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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Thanks man And yes, she does have a sister! We're getting married in 16 days I'm counting the seconds!!!! Vostok 7
  2. Most definitely, yes, no (no kids for us for some time), and unequivocally yes Vostok 7
  3. So is she Agent ONE quality? Is she doorknob-able? Vostok 7
  4. She's got blonde hair, but I could always make her swim alot... Vostok 7
  5. Just been busy with work and life and lost interest in the piss-fests here. Got my VB-6 and Jin Roh Cool Girl and just lost interest in the community and anime and toys in general and was focusing on my car since I just didn't have money for toys AND cars. Then I got a bee up my butt to check out what's new at Big Bad Toy Store and was checking out what's new from Yamato when I saw the Garland. One thing lead to another and I'm back here now It's a slippery slope to be sure. Fortunately the wifey doesn't mind my obsessions with toys (except she had a problem with all the Millias and other female figures I had ) since she's alot like I am but we'll see how long that lasts Good thing I came back. I unfortunately missed out on the Scopedog (and I'm mad about it too. I knew about it, but I just didn't have the money.), hopefully they re-release it. Not going to miss out on the Garland and the VF-0, and that's all there is to it. Vostok 7
  6. Hey, anyone remember me? Anyhoo I haven't been around. "No ****" right? Well guess what, fools. Guess who's marrying Abombz!! ...Yeah, not me, or anyone else any time soon, but I'm still getting married! Vostok 7
  7. Yeah, I was seeing Graham's picts and I was VERY impressed with the quality. The size doesn't suprise me. Makes sense that it's as expensive as the 1/48 now based on the size. Heh, just busy with life. Maybe I'll wander over to that thread and explain where I've been all this time. Vostok 7
  8. I'm all for the SV-51 as long as we get a "cannon fodder" version and not just the red one. Of course, there's always customs I suppose. Vostok 7
  9. Dude, the VF-0 is awesome. And Yamato has definitely done it justice. I'm VERY glad to see that they got the proportions down pat for this one. Of course it was probably alot easier considering we're talking about a 3D model instead of a hand drawn model. But I'm also very glad to see they got over the early prototype "problems" with proportions and the like. The damn thing looks like a Hasegawa model in both fighter and battroid mode! It's good enough to be a fan custom! I really don't mind paying $150 for such a work of art, and I applaud Yamato for taking the time to do it RIGHT. Vostok 7
  10. HOLY CRAP! HOLY HOLY HOLY CRAP!!!! Expensive for a 1/60 but DAMN look at the beauty they put into that sucker! Proportions are right! OMG! BUY BUY BUY BUY BUY!!!!!!! Vostok 7
  11. Yay my girl is winning, as it should be. Since when did this place go uncensored? Vostok 7
  12. No no the car isn't red, it's Aspen White. The red comes from the fact that STi's official color is "Cherry Blossom Red" and they use it on all their logos and stuff. Vostok 7
  13. Eh, bad memories with Mari, though I always liked the name. I planned on steering clear of Ohka because of the whole kamikaze thing, but I don't know how widespread the connotation is. Supposed I could just stick with Sakura but it's so plain sounding that's why I always liked Akane, besides the obvious Akane Soma But that doesn't really go with a white car very well. I liked Cherry Blossom because of the whole STi Cherry Blossom Red thing Keep the suggestions coming though! Vostok 7
  14. When I had American cars, I gave them American names Japanese names just fit better for the Japanese cars. Vostok 7
  15. OK so ya'll know my car's name is Akane, right? Well I'm getting a new car, an STi, and I want a name a touch more fitting. Is there any feminine name in Japanese that translates out to something to do with cherry blossums? Or is that Sakura? Anyway, if someone could give me a feminine Japanese name that means something to do with Cherry Blossum as well as the kanji for it I'd be very greatful. Also if I could get the kanji and correct translation for the name Miharu I'd be very greatful too I'm pretty sure it had something to do with "blue sky" but I can't remember exactly. I really need to learn Japanese lol. Thanks!! Vostok 7
  16. You're thinking of the Cool Girl "Protect Gear Midori" which is supposed to be released in May but it's been pushed back already so many times, who knows. Vostok 7
  17. I always did like the VF-1AR head. Vostok 7
  18. The new Z-Tune = Pure, unadulturated sex. As far as the new Charger, at least it actually does to some extent live up to the namesake, being a V8, RWD vehicle. That's more than I can say for 3/4s of GM's ressurected namesakes Vostok 7
  19. At one time I had: 1/72 = 3 (YF-19, YF-21, VF-11B) 1/60 = 7 (VF-1A Hikaru-Type, VF-1A Max-Type, VF-1A CFx2, VF-1D, VF-1J Millia-Type Super, Q-Rau) But now I have: 1/60 = 6 (IIRC) (sold the Hikaru, but I might have sold the Max and the Millia, but can't remember) 1/48 = 1 (VF-1A Low Vis + FAST/Strike Packs + 1 Extra Strike Cannon) 1/100 = 1 (VB-6) Vostok 7
  20. "Hi, I know AgentONE!" *slap* Vostok 7
  21. It's suprisingly solid. Vostok 7
  22. The piggie is from Young Magazine in Japan. And yes, it is the same as the one on the Subaru Rally car. If you like young asian chicks be sure to check out their site Vostok 7
  23. The first one is the new Viper GTS in race spec (the second one is the GTS in street spec) and the third one is the Porsche Carrera GT which is very very impressive in person (but I'd still rather have a 911 GT2 ). The fourth one looks like a Maybach. Vostok 7
  24. Hahaha I got mine before Godzilla :lol: Vostok 7
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