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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Wow, MG The O. That's nuts. HGUC Custom Geara Zulu and HGUC Sinanju as well. Woohoo!
  2. I modded and superglued mine in to fighter only. Looks decent and works great, and doesn't piss me off anymore
  3. Lostpedia says it was sometime around 450BC-900AD which is a pretty broad range but fits with the style of dress and other things shown. I believe the language was Latin based but I can't be sure. A few words almost sounded Gaelic (Romans occupied Britian around that time period). The Others who killed the Hog looked somewhat Norsk to me, as in Vikings (based on style of dress and ornamentation), they would have also been active around that time period.
  4. Well, it already looks a lot better than the Silken Floss figure does, so that's a start. IMO at least.
  5. I figured that, and that's totally hot, but it doesn't translate well in to a figure.
  6. That's because it's pretty much "Gladiator is Robin Hood in The Battle of Troy".
  7. The sculpt looks good, but they need to close her mouth for sure Not that I'd mind Scarlett with her mouth open usually...
  8. The Sinanju is definitely on my list. I like it better than the Sazabi for some reason, probably because it's more compact and looks more agile. Still wish someone would make a Nightingale in some form.
  9. What I was saying is that the CCA-MSV Stark Jegan and the Unicorn Stark Jegan are very close. I know both Stark Jegans are quite a bit different than the standard Jegan. The CCA-MSV Stark Jegan has the chest machine guns as well. The only real difference is it doesn't have the arm armor, the chest armor or the chin armor from what I can tell.
  10. It's funny, in some ways the MSIA version was better than the Fix Figuration version But I definitely look forward to his MG version. I love building Gunplas, especially suits that I like a lot.
  11. Wait, wut?! http://www.amiami.jp/shop/?set=english&amp.../e_display.html MUST BUY!!!!11!!1 I loved my Fix FA Gundam even if it was a overpriced piece of barely posable PVC.
  12. Let everyone know what you find. I'm tempted to pick up a VF-0A again. I'm currently having an order shipped via Fed Ex by HLJ to try it out. Quite surprising that Fed Ex is often significantly cheaper than EMS, and is faster to boot.
  13. I know M7 is bad and all, but lolwut?
  14. I hate when that happens.
  15. What's the odds on a half-assed movie slapped together coming out within the next few years, in order to answer all the "questions" that they've admitted will be left unanswered as of the finale.
  16. Listing the "10 best HGUC" kits is hard because it's subjective to what suits you like, they're all pretty good and as time goes on they only get better. I would say the Dendrobium would have to be up near the top but I don't think that fits your "lack of space" criteria Every HGUC I've gotten I've enjoyed quite a bit. I can't remember all of them off the top of my head, but I know I have the Zaku I Sniper, Zaku F2 Zeon and Geara Zulu. Those are just the ones I have on display at the moment, I know I have more stashed away. I have a pretty long list of ones I want/plan to get in the future.
  17. Leave it to Toynami to mess up the QC even on a unposable $25 vinyl toy.
  18. That guy is not nearly overweight enough to be a comic book store owner!
  19. Is Desmond some kind of Cosmic Matchmaker or what? Matchmaker matchmaker, make me a match, brothah!
  20. My memory isn't very good, that was 5+ years ago of course. I thought for sure the 1/100 Mac0 stuff was supposed to be perfect transformation but oh well.
  21. The 1/100 VF-0 was supposed to be perfect transformation but the proportions suffered because of that, making it look pretty "off". IIRC that was around the time they were developing or had just come out with the 1/48s. I understand the point, though. I'm all for a 1/100 perfect transformation VF-1 if they can come out with some different variation, and not just "canon" stuff.
  22. I just have to laugh at how many people said the 1/60 was too small, and basically talked Yamato out of doing anything in 1/100 (other than the VB-6) when they wanted to switch to that scale many years ago (starting with the Mac0 valks). Now Bandai wants to do it and it's the best thing ever.
  23. They've already shown a standard Jegan, and the current RD version can mostly convert to the CCA MSV version (by taking off the arm armor). They'll probably release the nukes as an exclusive, but I think just a couple pairs of nukes is not enough for it's own exclusive but we'll see. It definitely means something that they put the ability to attach the nukes on there, though. Hm, well I thought I read that the Unicorn was shorter than the Geara Zulu or the Stark Jegan, but I guess it's supposed to be slightly taller than the Jegan but slightly shorter than the Geara Zulu (without the horn, that is). In RD form, though, it's tiny. Quite a bit smaller than both the Stark Jegan or the Geara Zulu, which is disappointing since RDs are "non-scale" but are supposed to at least be in-scale to each other within the same series.
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