I want the pallie AF something fearce, but knowing me, it'll take me a year to get there.
I desparately need to take a break though. And yet I can't because now people are relying on me to get stuff done for them
these games ruin lives.
Oh yeah and I love my LS. They can go from one day being really cool, then I come back the next day and they're really cool... then I leave for about 2-3hrs, and when I come back they all but ignore me and when I ask anything of them they get all up on me. Then, not 2-3hrs later, everything is cool again.
Saturday I was literally rolling on the floor because one guy in our LS (who was a 32 RDM btw) was completely clueless about how to do missions We explained to him 10 times what he had to do and nothing... And there was another guy in the LS who started yelling "can someone raise me in north gustaberg?" so Maryel said "sure, where are you?" "yes" "ok, where are you?" "north gustaberg" "where in north gustaberg?" "yes" "no, where in north gustaberg!" "on the road"
Vostok 7