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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Yes... Please do. Vostok 7
  2. gotta love the vein-popping and downward pointing nipples. Vostok 7
  3. Whoa whoa there Jack Lelane... I would say "this I gotta see" but I really don't care about you, or anyone elses man bresteses. Vostok 7
  4. After spending 3mo. a year for 4 years in Arizona, I wholeheartedly agree with you Vostok 7
  5. Good lord, the man is like fifty. What did you expect, chisled pecs? Vostok 7
  6. lol everyone in this game is either a DRK or a PLD but I see WAY more DRKs than PLDs. Way more. Vostok 7
  7. Uma Thurmen may be ugly as sin anymore, but you can't beat a chick in a wedding dress holding a kick ass katana. Vostok 7
  8. OMG I just listened. Someone hold me... At least you can still hear minmay in the background Sounds like some southerner trying to be a hawaiian trying to sing in Japanese KYUN KYUN DIE DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  9. he definitely forgot to convert from HKD Vostok 7
  10. So they won't really be New Material Models will they Vostok 7
  11. I've tried to set a search comment and I can't get it to work. I figure Paladin is like WHM, you'll get invites left and right (as long as ppl know what you're supposed to do ) You just have to deal with people in Valkurm who think Monks should tank (because you have so much hp!!) and Paladins should heal the party. (why are you only curing yourself!!) Vostok 7
  12. I'm not even thinking about going back until the space expansion comes out, if it ever does (last thing I heard it was supposed to be Feb ). I wonder if my character will still be around. Vostok 7
  13. Is it anything like Subspace? I used to be hooked on Subspace. Back when it was beta and free. Then they charged for it and it died I was an ace in the Speed Zone. Vostok 7
  14. Feh. SWG got really repetative after 5 minuites. I mean, yeah, I liked it, but there was only so much "run 5 miles out of town and kill 50 of such and such a thing for 500c" I could take Even worse when they HALVED the hunting rewards. One day I was getting 1500c for killing some mobs and actually feeling good... then they updated and the next day I was only getting like 400c for the same mobs Vostok 7
  15. OMG sailor pluto has green hair!! but she doesn't have sailor mars' legs Vostok 7
  16. Are you sure? I mean yeah, I've seen some crazy things come out of the random name generator... but Urallupons? Think about it. Sound it out. Vostok 7
  17. I agree with you on the name thing Abombz, but there is always exceptions to the rule. For instance, I partied with a Mithra named "Urallupons" once and she was a really good player. But generally anyone with some retarded sounding name I will avoid... because usually they're the players with loud obnoxious public calls for their WS' and such Vostok 7
  18. I want the pallie AF something fearce, but knowing me, it'll take me a year to get there. I desparately need to take a break though. And yet I can't because now people are relying on me to get stuff done for them these games ruin lives. Oh yeah and I love my LS. They can go from one day being really cool, then I come back the next day and they're really cool... then I leave for about 2-3hrs, and when I come back they all but ignore me and when I ask anything of them they get all up on me. Then, not 2-3hrs later, everything is cool again. Saturday I was literally rolling on the floor because one guy in our LS (who was a 32 RDM btw) was completely clueless about how to do missions We explained to him 10 times what he had to do and nothing... And there was another guy in the LS who started yelling "can someone raise me in north gustaberg?" so Maryel said "sure, where are you?" "yes" "ok, where are you?" "north gustaberg" "where in north gustaberg?" "yes" "no, where in north gustaberg!" "on the road" Vostok 7
  19. I'll have to look in my perfect memory and design works again, but I thought the VF-1A head laser angled down to let the landing gear do its thing. I'll have to double check, but that's what I remember. Vostok 7
  20. I'm not your monkey RC!! Abombz, the leader of my LS has gotten her pallie to lvl 36. Most of the people I see getting that high are jobs like mages and pallies and things like that. I've seen one other job past 32, a 41 DRG in my LS... And I was quite suprised he was that high. One of my 30+ LS members has been lvling in Garlage Citadel lately... but he said partying there is hell. Part of the reason I haven't progressed that fast is because I've actually worked on doing missions and quests. Half of the 20-30+ members in my LS haven't even gotten past Rank 2, and most of them haven't even DONE missions yet Most of them don't even do quests either... That's what blows people out on this game so fast, is just sitting there all the time and lvling. Any time I get tired with this game I take a break and do some quests or something. Vostok 7
  21. lol I keep running into all these people that have totally obliterated any progress I feel I've made. I ran into a mithra I partied with who helped me get to lvl 20 (iirc), she was around that at the same time. She's now a lvl 41 BLM with every job except DRG unlocked and most of them at around lvl 30. Anakie, the one who gave me the linkpearl went from lvl 1 DRK to lvl 30 DRK in like a week. Drad got lvl 30 in a month. WTF is my problem Vostok 7
  22. There's too many men in this thread Vostok 7
  23. I just want lvl 30. that's all I'm asking for at the moment Vostok 7
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