party killed it and saved their party, only one person came over and thanked us after two more pulls Gee, we didn't HAVE to save your party's ass. I was half considering just letting them kill them all. I let it soften them up a bit before pulling it because pretty much everyone in the area agreed they were jerks. Vostok 7
I'm hardly ever on And yeah, there's like no one in my LS lol. I can get a DRK probably, and the owner is a PLD. But I haven't seen any WHMs yet. Vostok 7
Oh yeah, I'm dropping Great Sword. I decided that since I'm going with Paladin, Great Sword wasn't that necessary of a skill. Plus, regular swords are alot cheaper and I miss hitting more often. I went from 48 to 68 regular sword on Saturday with one good party. I made sure to tell them what I was doing and said if they wanted me to use the great sword I would, but we didn't have any problems. I was going to buy a Braveheart (finally) with the 10k someone nicely gifted to me, but getting to lvl 25 means new armor, so basically everything I have is getting sold to buy new armor because chainmail is 33500 and someone else is using theirs apparently. So right now, until I can get the keys and get everyone togeather to go kill the Dragon, I'm stuck gil farming to make some measly cash. Vostok 7
You could get her to help us Vostok 7
Bah! Bah!!! BAHHH!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I hate you now! Oh yeah, and I finally got a LS. I had to do the pity thing, you know, "i've been this long without a LS" and "I have a friend with a pearlsack who refuses to give me one" and whadda ya know, it worked. No, I had pretty good parties the last two days. First party today was surviving 3 VT-IT gob links without a scratch, until one of us got killed and some people had to leave, so we all moved outside and told the party leader (who was a SAM, but obviously a n00b in most things) to pull some clips for quick XP. Well, he pulls a pug. We kill it, and tell him to pull a clip this time... He pulls a pug agian and it links then he says he has to go to Khazam so he leaves and disbands the party but we see him not 5 minuites later with a LFP sign. So then I got in with a party with a girl I partied with once in Qufim when she was a war a long time ago (she hit 30 war and has since been working on DRK) and we've kinda struck up a friendship... And things were going great. She was a 22 even and with me and one other 24 we were still getting excellent XP. I was even complimented on my tanking skills (and got my LP ). Then something went way wrong and the party was being pwn3d left and right by every aggro and their brother. One guy ended up dying 4-5 times I died 2 or 3 times But we stayed togeather, kept at it, and ended up getting most of the party some lvls including me to lvl 25 And then I ran into one of the guys who didn't lvl in Bastok and he wants me to help him tomorrow get lvl 25. So I finally feel like I'm getting somewhere Vostok 7
Oh yeah and Here comes the Thnikkaman!!! Vostok 7
The "Kid's Book" one is hilarious too. Some people have a southern accent and those are hot. Trisha is a severe hottie. Some people are being fangoriously devoured by a gelatinous monstarrrr. Hillary's legs are being digested. Everyone is different. No two people are not on fire. Awwww. Vostok 7
Well, I got two good parties today so I'm happy. Last pull we did tonight was an acrophies... Took down two of our vokers leaving me and one other (bard), and the two mages (who were out at the end). I had been down to a couple HP a few times, and we were just hitting it for 0... finally the battle turned after it took down the two other melees and I used mighty strikes and brought it down. We got 200xp from it. It was crazy. That was our second messed up pull too.. The first one was a Dancing Weapon that we were doing fine on until a giant ranger spawned right next to it. So I voked the ranger and ran for the tower, and called for help... a whole bunch of people showed. Unfortunately, I didn't know CFH does it to both mobs So we ended up loosing the XP for the dancing weapon we had no troubles with. (my plan was to get the giant away and let the rest of them finish the weapon without me since they weren't having any problems with it, and I didn't want to just zone because then the giant would just lumber back over there and start taking them out again). A few of them had known what I did, but there were a couple who were wondering why they didn't get XP... I apologised profusely but then they all responded that it was the only thing that could have been done to save the party (because the first thing it did was aggro the mages) so it was no biggie. But they did get me about 1000xp over only about an hour. Vostok 7
I switched to a sword and sheild today to give my GS a rest since it was maxed out anyway. I went from lvl 48 to lvl 68 in no time. Helped I was with an EXCELLENT party. We were just killing everything. I'm thinking about sticking with sword for now... Since as a Pallie, I'm not going to be using a GS much (no use really), might as well get used to it. I'll probably lvl my GS to 70 and then dedicate myself back to the sword. I picked up a flame sword (gotta love addt'l damage effects) and an aspir shield. Sure, I hit for about half as much damage, but I missed hitting more often Had a fun moment... One guy in our party pulled a pugil and linked a Banshee... First thing I did was voke the banshee and ran for the tower along with the mages... Then, when we were in the tower healing, the 2 guys we left behind go "wtf did everyone zone?! we had it!" lol everyone was like "there was a fricking banshee on us!" lol. Those two managed to finish off the pugil, but got themselves killed somehow. Fortunately one of our mages had recently hit lvl25 and had raise (my first party with a raiser). But I was happy. Not one mage got killed, and I didn't die either. That's always a good time. Vostok 7
Big hands I know you're the one! Vostok 7
:lol: wait, that's not funny... *cry* Vostok 7
I think Abombz is probably glad I wasn't on when she was today Vostok 7
Correction, you're a train wreck I would have asked you to be my valentine :P Vostok 7
BAHHHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA And he wonders why I didn't want to party tonight. Hey, come to think of it, I shoulda broke out Kat. Maybe I could have scored some nice stuff with her purr and rub emote :lol: Vostok 7
fame and 500g. Plus, I bought a stack of Quus and I still have 6 or so to go. I managed to score a silver name tag when I was in the mines too. Woohoo, 550g and fame! OH YEAH! And you know that silver bar quest from the chick above the middle house on the S Gustaberg gate side of the markets? She gives you 2200 for a silver bar (ingot?)... Well, usually, silver bars are like 3000+ to buy on the AH... Well, guess what, they were 2000 today. I made a nice 200g profit for that, and I didn't even have to figure out how to mine Vostok 7
No, just convince your bro to gift me 20k Or theres other people who could *hint hint* (yeah, like THAT'S ever going to happen ) I dunno... It just struck me to do it. I was gonna go out and get another steam clock but I said "wtf, I'm gonna go get ziggy" and lo, he was there, and it was good. It would have been better if he had dropped that damn sword!! Vostok 7
NO! Unacceptable. I will NEVER borrow money from anyone. Equipment and items are another thing, but never money!! Unless of course someone wants to gift me 20k. Vostok 7
woohoo!! I made a last minuite decision to camp Zi'Ghi Boneeater tonight and I SAW HIM AND KILLED HIM!! YEEHAAAWWWW. He even used invincible and I managed to take him down. Didn't get a braveheart All I got was some stupid crusty Course Gauntlets which only sell for about 350 on the AH But I think my theory is correct... All the Quadavs in those two rooms must be killed to get him to spawn. I had cleared the room he spawns in, and then had the fortune that a lower lvl party cleared the second room and he spawned. That's the second time I've seen him under such circumstances. I have to camp him again. Vostok 7
IIRC, Abombz said it was MegaMan music... But it is very familliar to me. Strongbad is my hero. "Ha ha! Panpan is fat! He sat on you!! Ha ha ha!" Vostok 7
LOL!!! That reminds me of Toyfair! "Sacrifice the virgin!" "How do you know he's a virgin?" "It's all smooth plastic under there..." Vostok 7
:lol: that's the second time this joke has shown up in this very thread Vostok 7
First of all, what are you doing on a barbie site Second of all, Ken is and always will be a gay pansy. GI Joe will ALWAYS be more man than Ken. Or any male barbie doll for that matter. Vostok 7
lol I just hadda go to an Asian TRU... It was when the 1/60 Hikaru was being release and I thought they would have one. I was in there once for like 5 minuites... Then the rest of the time I went hunting in local shops (most of which IIRC I got from suggestions on here )... The local shops do indeed rock so very hardcore. I scored a MSIA Dendrobium for like $70... It was on sale, and we managed to still work him down after I bought a couple Auto Art 1/18 cars from him Vostok 7
Bah!! Its fun to walk around with "Listen to my song!!" as your ability yell. :lol: You have a point! Vostok 7