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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Man, you guys could have talked all bad about it before I ordered mine! That's OK, really just sounds like stuff that Yamato buyers have been dealing with for years now in all honesty. That doesn't scare me off. Besides, the biggest complaints can be fixed easily. Hopefully I haven't jinxed myself for getting a lemon. I've always had good success with Yamato, but my last couple Yamatos have been iffy. Vostok 7
  2. Oh crap. Anyone know a millionaire I can sleep with? Vostok 7
  3. I'm holding out. My local department store (called Fred Meyer, it's like a Northwest version of Target, but we have Target too) has like a WALL of the BMFs, and it's a town of around 10k low to median income (though I'm surprised the large influx of college kids we get haven't snapped them all up). Last I looked they were already marked down to around $100, and it probably won't be too much longer until they're much lower. Vostok 7
  4. Now they just need to make the Cheyenne and Cheyenne II and they'll have made pretty much all the destroids I will buy Vostok 7
  5. Dang. I'm going to try hard to hold out to see if they do the MkII, though. I like the unfinished steel look Vostok 7
  6. You guys are going to be the death of me. I broke down and bought a Beagle from Overdrive. Vostok 7
  7. From what I understand, it is... But then, can you really call a little scope that pops out "transformation"? Anyway, from what I understand, that little cover opens, the scope folds out, and the cover closes again. Vostok 7
  8. HLJ's price is over $250 US right now. And they're claiming they won't even have it until February. Vostok 7
  9. I think at some point they are hoping to make them. Vostok 7
  10. Just as an aside, but kinda somewhat maybe related, I had a communication come in from a Russian company that is dated '08 but still has CCCP logos all over it. Thought that was funny. Vostok 7
  11. It's like I can see when your brain shut off... Why aren't you going on about Gundam? We mentioned it MUCH more in this thread than Eva. ...And for the record, I'm not a fan of Evangelion. I purely mentioned it as an example of how Bandai handles a popular license other than Gundam, which is VERY on-topic with this thread, as Anime52k8 said. Vostok 7
  12. Good point Vostok 7
  13. I love this thread. It's like a perfect narrative of Macrossworld. 1) A new upcoming product gets posted or speculated 2) Speculations run rampant between it being the best new product in the world, or the worst 3) Speculations reach a climax before pictures are released, with insane claims being made (it's going to be pink, it's going to come with a 1/1 Minmay, etc. etc.) 3a) Someone bashes Robotech 4) Pictures are released, everyone goes nuts proclaiming it the best sculpt of the subject ever seen, saying that they will DEFINITELY buy 10+ pieces, no matter the cost 4a) Someone bashes Robotech 5) Slowly doubts begin to creep in when someone mentions ONE slight difference between the lineart and the actual sclupt 5a) People are extremely angry that it wasn't pink, or it's not coming with a 1/1 Minmay, etc. etc. 6) Within a week of the pictures being released, it has now become the worst representation of the subject ever seen, and no one is going to buy any more than one "just to have it". 7) Someone says "it's going to break just like everything else from Brand Y does." 7a) Someone bashes Robotech Product is released, and process begins again with next product. Vostok 7
  14. Way to judge a whole thread by the last two posts. In true Macrossworld fashion! Vostok 7
  15. I understand, but there are a few Evas they didn't do anything with. And they're not hitting the Rebirth as hard as they could. Vostok 7
  16. I've said it before and I'll say it again, Macross will NEVER get even close to the Gundam level of attention from Bandai. Gundam is a major cash cow. Yes, Macross is popular, but not nearly as popular as Gundam. So as nice as it would be, don't imagine that Macross is going to be treated the same as Gundam by Bandai. I mean, look at Evangelion, that's almost as popular as Gundam and yet look how much attention it's received from Bandai compared to Gundam. Vostok 7
  17. Ugh. With how badly the DX VF-25s came out, I sure hope not. Now, the model kits wouldn't be a bad idea. Vostok 7
  18. YES! That's what I was waiting for. OD Tomahawk and OD Defender here I come!! Vostok 7
  19. Well, at least it's not bigger than the danged wheel like most of their competitors Vostok 7
  20. OK, cool, I thought that's what it was but I wasn't sure. I saw those ages ago (still kicking myself for not picking up the CF Zaku when you could) but wasn't sure about the quality or how they compared to other Gundam product. I'll have to keep on the lookout for one of the CF Zakus now Vostok 7
  21. Yeah, I understand the Cold War connection. It makes sense that the Unification Wars were more on a WWIII level rather than the "skirmishes" we see before SWI begins. It does feel that the Anti-UN as shown in Mac0 is more like a well-funded terrorist group. Vostok 7
  22. Macrossworld: Where childhoods are raped daily! (Love you, Exo! ) Vostok 7
  23. I've been thinking about this a lot lately, where did the Anti-UN come from and why do they seem to be so well supplied/funded? It's obvious they are an amalgamation of Central and Eastern European countries, but from what we know, most of the countries in those areas (including the usual suspects: the Soviets) were, at least at face value, friendly or members of the UN. We have to assume of course that being the "anti-UN" they are more a terrorist group than an actual government. But where did they come from and why are they so well equipped (such as having transformable Destroids, aircraft launching submarines, and transforming fighters when the technology was really in it's infancy!)? My feeling is that the primary bulk of the Anti-UN forces came from Eastern Bloc autonomous regions (the Soviet Union was always split into several smaller autonomous regions who had their own "governments" but were controlled by Moscow) who did not agree with the Soviet Union's kowtowing to the UN, as well as individual military units who went along with the split. At the same time, I don't necessarily think the Soviet Union was totally out of the picture. Given the fact that they had just faced huge famines and rioting, they were probably publicly supporting the UN but secretly supporting the Anti-UN so either way they would come out of the Unification Wars on top... Not unlike the Soviets to do something like that. That can be seen by how the Anti-UN managed to get it's hands on the latest fighter technology. Publicly, the Soviets would have been outraged, but secretly they would have set up the deal between Sukhoi and the Anti-UN. So what are everyone's thoughts on the Anti-UN? Vostok 7
  24. Welcome to the internet, been here long? So does this mean that I can't find Cooking Mama hot? I'm confused. Vostok 7
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