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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. My most favorite "Hero" paint scheme, but my least favorite head style! Oh well, at least it's getting done for once Vostok 7
  2. And possibly, even love the ones you hate and buy multiples, but still bitch about them and Yamato liberally on the forums non-stop except for the first 15 posts of a new release of theirs until someone else points out the smallest flaw. Vostok 7
  3. Every industry is different. You can't compare the food and beverage industry with retail product sales. By that example, imagine cigarettes. They can't cost much more than a dollar or so a pack to make, and yet how much are they to the end consumer? Average retail products only run on a 10 to 15% margin IF the retailer is lucky. Discounts usually cut into this unless the manufacturer gives a break because of manufacturer overstock, or if the retailer bought a lot of stock from the manufacturer at a large discount. With the sales HLJ is putting on Yamato products right now, I can only imagine that Yamato gave them a break on overstock or something. I'm sure they're not making a loss, but somewhere along the line someone is taking a rather large hit. That's the bottom line. It's all about margins. Margins depend highly on the state of the market and the customer base. For instance, if an average 1/60 v2 VF-1 toy costs around $55 to make, and Yamato's MSRP is $105, and their wholesale is 10-15% off MSRP (guessing), they're making a decent chunk on it. The problem is, manufacturing prices don't always change (unless a higher quantity is purchased, or manufacturing suddenly becomes easier but that generally only applies to per-order manufacturing and not on large batch ordering as I'm sure Yamato is doing, and if anything manufacturing prices usually have a trend upwards because of materials and labor), so now if they cut costs to the retailer to move product, it comes out of someones hide. If that same 1/60 VF-1 toy gets marked down to around $50 or $60, either HLJ is taking the loss from the 10-15% they get on wholesale, or Yamato is now digging into production costs. This is why I said earlier, it's HIGHLY dependent on 1) What the wholesale discount from Yamato to the retailer is and 2) What Yamato's actual final production costs per toy are. Until you know those two things, there's absolutely no way to quantify whether or not Yamato is "greedy". The rest is just whiny internet nerds thinking they know more about business than a functioning company does. Vostok 7
  4. Oh come on, give me better odds than that at least! Please? Pretty please? It doesn't even have to be a castoff! Ok, how about a revoltech then? And aren't the varja just some sort of super-invid that detected Frontier's protoculture? Vostok 7
  5. And for this record, I didn't mean this thread for people to go and attack this person. I was just lightheartedly pointing out his fail. Vostok 7
  6. Yeah, I had a feeling it was one of those anime fans. You know, the ones who watched Pokemon when they were 5 and then YuGiOh when they were 10 and now they are an anime expert. Vostok 7
  7. OK, so I'm just wondering when we're getting a 1/60 Klan Klan with fast packs and gunpod ^_^ Vostok 7
  8. Maybe, just maybe, the blogger showed a modicum of knowledge and meant "Meltrandi I'd Like to..."? Vostok 7
  9. ALL HAIL THE HOARY FROATING HEAD! At least he would have never given us this: Vostok 7
  10. This made me ROFLOL. http://www.astrobunny.net/2008/05/15/macross-frontier/ Yes, please tell me where the Alpha and Beta fighters are, and if the Invid will be in the series later :lol: Oh, and I didn't know Klan Klan was a mother? Vostok 7
  11. Every now and then, there's a SLLIIIIMMMM SLIM chance that MW members actually don't want to beat a dead horse. Vostok 7
  12. I just remembered I've got a MPC Blue Alpha in it's box somewhere around here. Don't care much for it. I might be convinced to sell it. There MIGHT be pieces missing, I don't remember (I can check) but I don't believe any pieces were missing or broken. I just wasn't impressed as it's the crappy first Alpha complete with potato-chip shape in fighter mode and droopy landing gear. Vostok 7
  13. Robotech in my Macross? It's more likely than you think! Vostok 7
  14. Oh snap girlfriend! Vostok 7
  15. The pose reminds me a lot of those bad guys on Power Rangers that were so painfully obviously guys in bad rubber suits. Vostok 7
  16. Instructions are for squares!! I know that when I plunk down $100+ on a fragile plastic transforming toy, I'd rather bumble through the transformation like a blind virgin on his wedding night. Otherwise, how could you really complain about Yamato's obviously shoddy QC work? Vostok 7
  17. Here: TOYNAZI AND WHOREMONEY GOLD! There, that should do it! You're welcome. Vostok 7
  18. I sent them an email because they list the Chuichi Koshiramaru Protect Gear for $129.99 (it's well over $200 everywhere else) and they haven't responded Probably just going to end up having to get the Kouichi Todome or Souichiro Toribe Protect Gears instead. Vostok 7
  19. Fixed. STATION!!! Vostok 7
  20. I think you meant: http://www.hlj.com/hljlist2/?MacroType=Act...&Word=Figma Vostok 7
  21. I knew I was wrong and somehow I knew you'd correct me Vostok 7
  22. I hope they do some destroids and Mac0 battroids in this line. Vostok 7
  23. This thread is pure gold. Vostok 7
  24. Which brings me to another point. If they only own the rights to SDF:M, where do they get off stopping the sale and importation of goods from properties they don't have any right to? Is it only because of the "Macross" name? I don't remember enough from when they stopped the importation of the first Mac+ series from Yamato about how that worked. Along with that, how did they have the rights to make all those DYRL-based toys? I'm guessing there's a huge can of worms there that no one really wants to touch, but honestly every bit of evidence we've heard stacks against HG pretty heavily. Vostok 7
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