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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. I got two hehe. One's going to get put away, the other I haven't decided what to do yet. I'm tempted to put it together as-is but I probably should do a custom if I ever get the patience. I was VERY surprised to see that they included two decal sheets (the colors/stripes/etc., and a numbers sheet like the normal 1/60 valks get but in decal form) and one sheet of stickers (just the colors). I expected a sheet of the normal stickers but I guess I wasn't supposed to get one? Either way, very cool stuff. Can't wait to play around with it.
  2. So I've had my RD Stark Jegan and Geara Zulu for awhile now and I love them, I plan on getting a couple more of each to have a little squadron. I was quite surprised that both are quite a bit bigger than the Gundam Unicorn, but if you look at the specs that's actually "correct". Did any one else notice that the Stark Jegan is set up to attach the large nuclear missiles like the original CCA MSV version? I wonder if they are going to release those as an exclusive addon later. Would be cool, even if exclusive. CCA-MSV version: Unicorn version: (images from MAHQ)
  3. Dang!!! Whole lots of want! Where's the best place to get myself a 1/100 CF?
  4. Bandai America used to distribute quite a bit. There were HGUC and even UC MG kits available at places like Target and Toys R Us way back when, and lots of MSIAs. IIRC they started selling MSIA (and some weird larger G-Gundam goods, and then went to Wing/Endless Waltz MSIAs and kits and then finally UC stuff with the last I remember seeing being Char's Counter Attack stuff, including the huge Nu Gundam and Sazabi action figures. They always seemed to sell relatively well except for various figures of unpopular characters and most of the G-Gundam line so I never understood why they ended up pulling out. Of course, by the time they started doing the UC stuff, there was little TV show support so that might have been part of it. However, model kits and some figures are still distributed in the US by Bandai America. Playmos can be bought at hobby stores which I believe are distributed by Bandai America (they have a sticker to "Americanize" the warnings, anyway, like they used to have at Target and Toys R Us). Hobby Town USA has carried some MSIAs and HCMPros, and also Gashapon toys as well. So they're still out there, they're just hard to find.
  5. WHOA, CF GBP?! Waaaaant, even if it is crappy and supports the Evil Empire. I assume those are going to be lost to obscurity though.
  6. Looks like it's cleared up. The LRS Turbo Custom set, the first picture you posted, the "big red box" is the set I have along with Weapon Sets 1 & 2, Space Fyana and the Parachute Sack. I wholeheartedly recommend the LRS Turbo Custom set, it is 200% awesome. Someday I want to get the Red Shoulder Custom parts (the last picture posted) so I have a red shoulder and the different shoulder missile launcher and backpack and stuff. Still need a Roundmover too. Keep in mind, the Red Shoulder Custom Parts set has the LEFT side red shoulder which is technically the "wrong" side, but is anime accurate. There was a separate release of a Red Shoulder Scopedog (with no extras, just the normal long rifle) that has the correct RIGHT side red shoulder. Otherwise, there's always custom painting which is super easy on these bad boys.
  7. What is it with people with the screen name "Agent" and the need to sexualize weird things. AgentOne: Door knobs Agent-GHQ: the 1/2000 SDF-1
  8. I'm so confuzzled. The big red box, aka the Last Red Shoulder Turbo Custom Set, does NOT have a red shoulder. The full set comes with a Scopedog Turbo Custom, and the "Last Red Shoulder" set. The weapons set is EXTREMELY similar to the "Red Shoulder Custom Parts" set which was also available in a bundle with a Scopedog like the "Last Red Shoulder" set. The "Red Shoulder Custom Parts" set DOES come with a left read shoulder. The main immediately recognizable difference between the two is the shoulder mounted missile launcher, the one on the Last Red Shoulder set is a little bigger. Also, the Red Shoulder Custom complete set with the Scopedog is NOT a Turbo Custom (doesn't have the large rollers and flip down leg mounted boosters as well as some other differences). Here's a reasonably good list of what all has been released: http://www.yamatotoysusa.com/page.cfm/105?CurrentPage=1 The only thing it doesn't show is the bundle with the Red Shoulder Custom parts because that was a limited release, the parts set was available alone as was the Last Red Shoulder parts. Otherwise I'm completely confused about what's going on here Also, the if you mount the parachute pack you can't mount the waist Gatling gun or the shoulder missile launcher since both are attached to a backpack, so you really lose much of what the big weapons pack is all about. The waist mounted two tube missile launcher and arm mounted cannon can stay, though.
  9. Where do the grenades come from?!? Do I want to know?
  10. Meh, no different than the VF-27's "101" being in two different locations on the two vertical stabs.
  11. *finger hovers tenuously over big red PANIC button*
  12. Yeah, they're not all perfect but it holds well enough for me.
  13. Mine stick in fine. After sliding them in I pushed on the end a little and they clicked in to place and are pretty secure. From what I've seen, all of them are capable of that including the two tube launcher and the big launcher from Weapon Set 1.
  14. The Parachute Pack is pretty cool, has a ton of opening panels with little removable boxes and things, and it folds so that it can stay on in Down Form. I still need the Round Mover, I have Weapon Sets 1 & 2 and the Parachute Pack. Weapon Set 3 isn't as interesting to me since it has only one other gun the other two sets don't have. I'd like to get the big Red Shoulder set that has basically the same parts as the Last Red Shoulder Turbo Custom but includes the red shoulder. I love my Scopedog. It always amazes me how many gimmicks are on it, and the accessories too! The lack of any detailing is disappointing, but the thing can be basically completely taken apart so customizing is a non-issue.
  15. So I voted for the Stark Jegan, Geara Zulu and Doven Wolf... I think...
  17. The red box is the one I have, managed to get it just before they finally sold out on HLJ. The white box I think is still one of the "bad" releases, and so is the Brutishdog I believe.
  18. Apparently these are out now because HLJ wants money for the ones I ordered.
  19. There were many large fighters in WW2 that mounted some pretty impressive cannons and still were relatively fast and manuverable. Not "howitzers" by any means but still decently sized. Even some smaller fighters that mounted good size cannons as tank killers. Look at the A-10, a modern example of what I'm talking about. An on the other hand, you had the Il-2 "Flying Tank" which was practically indestructible in WW2 and wasn't that big of a plane. Modern fighters have done away with a lot of armor and weapons in favor of higher speeds and better power/weight ratios, but with modern materials updated versions of those older fighters would be incredible. They just aren't necessary on the "modern battlefield". One I always liked stylistically and for realism was SF3D/Machinen Kreiger which was set in the distant future but was very much WW2 in space with walking tanks and power armor. Awesome.
  20. Then again, most of those can be negated via technological advancements.
  21. Like I said, if it had better maneuverability (fast & agile, like a Gundam for instance), then it would be an advantage. And potentially a bipedal robot could be better in a tight environment (such as an urban environment or a forest/jungle) or an uneven environment (rocky mountains, for instance) as opposed to a tank. Better protection against close in threats as well, and a better coverage for weapons. There are advantages, for sure, but first you have to get over the 1) technological barrier that we have right now and 2) the cost/maintenance issue, that's where the idea of "practicality" comes in. For civilian use there are advantages to large bipedal human-like robots for sure. Just imagine construction or warehousing if you had large bipedal robots. For space applications, such as outer space or different planets, bipedal robots would be great for warfare, since your limits are much less. This is where Gundam actually makes some sense.
  22. Dang, that looks wayyyy better. How did you do it?
  23. Iron Man-esq body armor makes sense. But multiple meter high walking tanks don't make much sense, especially when they turn in to airplanes. Turning in to airplanes makes sense since it increases mobility, but the weight and maintenance of all the mechanisms necessary would be crazy. The only way things like a Gundam or a Patlabor, for instance, would make sense is if it offered more mobility than a standard tank. In their respective animes, they do, but at the same time defy physics most of the time in order to get the effects they need. Otherwise a tank can do the same thing at a much lower mechanical cost.
  24. Yep, I thought it was decent enough. And Robot Jox was as close to a Battletech movie as we'll probably ever get, so I can't say anything bad about it. It's been a LOOOOOOONG time since I saw it last though. I have it on DVD, need to watch it some day.
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