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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Ooooh, my daughter LOOOOOOOOOOOVES LEGOs. She's always making off with my sets. She's been playing with the normal LEGOs since before she was "old enough" even for the DUPLOs. One time in a LEGO store she was playing with some of the bins of small parts they had around for kids to build things and play with, and people kept asking me if she was OK because she was so young Vostok 7
  2. Almost like a... *cough newtype cough* In my book, Max pwn3s all. I mean, he got the ultimate Meltran hottie, right? Max + Millia = end of universe. Millia is good, but joining teams with Max would make them an unstoppable force of nature. It's too bad their youngest daughter sucked in a fighter. I guess all the good genes went to the older girls Vostok 7
  3. 1) What's N.U.N.e? 2) U.N. Spacey is spelled U.N. Spacy, no E. Otherwise, looks good! I like the idea of "modular" display... dealies... Vostok 7
  4. I don't let her touch my Yammies, but my 2yr old daughter has been loving to play with the 1/55 reissue CF chunky monkey I got a while ago. She swooshes it around the room making engine noises in either mode (fighter or battroid) and loves turning the different parts and moving the legs She's SO her daddies girl. Now whenever I play around with my Yammies she comes over and goes "OOOOOoooO!" while I transform them or pose them, and usually tries to steal away with the gunpod or other pieces I have laying around Vostok 7
  5. Yay! I hope this thing gets the highest score you've done yet. BTW, what is the highest score you've given so far? I saw the YF-21 got a 44 but I couldn't find anything higher. Vostok 7
  6. Bwaaaahahahahahahhaa :lol: that's soooo going in my signature. I would be too! It's one of the reasons I'm trying to unload my crappy blue Alpha now that the demand is high (I knew there was a good reason to hold on to it! Those poor, innocent souls don't know what they are getting into...) Vostok 7
  7. And yet we argue endlessly that Yamatos are hundreds of dollars too expensive. Good on Toynami for trying to rectify the situation, bad on them for ignoring all the previous issues and acting like they never happened. Vostok 7
  8. The animation made it :lol: "Hans!" "Solo." "Hans?" "Solo!" "HAN!" "Han S!" Vostok 7
  9. One of the main reasons Mac F doesn't feel like a real Macross is because of, not only the designs, but because of the valks chosen names. But I will be stepping out of this thread before it becomes the religion bash fest it's already on the road to being Vostok 7
  10. Makes sense. Even the Cheyennes share similar leg units with the other three... ...So are they going to make them???? Vostok 7
  11. Any initial impressions you can share? Do you see the Beagle getting as good or better of a score than the Toynami Beta, for instance? Vostok 7
  12. Anyone with a OD Tomahawk on order with Overdrive? They delayed shipments because supposedly they had a problem with their stock, they're expecting replacements by the end of the week. Just FYI Vostok 7
  13. I kinda agree. And is that metal I see peeking out of the hips? Vostok 7
  14. Well slap me up side the head. I thought Perfect Memory was wrong. It's been several years, my memory isn't so perfect anymore But that was the fighter I was talking about! Vostok 7
  15. Vostok 7

    VF Girls

    :D :D Vostok 7
  16. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    Here's a question that would be good to know, if someone knows or if Graham-san could ask Yamato... Do non-canon paint schemes require Big West's approval? I know that the initial designs do (whenever Yamato designs a new product, like the new VF-11B for instance), but do they have to get re-approval for every paint scheme, or do they get basically free reign? Seems like they are cranking out 1/60 V2 and Destroid paint schemes so quick that they probably are free, but especially non-canon schemes is what I'm wondering about. Vostok 7
  17. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    I hope so. On the plus side for your VF-9 theory, it has a relatively simple toy-friendly transformation. It's complicated, for sure, but shouldn't be difficult to engineer. I hope we see a TV Q-Rau and a Glaug. A standard Glaug would lead well into a Variable Glaug Vostok 7
  18. Ah, but here's the rub. Kawamori DID design a single engine variable fighter. Someone with the perfect memory book on hand (mine's packed away) would have to back me up, but he did a non-Macross design (I believe in line with the origin of the VF-9) that was essentially a single engined variable fighter highly influenced by the F-104 Starfighter. It was a neat design, but there wasn't any more in the book than a tiny picture of it in fighter and battroid mode IIRC. Vostok 7
  19. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    The 1/100 line is a good start. Let's just hope it lives up to the hype, and that they actually do at LEAST all the Valks they are hoping to. Vostok 7
  20. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

  21. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    I mentioned it earlier in this thread, but YES YES YES YES YES YES YES YES!! YAMATO PLEASE!!! Heck, I wouldn't mind them releasing a whole slew of 'Real World' non-canon SV-51s. With Russian stars please Vostok 7
  22. Vostok 7

    VF Girls

    Hahaha, that's cute Vostok 7
  23. You know, when it comes to the Anti-UN having the SV-51, has it ever been stated exactly how many units the Anti-UN had in it's forces? The compendium states that 32 'Alpha' variants were produced, along with an estimated 6 two seat variants (would be called UTIs by the Russians, if they were combat trainers) and an unknown number (but no more than a handful) of the 'Gamma' tuned variants. 6 two seat trainers is an awful lot for such a relatively low production run. Look at the MiG-25 Foxbat, there were 1,190 total Foxbats produced and only a handful were trainers. Assuming of course all 6 were two seat trainers, some could have been two seat units with a systems operator similar to the -0D/-0B but I doubt it, Sukhoi makes a few two seat non-trainer combat aircraft but they tend to prefer single-seat fighters, and their two seaters tend to take on... unusual forms Sukhoi Su-34 'Fullback' So I imagine that the Anti-UN didn't get their hands on every single SV-51 produced. I don't believe the Soviet Union (and Germany and Israel) would let every single example of their top-of-the-line variable fighter fall into the hands of an "opposing faction" to the government they purported to be associated with. On the other hand, it's possible that the 'Alpha' variants were export models designed to be sold to anyone who wanted them, while they also sold the "tuned" 'Gamma' models which easily could have been the standard issue for the production companies. This was standard practice in the Eastern Bloc (make a cheap disposable not nearly as advanced model for "export sales" to make a few bucks, while keeping the most advanced models at home) and still is in Russia even today (though the newer export only MiG-33 version of the MiG-29 is advanced enough that they gave it a unique designation). Vostok 7
  24. I wanted to point this out to anyone who owns a Beagle, some may have taken note of this, but Yacolog has a nice warning about a possible rub-point on the Beagle at his blog, and his fix: Poorly translated version: Original Japanese: http://wildcats.pupui.jp/mt/archives/2009/...eview_pa_5.html He says to cover the screw on the groin armor BEFORE your first transformation. It looks like he used a piece cut from a thin sticky rubber sheet (should be available at a hobby shop) but I would think electrical tape would work as well (I wouldn't recommend standard cellophane "Scotch" tape, it can be VERY difficult to remove, especially over time and won't provide much protection). Those who mentioned issues with this piece of armor just "sitting there" instead of locking in to anything, maybe it would be possible to use a re-stickable piece of double stick tape? If such a thing exists? I was going to explore that whenever mine shows up, since I believe a member mentioned that the groin armor flap just "sits there" and can flop around in Armor mode. Vostok 7
  25. Nice, I like the VF-32 design, like a transforming F-16! Very nice! Vostok 7
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