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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Dunno why, but the RVF-25 in that picture looks really really sexy. Vostok 7
  2. It may be Robotech (though it was an original drawing for MOSPEADA), but I really hope Beagle makes one of these for the 'Masterpiece' collection. Vostok 7
  3. True, I'm sure it wouldn't be difficult to upgrade the radar and run the second seat as a radar operator. Then again, there's also the VFER-1 'Funny Chinese' which is basically a -1D with a radar dish and sensory arrays (but without the VE-1's FAST packs). Vostok 7
  4. Ugh. I've seen that thing in person. Runs like crap, and is definitely not very fast (mind you, it was at 5000ft elevation when I saw it, they were having tuning problems). They tried some speed runs but kept having to pull out because stuff just wasn't running right. Fit and finish on the body is pretty junky too. Did you know the headlights are from a Ford Focus? Bleh. It may be fast when they run it in Washington State, but it sure didn't impress me when I saw it in Nevada. In other news, I should be picking up my Challenger on Monday! Vostok 7
  5. I said in the very post you quote, the -1D is a combat trainer and so IS equipped with weapons. The VT-1 and VE-1 were never shown with weapons. Speaking of the -1D, I just got an email from Overdrive that they plan to start shipping the 1/60 VF-1D on Monday, with all orders going out no later than Wednesday. Vostok 7
  6. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    Even that would be pretty excessive. I was thinking 1/2500. Wouldn't that be about twice the size of the WAVE (which was 1/5000)? That would bring it to a size just around the largest of the 1/60s or a 1/48 VF-1. Then it would allow them to go with a much nicer level of detail than the WAVE without going nuts in price. Construction would be similar to the Destroid, ABS and POM with healthy amounts of die cast. The SDF-1's transformation is relatively simple compared to most of the valkyries, so more emphasis could be put on materials like with the Destroids. Of course including ARMD 01 and 02 as well as the Daedalus and Prometheus would be compulsory. At that size they could probably even do removable panels to show detail. Then for a cherry on the cake, they could throw in like a couple 1/2500 Oberths with a stand to hold them all. THAT I would buy, even if it was like $200. Vostok 7
  7. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    Could you imagine the beyotching about Yamato's price if they WERE to release a house-sized SDF-1? At least you could live in it, I suppose. Vostok 7
  8. See, I don't understand this. How do some people never have an issue, while others have issues with every single one? It just doesn't make sense. Some failure rate is to be expected, we're talking about mass production here, but it always seems like it's pretty 50/50, either you have a ton of failures or you don't. Vostok 7
  9. Well, I see someone went to Pete's "I don't much care for it, so it shouldn't exist 101" class. Vostok 7
  10. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    None of those things transform, and the quote posted earlier said "large scale transforming". Stay on target, people! Vostok 7
  11. I've never had a breakage problem with a Yamato that I can remember (except for the flawed first run Garlands, but Yamato USA sent free replacement parts for that). Some QC issues, sure, but I had a VF-0S for some time, transformed several times, and the shoulders were rock solid. All my v1 1/60s are still great, and all the 1/48s I've had have been great. Heck, even when I owned the original 1/72 Mac+ valks I didn't have all the problems that were "common" to them (such as the VF-11's disintegrating hip). Anime, why would you be uncomfortable transforming the v1 1/60s? They were probably the most straight forward, simple and durable. Vostok 7
  12. The lines have been pretty dormant so far, at least as far as I've seen. Definitely would like to see more from both lines. Vostok 7
  13. Bingo. "Variable Trainer-1". The VF-1D was a combat trainer, so it WAS equipped with weapons. The VT-1 is a pure flight trainer, and so it doesn't fit any weapons. Also, the VE-1 doesn't equip any weapons either. Vostok 7
  14. Nope, this is Macrossworld, which means: 1) We have to hash out the billions of ways this could work 2) When Yamato figures it out and shows it off, we have to praise it as the next best thing since sliced bread 3) When someone points out that the magazines are .002mm off from the lineart, it must be decried as the worst rendition of the VF-11 EVER. 4) People start saying "It's a Yamato product anyway, it's going to crumble in to a billion bits as soon as you cut the tape on the box". 5) Then people start complaining about Yamato's QC, and that the price is at least $100 too high, as if they understand the complex inner workings of manufacturing toys. 6) Someone bashes Robotech. It's the Macrossworld way! Your speak of tolerance, patience and understanding is HERESY! Vostok 7
  15. *drooooooooooooooooool* That's seriously the best VT-1 I've ever seen. The cockpit is SPOT ON. Looks like the VT-1's head will rotate up flat in non-Super fighter mode like it's supposed to. YUMMAY! And is it just me or do those shots of the -1D actually look a little better than the ones we've seen before? I can't wait for either of them. And the VE-1 too! Vostok 7
  16. Well get to scanning it! MARCH, MISTER! Vostok 7
  17. I can't take credit, Renato was the one who posted the picture It sure looks like it's made of win though! Vostok 7
  18. Fresh from the Scoop! thread: http://www.macrossworld.com/mwf/index.php?...st&id=63574 YUMMAY! Vostok 7
  19. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    I'd be happy with a VF-22S. Especially if they did the Moon Shooters theme like the Hasegawa. /dreams Vostok 7
  20. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    I'm all for a redesigned VB-6, but 1/60 would just be too dang huge. I'm fine with another one in 1/100, especially with the VF100 line coming out. Vostok 7
  21. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    Hahahaha totally. It better not be some crappy repaint Really though, I'm placing bets on it being a large transformable SDF-1 with excellent detail. It would fit with the event, really. But a VF-4 would be nice. I'm not a fan of the design, but if Yamato did a killer job on it, I'd probably buy one. I just have a feeling it's something related to the whole event it's centered on. Then again, there's really not much to do from that standpoint, other than a SDF-1 or a VF-4. Vostok 7
  22. *cough acronym, not anagram cough* Except it's also been said to be "TRans EArth Deployment heavy fighter". Vostok 7
  23. Considering MOSPEADA and TREAD are acronyms, I wouldn't be surprised if Legioss is one as well that we just don't know about. Or it's Engrish in the fact that it just "sounds cool". Vostok 7
  24. Vostok 7

    yamato's next move

    The Dark Lord of the Sith is BACK in top form! And I don't understand how "Yamato will release a large scale transforming Macross item" suddenly gets translated to "Bandai is releasing the VF-27" or "Yamato is going to release posable 1/60 action figures". These forums are like a giant game of telephone So, Graham-san, are you going to post some teasers or am I going to have to start pulling out the Hoary Froating Head? Vostok 7
  25. I don't know where you've been, but MacrossWorlders never STOP griping about ANYTHING, even a quiet insignificant thread that can easily be ignored. I for one LOVE the Scoop thread. There's only so many times I can read about how no one is ever going to buy a Yamato again because they crumble in your hands as you watch and Bandai DXs having no neck just to get a tidbit of information about a new release. Vostok 7
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