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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Wow, those fighter mode picts don't look THAT bad. Vostok 7
  2. :D :D Put me down on a "let know" list! Now that the SV-51s are on sale it'd be a perfect time to make this happen Vostok 7
  3. I understand, but if what Jenius was saying is correct that BW doesn't have control over Macross goods being sold out of Japan, what's stopping HG from just making an agreement with Yamato and finally allowing Yamato Macross products to be sold "legally" in the US? If it's true what's being said about HG selling (or allowing the selling of) Bandai MacrossF (and 1/55) products, then it seems the only hold up is HG. Maybe they don't want to eat crow after fighting so hard against YamatoUSA and Sunwards way back when. Vostok 7
  4. Yummy. Then we need a Support Pack II with a F203 Dragon II, a Commanchero and a LVT Avenger II And then maybe even a VC-33 and VC-27 two-pack? Vostok 7
  5. You know, I noticed something odd on the Robotech page the other day. They're selling Yamato Garlands. So they already have an agreement with Yamato on some level (unless they are buying them from middle distributors and not YamatoUSA direct). So if HG is capable of selling Yamato Valks under BW's nose, what's the hold up? Toynami? They're not stopping HG from selling MH Ride Armors when they are imminently releasing a much more expensive ride armor (which has already brought ire from the Robotech community). What's the point of stopping the sales of Yamato Valks in the US? HG should be riding the wave, not fighting against it. Especially over properties it has only tenuous control over like Mac+ and Mac0 and DYRL products. That's why in the long run it seems HG is shooting itself in the foot and cutting off it's own nose to spite it's face. Vostok 7
  6. For what it's worth, I get the EVA-01 at home, and the Bisho... sorry Basara here at work. Vostok 7
  7. I'm excited about the detachable nosecone. So cool. Vostok 7
  8. :lol: You've obviously never been in retail. Selling things at a loss or very very near to it is just a part of the game when you get too much stock. So yes, more than likely they ARE selling them at a loss. Usually wholesale is only around 15-20% of retail. Vostok 7
  9. ME WANTEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE How hard is it to custom paint one of these? I suck at painting normally. Alternatively, is it possible to get someone to do it for me? How much? Vostok 7
  10. I agree. I think the figures that come with the Destroids are a good start. Vostok 7
  11. Ahhhh nice to see Yamato thinking forward for once I hope we see more variations of the new 1/60s than we saw with the 1/48s even. I'm in the bag for a -1A CF, -1A Low Viz (1 and 2), the upcoming -1D, hopefully a VE-1 (Maybe the VFER-1 "Funny Chinese" too this time? Pretty please with a cherry on top?) and VT-1 and any other similar color scheme they come up with. Vostok 7
  12. Hey I like my Q-Rau. Ok, I like anything with Millia in a flight suit *rawr*, but the Q-Rau is still pretty cool. Vostok 7
  13. You know, it's been bugging me, can someone tell me why the winglets on the legs fold? I don't get it. Vostok 7
  14. I know it didn't sound like it, but I was agreeing with you. Our customers generally attempt to get around it by shipping to Taiwan and then importing it into China, that's much easier and less expensive than going straight into China, but some of the big stuff gets shipped direct and we're not talking about cheap stuff. Most of our main orders (that aren't spare parts or accessories) are $100k+ orders. Could you imagine paying 100% tax on that? No wonder they haven't been buying anything lately Vostok 7
  15. I hate to say, as much as I hate Toynami with a passion, I'm tempted to buy the Toynami Cyclone just because it's a good $20-30 cheaper before shipping than the Japanese Beagle version. I hope Toynami's meddling doesn't go further than just reboxing it in a nice box. Guess I'll wait to see what the reviews look like. Of course, if the Yen comes down then the price difference doesn't mean much. Vostok 7
  16. Do you know what China charges on goods being shipped INTO the country? They barely even care about stuff going out, but try to ship something IN and you get slapped with a 100% or more tax. Yes, you heard right, 100% tax. My company actually sells TO China (Printed Circuit Board industry) and at least my industry is dead there right now, despite being HUGE and growing fast for the past 6-7 years. There was probably 8 months there we didn't hear a peep out of our Chinese customers (that means BEFORE the US' crash), which is pretty major considering we are usually getting business every month out of China. On the other hand, US business in my industry has picked up significantly before and after the crash, despite what China is doing and despite being basically dormant while China owned the industry. Vostok 7
  17. Everyone's favorite HG hating polytheist. I wonder what he's up to these days. Vostok 7
  18. Anyone else looking forward to Beagle's Ride Armor? The blog posts on Over-Drive sound really promising, even if it is a little on the expensive side. The proportions are the closest to spot-on and they got the bike mode correct so at least it doesn't look like Ley/Rey/Ray is riding a pocketbike like with the other two. Vostok 7
  19. Your post, it makes no sense. HG has the rights to the show and the merchandising for it (the intellectual property), even though a Japanese court made it clear that they didn't? And how can you have rights if you never legally owned the rights in the first place? Vostok 7
  20. Yep, the beauty of the internet, giving the dissenters a voice since the late '80s. Vostok 7
  21. If there's ONE thing Macrossworld is good at other than bitching about everything, it's going crazy waiting for something to come out I remember the wait threads for the 1/60 VF-1s when they first were coming out. Talk about crazy! There was some crazy weird dude taking all Graham's picts and putting funny speech bubbles into them... *waves to Graham-san* Vostok 7
  22. You just don't know. I've worked in (insert related industry here) for (insert a long timeframe here) and I know you are just plain wrong!! Vostok 7
  23. We do know what came of this. All of the TROs and other books using the Macross designs were reprinted with those designs removed, and then new designs were put out. For some period, the designs just weren't used at all and they came to be called the "Unseen" Mechs, because they were referenced everywhere (being pretty well liked, popular and widely spread designs) but never seen after HG got their hands into the mix. The new designs put forth haven't caught on (along with the fact that Classic Battletech is pretty much dead thanks to WizKids, though other companies are trying hard to restart it with the blessing of WizKids) and so they're largely unused anymore, all thanks to HG. Example: MechWarrior II and all it's variants made liberal use of Macross designs, but none of them, not even the redesigns, have shown up in any subsequent release (even though under Microsoft's direction the games have only ventured further and further away from the core of Battletech, like the *shudder* MechAssault series). The annoying and frustrating thing about it is that those designs were used long enough by the Battletech franchise that they became such a part of the Battletech universe (I remember even thinking when I saw the ExoSquad/Robotech toy releases that they were taken from Battletech!) that as a fan of Battletech (and a lover of those designs) it was quite frustrating that HG just ignored it for so long (even through all the ExoSquad/Robotech cross licensing and other activities) and then finally decided to get a bee up it's butt about FASA using the designs nearly 20 years after the fact. This is why I have such a problem with their tactics. I've felt the coldness of their greed from two sides that they've practically killed (though Macross in the US has fared much better in spite of HG's meddling, Battletech was practically decimated by it. It has been said that FASA failed because of HG's litigation), so I have VERY little sympathy for their causes. Vostok 7
  24. So true so true. Never forget: Everyone on Macrossworld is an expert about everything they talk about. Having not seen the anime, move or not having played with, owned or even seen the toy/model/action figure in real life makes no difference. They are also impeccable financial experts, and experts about development and production time and production material cost and use. Also, keep this in mind: Every new movie sucks, every new anime is exactly the same as an old anime, and every toy from Yamato sucks and will break within seconds of removing it from the box despite several people who've owned them and never had problems. And finally, Gundam either sucks or is the best mecha anime ever. There is no middle ground. Vostok 7
  25. Not to rub salt in the wounds of the OGs around here, but it is possible. The $15 1/144 Banpresto Valkries were perfect transformation, though they sucked complete arse, they were still "perfect transformation". But trust me, when they came out around the time of the 1/60 Yamato Partsformers, it caused a lot of uproar that a $15 PVC "Super Gashapon" toy could have perfect transformation while an $80+ toy couldn't. Vostok 7
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