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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Jackie Chan is the MAN. Definitley seeing this. Vostok 7
  2. Their bite is pretty mild. But still, I'm glad I don't live in Brazil. Vostok 7
  3. Meh. I'm more scared of little spiders than the big taratulas. Most of them have a bite no worse than a mosquito or wasp. And those Windscorpions are cool. Vostok 7
  4. Anyone who "ordered" from TC... Recieved anything yet? Vostok 7
  5. Vostok 7
  6. :lol: Vostok 7
  7. If it weren't plastic... ...then again... Vostok 7
  8. The little dealies on the hips of her uniform make it look like she's got huge hips... But she is awful wide... down there... Not that I'm complaining mind you... Vostok 7
  9. That Ideon is pretty cool. I like the "Funk Masta Ideon" picts Vostok 7
  10. Ah such a classic line. Vostok 7
  11. And so it begins... Vostok 7
  12. Indeed!! The face sculpt (wish we had a closer shot...) looks like money!! Vostok 7
  13. Hehe I always liked the Dendrobium one... So kawaii. Vostok 7
  14. SOLD. SOLD. SOLD. SOLD. SOLD!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  15. Ohhh! Does it really come with that cool sword?!?! Vostok 7
  16. Jimi Hendrix was a samurai? Vostok 7
  17. Swords are fine, it's the conehead that pisses me off. Vostok 7
  18. Just because you're cursed and I die every time I'm with you. Unless you meant the Stray Mary thing... Vostok 7
  19. Isn't Ricky Tan the guy from Rush Hour 2? I don't recall ever seeing him on a motorcycle. I was thinking Fast and the Furious... I was at a carshow last weekend and there was a baller there in a BMW that looked just like the Azn stunta dude in the S2K in FnF. Vostok 7
  20. The A-10 works. Or if we were going to extremes you could use the AC-130A Spectre gunship. http://www.wpafb.af.mil/museum/outdoor/od11a.htm Vostok 7
  21. Oh god please no. Vostok 7
  22. Darth Heffner. Vostok 7
  23. There better be no JarJar. Seriously, if I see JarJar again, peoples heads are going to roll. I think that was the one good thing about SWG... Killing mobs that looked like him Vostok 7
  24. I see, but you wouldn't help me? I see how this is... J/K Vostok 7
  25. Well, maybe not in every case: http://www.allstar.fiu.edu/aero/STORMOVIK.htm Ahhh yes the Il-2 Shturmovik. The Flying Tank. Good call Vostok 7
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