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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. I got mine today :wub: I have been dreaming about one of these forEVAR. If only I could figure out how to transform it Vostok 7
  2. What is this, 2002 again? Toonz is going to say that the avatar is him/her and then next thing you know someone is going to say it's really a JAV star and a huge riot is going to start up. Vostok 7
  3. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mine should be here Saturday. WOOHOOO!!! Vostok 7
  4. Where's mine then? Vostok 7
  5. I have both Feel the Magic and Sprung and I have to say I was impressed by both. Feel the Magic is a ton of fun. Sure, it gets frustrating at times but there's a little humor and the minigames have alot of variety and freshness to keep the game strong IMO. Sprung is also alot of fun. I was really impressed with it because I wasn't expecting much. Excellet humor, and doesn't get boring at all. I can't even say the same for Mario 64 DS. (the strongest part of which is the minigames lol) Personally, I'd like to see more dating games in the US. There's one thing the DS would be great for that I will bet you money we'll never see in the US... Hentai games. Vostok 7
  6. "OMG! What's that giant grey blob in the sky!?!" Vostok 7
  7. At least he was unique and original I like it. Alot. Vostok 7
  8. Yay if Soze has his, that means me an' Godzilla will be getting ours soon! Woohoo! Vostok 7
  9. If you make it, I WILL buy. I Valk Girls. Will there be a Millia version?!?! Vostok 7
  10. I also hate getting into arguments here, and was not trying to "attack" you. I'm just tired of MW being a one trick pony. It's always: Before release: "OMG! It's so awesome!! I CAN'T WAIT!" Or "That's cool, but it's not worth it." Release is late: "OMG why is it late!! This is stupid! I want it now!! Wait, the price is kinda expensive..." Or "Why can't Yamato ever release on time " More pictures are shown: "Dammit, I want it! I can't wait! That's sooo awesome!!" Or "*sigh* Once again Yamato fails. It sucks hardcore. I don't have one, but I'm going to talk about it like I do." Day of release: "IT'S OUT!! I'm so happy!!" Or "Hey wow, its out, does it come with crappy stickers?" First day after release: "OMG THIS IS SO AWESOME! I LOVE IT!" Or "This thing is a piece of CRAP! Once again Yamato fails us all. I'm never buying anything Yamato makes AGAIN! Yamato can suck donkey ****!!" Next announced release: "Yay!! They're coming out with that!!" Or "Wow, that's pretty cool. But it's probably not worth it." Ad infinitum. Vostok 7
  11. Been playing Federation vs. Zeon much? Hehe j/k Vostok 7
  12. I for one am immensley happy that a VB-6 is even being released! I asked for one the first time I saw one and my dreams are being fullfilled. Once again, I will use the same argument I've used with every release... BE HAPPY WITH WHAT YOU HAVE. No one can make anything perfect, not even the "godlike" resin casters. Who else has given us Q-Raus, nearly every VF-1 ever made in every color scheme available in two different scales, the VB-6, the VF-0, even the Mac+ valks? No one. Not even everyone's precious Bandai. I'm willing to sacrifice a little, even at the price range, in order to have something I can't get anywhere else and have DREAMED of. QUIT beating the god damn dead horse. It's been 3 freaking years already. Time to let it go. Vostok 7
  13. I always try to expect better from MW, but always get disappointed. Vostok 7
  14. OMG that one MSiA has a Gerwalk mode!!! Vostok 7
  15. 50% trying to find out if the VF-0 is out, 50% making light of Aegis! complaining about something that isn't even released yet Vostok 7
  16. The VF-0 is out? Vostok 7
  17. A1 and Js', I hear your points. My point is, if you're going to make a movie called Doom, and associate it with the game, then make it about Doom the game. Edit: more than just throwing in a few cameos like the chainsaw and the "bio force gun" and a few baddies. If they had called it "Swat type dudes kill virus infected undead guys: The Movie" we wouldn't be having this discussion. But because they called it "Doom" and chose to associate it with the imagery of space marines on Mars killing demons, then they should at least keep true to what people think of when they think of "Doom". That's my point. Vostok 7
  18. The site made it sound like that's an "accepted" name. Is that what it's called in Doom 3 or did they just make it up? Definitely sounds like a PG-13 push to me Vostok 7
  19. Heh, I just realized "Bio Force Gun" = BFG. What was wrong with the original meaning? Vostok 7
  20. This is why you just don't make game movies in the first place. They should have learned this from all the other failed game adaptation movies... Street Fighter... Mortal Kombat... 90210 In Spa... I mean Wing Commander *shudder*... Resident Evil... Sure, some of those have cult followings (Mortal Kombat) but for the most part, they have been a huge flop at the boxoffice. Honestly, I don't know why there was a change in the story line. Doom's storyline would have been no harder to make into a movie than any regular gore-fest movie. I could only see changing the storyline so much if they were trying to push for a PG-13 rating. Vostok 7
  21. RE - Virus *check*, Modern day earth *check*, Swat type dudes *half check* Your point? Vostok 7
  22. Vostok 7
  23. EXACTLY!? How hard is it to ruin: Space Marines on Mars. Transdimentional gate opens up, creatures from Hell pour in. Space Marines go ape on Creatures from Hell. Wow, that's so complicated! I know what's easier! Let's make it some crazy virus that brings people back from the dead! And forget Mars, let's have it on modern day earth! And forget Space Marines, they should be SWAT type dudes! Everyone loves SWAT type dudes! No one's ever done that before I'm sure!! Vostok 7
  24. They took a reletively unique story and made it into a cheap Resident Evil ripoff. Awesome! Heck, even Half-Life ripped off Doom's original story! Vostok 7
  25. http://www.darkhorizons.com/news04/041203i.php Someone's childhood is going to be raped for sure! Vostok 7
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