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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Ohhh it'd be nice if they did some MG CCA suits. I would probably buy a PG Nu. If they made it convertable to a Hi-Nu (ala the last release, the GP01/GP01Fb) that would just be icing on the cake. Vostok 7
  2. Good lord look at those graphics!!!!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  3. Speaking of Kubricks I have to add them to the list. I got some VOTOMS sets and they were HORRID. I was expecting sooo much better. Oh well, I sold them on ebay for like more than I paid Vostok 7
  4. Any figure by Kaiyodo or Kotobukiya pretty much. Beautiful sculpts but otherwise they suck HARD. Vostok 7
  5. For the obvious reasons Vostok 7
  6. The feet in the upper left corner are Monster feet and it appears something has been blocked out... Care to explain Graham? Vostok 7
  7. OK One thing I would prefer is if people didn't turn my thread into a Yamato/Q-Rau flamefest. Thanks. Vostok 7
  8. Yeah, you have to have a serial number to DL it, which means you have to be an accepted beta tester. I did some playing today. It's fun, but I just don't get that great of vibe from it. It's obviously in rough beta (weird text for quests, empty buildings, unnamed NPCs, etc) but it is somewhat fun. The graphics are the only thing that sell it for me really. Fighter type is fun to a point... The old hack 'n slash only goes so far IMO. The mage type is more fun, particularly at lower lvls (wind strike kills in 1 to 2 hits)... but from what I hear, fighter is a bitch at low lvls and then can solo well later on, whereas mage classes are a breeze at lower lvls and nearly require partying at later lvls. But still, it's rough. Alot of the controls and panels really aren't intuitive IMO. There doesn't seem to be any real form of keeping a friendlist of any sort... things like that. It's fun... but FFXI holds more interest for me right now. I'll keep at it though, I want to see if it gets better towards release. Vostok 7
  9. I know perfectly well what I meant Vostok 7
  10. Your card should be able to handle T&L. I believe all Radeons can. Most cards from the GeForce 2 era and up could handle hardware T&L. And trust me, it looks like Lineage has alot of it if you know what I mean Vostok 7
  11. You shouldn't have any problem with either. Definitely not FFXI. I haven't gotten in to Lineage yet (down until 8pm) but it's supposed to be way more graphically intensive so we'll see. I have a 3.0 P4 with a GeForce 4 and 516mb DDR RAM. SWG ran crappy on my old system (same everything except for a 2.0 P4 instead of a 3.0) and Lineage looks WAY better than SWG was so I don't know. Vostok 7
  12. lol. I'm probably going to be a female dark elf or a regular female elf. Vostok 7
  13. Just wait until the Koreans hunt you down and LITERALLY PK you I'm gonna give the beta a try and unless it really hits a chord with me, I'll probably quit once the beta is over. There's just nothing about the game that really interests me at the moment. Vostok 7
  14. If anyone was in the FFXI Christmas thread, Lineage II was brought up at some point. I signed up for the Beta and yesterday I was accepted to join in. 1gb DL I downloaded it and installed it but the server is down until 8pm PST as they're updating to "Prelude" (or is it Prologue?) so I have to wait until around there to get some ideas of what it's like. Frankly, FFXI has me blown out on MMORPGs for awhile, but I'm going to give Lineage II a try just to see what it's like. The idea that you can solo most of it is kinda nice. Anyone else have the beta? Vostok 7
  15. Got PLD and lvled it to lvl 5. Soooo can't wait to get Protect and Banish and stuff. Vostok 7
  16. MPC Prime + Alternators > all else. Vostok 7
  17. Oh yeah one last thing about Kazham is if you kill the Mangragoras you get buttloads of quick reletively easy XP, but when a pull goes wrong (link a gobbie or such) things really really go wrong. I made the mistake of linking a gobbie in Yhoator the other day at the same time someone else did the same thing... It ended up clearing the zone for almost an hour. I had to leave before we got back to partying agian. Just totally brought the whole area to a standstill. Vostok 7
  18. Tiny speaks the truth. Vostok 7
  19. SWG had NPC gaurds around the cities, but they did little. They wouldn't usually "help" with a target until you were pretty much dead already. It's not that bad. The party I had last night was excellent, we saw one gob the whole time and it was pulled off by another party. But it's one of those things that fluctuates. I liked Valkurm more because I could get into more good parties than bad and the trouble we had with gobs/bogys/linking damselflies seemed far between... In Qufim and Kazham I swear every other party was the worst party I've ever been in. Qufim got better the closer I got to lvl 25 as you could go out to the tower, but Kazham seemed to get worse the higher I got. It certainly didn't help that from about 27,28 - 30 you have to go to Yhoator which is nearly impossible to get in/out of without dying. Vostok 7
  20. No, she's ugly because she's ugly Vostok 7
  21. I kinda liked FF:SWI, but then I wasn't much of an FF fan at the time so to me it was just a good movie. And as far as Paris Hilton goes... I wouldn't hit that with a ten foot pole without a biohazard suit if you know what I mean. Vostok 7
  22. Paris Hilton is PUG FUGLY. I seriously don't see what ANYONE sees in that ugly stuck up bitph. Vostok 7
  23. Whats bad about the area? Small space + lots of stupid people + nasty goblins = hell. You've seen trains of 5 gobbies in Valkurm right? Try trains of 5 gobbies in Kazham where there's no where to run Anyway, I got lvl 30 tonight FINALLY. now I can start on some advanced jobs. Vostok 7
  24. meh. that's about where I am. I'm stalled at lvl 29 because Kazham is total hell. And that's about it. Vostok 7
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