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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. oh man I so shouldn't pass this up... but I gotta think about it. Is there any possibility of getting a finished one? Vostok 7
  2. gundamstoreandmore are among the best of the best I've dealt with. Vostok 7
  3. Yeah, I've never had a problem with Kev's packaging save for once, but I was buying a B condition item anyway so it didn't matter. But then, I'm not admittedly anal about packaging. My Q-Rau though arrived in factory fresh condition Vostok 7
  4. Vostok 7
  5. I coulda been a contenda! Vostok 7
  6. I don't quite understand your question... Vostok 7
  7. I heard a clip of it on Conan last night and from what I saw it was quite impressive... Vostok 7
  8. I MUST HAVE THESE!!!!!!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  9. speaking of that. follow this link I am somehow highly disturbed right now Vostok 7
  10. Oh man, now I need a DYRL Max -1S to complete the classic battle scene. "So beautiful..." Vostok 7
  11. You know, I think this is the first Yamato I wasn't at least somewhat disappointed to get. Every Yamato release I've gotten has had a major disappointment in some area or another... The Q-Rau is spot on... Nothing too disappointing... (except of course for the Millia figure which I really wanted to be articulated) Vostok 7
  12. I see curves Seems like every guy wants Millia to have 36DD/E's and J-lo's ass. She was never like that in the movie Really, though, not that I'm complaining Vostok 7
  13. Alright, I'm THERE! Vostok 7
  14. Good lord man, even I am not that fat. Vostok 7
  15. I played the demo and was quite impressed by the immersiveness. I got BF:1942 and like it alot (gotta love hopping in a tank and blowing up some nazis) but it just doesn't seem as realistic as CoD. The demo blew me away... the concussions of the mortars... crashing airplanes... parachuting soldiers... dead cows littering a field... very very impressive and immersive. Plus, it has iron sights unlike BF:1942 which I like. I've been tempted to get it... I like how alot of these games are starting to include the Russian side of things because people tend to forget the Commies were even in WWII... and that they were America's friends at the time Vostok 7
  16. It's nice living only two states away... It only takes me 3-4 days to get my stuff from him Vostok 7
  17. Normally I wouldn't post a new topic for something like this but I thought I'd run a quick review. My first impressions: I love it! Of course, the Millia figure was the first thing released from the plastic tomb so a few words about it... well, there's not much to say. She does have a butt but it's nothing to write home about... Overall, she's got a nice figure Not much to see in the helmet and the face sculpt looks a little off to me, but you can see some green hair.. always a nice touch I have the Banpresto Millia statue/figure on the way and I can't wait for Yamato's followup figure. On to the Q-Rau... I love it!! It's so awesome! I'm quite suprised by the amount of posability and moveable things... The little head thing even moves! Sure, I think it wasn't quite worth the $120, but heck, it's the first Q-Rau toy of this size ever and I think it's great! Despite being 100% plastic it doesn't feel cheap to me at all, even compared to the 1/48 (which feels a touch flimsy to me at times). It reminds me of the old Robotech figures of like the Invid and stuff, similar plastic and similar solid construction. Very impressed overall. There's a few things I worry about... The fingers are a little annoying since they barely stick in position, and a few things like that. I'm really happy with it. Not disappointed at all. I'm glad I nabbed it when I did. Now just to wait for the CF types if they make them Vostok 7
  18. It's $13 a month at least for the PC version. And early on (lvl 1-10 or so) you can solo just fine. It's after lvl 10 that it gets really hard to solo. And yeah, you don't really have to have connections... But with 2-3 times a week of playing you should be able to make some friendships with people looking for parties. I usually only get 2-3 times a week to play, and it hasn't caused me one bit of trouble (except all my friends pass me like I'm standing still and it pisses me off ) Vostok 7
  19. Also, don't worry about how much play time you get. You can really play this game at your own pace... Just make sure you don't play with any friends if that is the case though Vostok 7
  20. You have to party, but you don't have to party with the same party all the time. Vostok 7
  21. This... this I disagree with Yes you will quit, some people are smart and quit early... Others wait until it has absolutely destroyed their life first. Of course, I am of the latter Vostok 7
  22. Yeah, the PS2 version is exactly the same as the PC version, so I would really suggest you look over that thread. Vostok 7
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