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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Yay for the Mac0. I'd totally buy 'em. Vostok 7
  2. I was gonna vote VF-0D but after seeing that Hase VF-0B, that's what I voted. The Mac0 destroid is the Cheyenne btw. Vostok 7
  3. What's that white/red/blue Gundam-looking mech in the comparison shots? Vostok 7
  4. Does it seem like the SW Transformers are like old Action Fleet ships tarted up with transforming action? They really need to bring back the Action Fleets More EU stuff is always good, now that they're running out of "canon" things to do. Vostok 7
  5. That Black Sarina is pretty sexy looking. Vostok 7
  6. Oooohhhhh a 1/200 HCMP Dendrobium would be awesome. They could put some details into it and it wouldn't be so danged huge like the others. And probably wouldn't be outrageously expensive either. I had the MSIA Dendrobium and it was a MONSTER. Awesome, but a monster. Very hard to display. I can't imagine what the 1/144 HGUC Dendrobium is like! So yeah, I'm all for a HCMP Dendrobium! Do it Bandai! I'd also kill to see a HCMP Kampfer and some other nice obscure Zeon suits, like a HCMP Zudah. I for one would LOVE something other than the MSIA YMS-16M Xamel, like a HCMP version *hint hint*. Vostok 7
  7. Is this the thread for HCM-Pros? I'm absolutely in love with the little guys. WAYYYYYY better than MSIAs, thanks to the lack of gashapon disease and the nicer joints. So far I have: Here's what I have: RMS-106 Hi-Zack Titans MSJ-06II-A Tieren Ground Type MS-06J Zaku II Land Type MS-06F Zaku II (New Markings Version) MS-06JC Zaku II (MS08th Version) 2x RX-79[G] Gundam I love every single one of them. Vostok 7
  8. I was looking for that, thanks. (I searched, really I did!) Vostok 7
  9. Posted in correct thread. Vostok 7
  10. The alternates of the original sets looked AMAZING. In fact, I actually had bought those original sets because the boxes said that instructions for the alternates would be posted on the LEGO site. Never happened Vostok 7
  11. Is this related to the Lost War manga? That's also based from a ground war perspective. Vostok 7
  12. Well, I have to give props to Yamato. I emailed them a week or so ago about my broken original Garland and they sent me out the new shoulder pieces right away. Not only was it the shoulder part that broke, but basically the whole shoulder assembly. They sent me both sides too! I'm impressed. Finally my Garland can be fixed! Vostok 7
  13. *raises hand* Vostok 7
  14. Awesome Now they just need to make the other Destroids Vostok 7
  15. Actually, you know what? I love this idea. I would kill for a Siokorvsky Comanchero. Vostok 7
  16. Yeah, a VF-11 is a big one for me. The advantage of doing this is not only that they could make obscure valks faster as I mentioned previously, but they could release more color schemes per version as well instead of just a few. Plus they would be easier to customize. Vostok 7
  17. HA! I had that when I was a kid. It's probably still around somewhere. I used to transform it into a "GERWALK" mode all the time I don't think I had the gun though. Vostok 7
  18. I would assume so. It'd be dumb to not That's exactly my point. Make cheaper versions of the fighters so they're more accessible, but still have all the cool gimmicks and stuff you'd expect from the more expensive transforming toys. Vostok 7
  19. I think the 1/200 scale toys are a good start. If 1/60 or 1/48 would be too expensive, what about 1/72 or 1/100? That's big enough to still have internal detail without breaking the bank. Look at Dragon's models, they're all die-cast with tons of detail and only cost around $40. Like this F-15D: http://www.hlj.com/product/DRA50043 I have one like that and it is fantastically detailed. At the same scale using plastic instead of die-cast I'm sure you could have all the internal detail for around the same price or not much more. This would also give them a chance to get more obscure designs to the market sooner, like they're doing with the 1/200s. Since the engineering would take a heck of a lot less time they could get more designs done faster than they otherwise would with the fully transformables. Vostok 7
  20. That hasn't stopped Yamato one-upping the resin kits with their new 1/60 Mac+ Valks. Just for a guy like me, I spend $100+ on a Yamato valk to transform it maybe 3 times and otherwise just leave it in Fighter-mode (since usually all the other modes suffer from floppy joints or something else wrong ). I just think it would be a good way for Yamato to market something that has less chance for trouble (joints, breaking tabs, parts that don't fit right together, etc. etc.) and give us collectors something (maybe) less expensive that looks cool and would have really neat features. They could make them in scales to work best with the existing fully transformables (1/60 and 1/48). Look at all the companies who make these sorts of things for real world fighters (Corgi, Dragon, Doyusha, etc.), it's pretty successful for them! They wouldn't even need much die-cast, just make them from sturdy plastic like they're already doing with the transformables. Come on Yamato, let's do it! It makes way more sense than an iffy non-transformable "action figures" when the Revoltech's are already doing a knock up job of that! Vostok 7
  21. Yeah a PG-grade kit would be pretty sweet. Little chance of it ever happening, though. Vostok 7
  22. I would love to see accurate Fighter-mode model/toys. Now, listen up before the "IT MUST TRANSFORM!!!" lynch mob comes or someone says I'm raping their childhood... I love the fighter modes. Yeah, GERWALK and Battroid are cool and all, and there's something awesome about giant transforming fighter jets, but who doesn't love Kawamori-san's beautiful fighter designs? Where's the justice for them? Every now and then someone has toyed around with it like Doyusha and Yamato with the new 1/200 line, but there has yet to be an accurate fighter-mode only toy. And I for one would LOVE it if Yamato did it. Model kits don't count (as beautiful as Hasegawa's fighter-mode kits are). Think about it, make them in a nice scale, pack them with features and gimmicks like removable plates to show detail, make them 100% accurate to the line art, pack accessories like maybe some ground crew or something. I know for a fact that Yamato could do all that for around the same price point (or even less) than the transformable alternatives. I would fly to Japan and kiss every single person at Yamato if they were to do that. Vostok 7
  23. Yeah, it was mentioned earlier in this thread. It wasn't official, but he made some custom transforming designs from a few of the early Exo-Force kits and they were packaged together with building instructions and stickers so they could be made. It was a limited Japan-only deal. Vostok 7
  24. Oh geez. Mac7 was bad enough. But hey, we could have more MAXL jokes! Vostok 7
  25. I knew about the Van Force stuff, but I wouldn't call that "official LEGO". I find it funny that LEGO has been classically "anti-war" and yet they have been successful at the Star Wars line, and of course came out with the Exo Force line (but that's vs. Robots, so it's OK ). Unfortunately, latest word is the Exo Force line is being canceled soon. I think it was pretty good for what it was. The first few mechas were a little weak in design but some of the latest ones have been shaping up pretty nicely. The Aero Booster set for instance looks like something you'd find in Gundam: Just imagine what Kawamori-san could have done for the line, though. Vostok 7
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