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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Hm, I only have one ring then... Vostok 7
  2. yes, I have both. I also have the battery, keys, CD case, memorandum, power cord, and the wierd box. Vostok 7 You need to use the final key to open the box. the ordinary house key looking thing? I try to use it on the box and nothing happens. Vostok 7
  3. I figured you were, which is why I made a comment. I think it looks cool Vostok 7
  4. The green on the inside parts makes it even more real! j/k looks cool man, needs some kind of camo maybe? Vostok 7
  5. lol I forgot it was you I was talking to Nothing would stop you? Not even my wanting to play? Wow. j/k Vostok 7
  6. You said you wanted to play it not 10 posts up... Either way I don't care anymore. FFXI is starting to get on my nerves (again) as well lately. Vostok 7
  7. Hm. Well, I'm not pre-ordering it then. It said you could sign up, or secure a place by pre-ordering. And your last comment... I could see that coming as soon as I expressed the slightest interest Vostok 7
  8. bah. Well, yeah, so I sold a bunch of my stuff and got a full set of chain armor, and then was going to go help my LS help someone get their keys... So first, they tell me to go to Sandy, but then they were done there so I said ok I'll meet you at Palborough... Then we got talking about armor for awhile and then everyone went silent. So I said, ok, I'll just go down there. So I sit at the mines for about an hour killing things and stuff, and I see the LS people are there... so I msg them saying oh I'm here just killing stuff and stuff, and they say OK, then I found them on the second floor killing things, so I stood around while they were killing things and then they ran off... So I stood around killing more things, them not saying a thing... and finally I got fed up and left. WTF. I can never win. Vostok 7
  9. I so want it!! [/also sarcasm] Vostok 7
  10. yes, I have both. I also have the battery, keys, CD case, memorandum, power cord, and the wierd box. Vostok 7
  11. OK I'm lost. can someone help? I've got two things into the box top... but I can't find anything. Vostok 7
  12. Yeah, SWG's character creation was the best. Too bad the game didn't follow suit And for some odd reason, despite all the good customization abilities, everyone ended up looking the same or similar to me Except my character. He was ass ugly. Vostok 7
  13. I broke down and signed up for the Lineage II beta (not because of the sukebe factor, but because it looked genuinely interesing)... If I don't get it (which I probably won't) then I won't be buying it, if I do, well then I'll get a nice few month head start on Abombz' machine-like lvling powers. Vostok 7
  14. Yep... Definitely more sukebe Vostok 7
  15. So I see lineage 2 is more of a sukebe game than FFXI Vostok 7
  16. Abombz will probably be happy to hear this... After I'm done with FFXI, I'm done with MMORPGs for awhile. Vostok 7
  17. Then help us out! I'd like to get pali before thinking about quitting. Feh, great, another game for you to get all into. Yeah, it's fun to play with your friends... I wish I knew what that was like. I have another friend who's all about Lineage 2 as well Vostok 7
  18. Oh but that is porn Vostok 7
  19. Maybe they lifted the idea since MS shelved it? My question is if it is one of these really tough private kill zones without PvP, how will dying be handled? I'd assume you'd still loose some when you get killed... If not, then it would be an excellent place to get togeather and get mad XP. If it is PvP, how are they going to handle drops and XP? That's one reason I'd never PvP because I wouldn't want to loose my stuff. And what about /anon players? I could go on and on. Vostok 7
  20. Good lord look at that plane list!!!!!!!! I was only passively interested in it when I saw it (mostly because I was confusing it with Air Force Delta Storm) but now I'm getting that sucker. There's alot of awesome planes on that list Vostok 7
  21. Thats what it sounded like to me reading through it, and I really hope that's what it is because that sounds immensely cooler than PvP. Kinda like when the twinkling treant was around... If that's what it is then, I'm in... Otherwise, I'll forget it even exists. Vostok 7
  22. That's why it's an "alternate universe"... So if they did do PvP it would make sense because it's some sort of evil subworld. But I don't see PvP happening. Alot of people have been looking forward to it happening, but I for one wouldn't participate because I don't think it's a good idea. PvP is one of the things I absolutely hated about SWG, and from what I heard, it was better in that game than most PvP able games. Vostok 7
  23. lol figures they'd increase the lvl cap when I have no chance of ever even getting to lvl 75 anyway lol. The problem with making this place a new lvling zone is it's not permanent... So maybe they're working on new areas? How could they do that really though? It's not like they could add another continent lol. Vostok 7
  24. I'm betting it's not PvP... The job classes really aren't sorted out right to make good PvP like Abombz said. Also, if you read the announcement it says "enemies"... I'm betting it's some sort of really tough subworld with some really cool nasty things to kill. Vostok 7
  25. Interesting... lvl increasing mobs... relic equipment?... status increasing furniture (took them long enough to make those expensive pieces of crap actually worth something)... Interesting stuff. Vostok 7
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