Yeah, you have to have a serial number to DL it, which means you have to be an accepted beta tester.
I did some playing today. It's fun, but I just don't get that great of vibe from it. It's obviously in rough beta (weird text for quests, empty buildings, unnamed NPCs, etc) but it is somewhat fun. The graphics are the only thing that sell it for me really.
Fighter type is fun to a point... The old hack 'n slash only goes so far IMO. The mage type is more fun, particularly at lower lvls (wind strike kills in 1 to 2 hits)... but from what I hear, fighter is a bitch at low lvls and then can solo well later on, whereas mage classes are a breeze at lower lvls and nearly require partying at later lvls.
But still, it's rough. Alot of the controls and panels really aren't intuitive IMO. There doesn't seem to be any real form of keeping a friendlist of any sort... things like that.
It's fun... but FFXI holds more interest for me right now. I'll keep at it though, I want to see if it gets better towards release.
Vostok 7