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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. heh maybe a little too hot under the collar but I agree. General courtesy says that the people who took time to put in a pre-order 6mo. ago should be contacted and have first crack at something LIKE YOU PROMISED THEM. And even though they were "set aside" whos to say they didn't get accidentally grabbed and shipped to someone else? On that note, YOU SHOULDN'T PUT UP SOMETHING FOR SALE YOU HAVE PRE-ORDERS ON UNTIL ALL PRE-ORDERS ARE 100% FILLED. That's only common courtesy. I don't care who or what you are. Vostok 7
  2. Agreed. Vostok 7
  3. Oh man now that would make me bust a nut. I wouldn't mind a MG HWS Nu either. Vostok 7
  4. Ooo I wouldn't mind a Geloog J/Marine set.
  5. Heh, pretty much. OMG NO MY ANIME PORN IS GONE! Bad on a GRAND SCALE usually means... catastrophic plane crash where my whole family was killed... a fire destroyed my home and I'm now homeless... Loosing all the anime porn I had (if I had any ) would be pretty low on the list of "bad things". Vostok 7
  6. Ooo I could go for a Saz. Vostok 7
  7. I got the shipping email. FINALLY. Good lord that place sucks. I ordered mine back in December too on the original pre-order. They totally haven't handled this well from day one. Vostok 7
  8. Heh, I remember the scourge of the markers and paintpens well. 'course, I never had valks. I was always into matchbox cars and the like, so they felt my wrath. But I do have a transformer stuffed away somewhere that has been thouroghly mutilated over time. It was an F-15 style one that was grey and had a little mini-transformer with a scoop that plugged into the back and made it so it could transform. There was also one from the same series that I didn't buy that looked like a Tornado jet. Vostok 7
  9. With an MP-40 it's tasty but a Sturmgehwere would also be nice I could also see her with a AK-47 and... *drool* must have this figure... Vostok 7
  10. Eh, I'm lazy. Vostok 7
  11. Don't like the face on the Mai much, but it's still excellent work. Vostok 7
  12. Ohhh I like that PSP. Vostok 7
  13. MASK. MASK RULES!!!!!!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  14. KEVIN!!! Sign me UP. #1!!! I MUST BE #1!!! Vostok 7
  15. OMG I want those!! So Kawaii!! Vostok 7
  16. OHHH ME WANTEE!! Vostok 7
  17. Well, yeah I understand that. Vostok 7
  18. Can you remember which mofo made the comment? You can tell me so I can notify a mod. This crap cannot be tolerated here. Which is worse, declaring your love for doorknobs or plastic toys with the likeness of hot females? Vostok 7
  19. Where's the barfing smilie when you need it Vostok 7
  20. What's wrong with the hair like that? I like it alot. Vostok 7
  21. Lovely. We get Black Widows around here at times but they're not that common. The worst ones we get that are somewhat common are hobo spiders. Mom got a bite on her foot from one like a year ago and there's still a spot. Where we used to live the only spiders we got were those teeny jumping spiders. I always liked them, they're kinda cool. But now in our new house we get these huge leggy ones. Not sure what they are exactly, but they get to about the size of a 50 cent piece or a little bigger. Vostok 7
  22. Its Millia dude... She could be missing teeth and have haneous BO and Vostok would love her. Pretty much Vostok 7
  23. Wolf spiders are similar to Taratulas? Just because a spider is big doesn't mean it's a tarantula. Vostok 7
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