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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Heck yeah, don't underestimate the lightweights. There's been a few times I've been pinned down between a rock (lightweight mech) and a hard place (heavyweight mech) and managed to pull my ass out. My usual choice is a decent Medium, but I'll take whatevers given to me in a pinch. Vostok 7
  2. Yep. In fact, it was Dengar who pulled him out. God I loved the Bounty Hunter short story collection. Vostok 7
  3. Yep! RF started life as Descent 4. Basically what RF became is what Descent 4 was going to be, with exception of a stronger emphasis on ship-to-ship combat over a FPS. Vostok 7
  4. I dunno, it looks like it's saying "Macross Word" to me. Word to yo' movah. Vostok 7
  5. :unsure: Yes, ma'am, your innocent pureness shall remain unquestioned. Vostok 7
  6. Hoooooo boy, here we go. Yes, there's an argument whether or not FASA rightfully licensed the designs or not. Frankly, I don't want to get into it because it can get just as heated as the Robotech/Macross debate and yet is that much more pathetic to get into since it's an extremely dead, moot issue. The reason the "nimble" mechas of Macross became "slow, lumbering" 'mechs of BT is because BT is more realistic. Simple as that. Besides, all of the Valkyrie based 'mechs were Light classes. Certainly not "slow" nor "lumbering." Vostok 7
  7. Abombz is innocent? <_< Vostok 7
  8. K, definitely reinstalling FS2 now. Vostok 7
  9. Save yourself!!! Vostok 7
  10. Guerra-Hard? Oh really? <_< Vostok 7
  11. Yeah, it would be pretty bad if snow around here was this color. So yeah, I agree. Vostok 7
  12. ROFL... Oh, this isn't Messenger? *blush* Vostok 7
  13. For the record, I'm more a Jehuty than a Mac0 Destroid <_< :lol: Vostok 7
  14. ROFL!! ZOE disturbs me somehow because of that... Vostok 7
  15. Band? Aidan has a band? Oh yeah, I remember that now. I have the memory of a 75yr old Vostok 7
  16. SHHHHH, don't give him ideas!! Vostok 7
  17. Message to George Lucas.... Something like this is perfect to throw into that giant black hole of continuity! Vostok 7
  18. BT is dying if you ask me. Classic BT anyway. The "death" of BT has nothing to do with the removal of the Unseens. And, btw, the Unseens were never portrayed as the "crappiest" of mechs. Many of them were quite capable, like the Warhammer/Tomahawk, Marauder/Gulag, and others. Only the LAMs (Land Air Mechs, BTizations of the GERWALKS) and the mech representations of the Valkyries as a whole had any suckage (IMO)... However, the Shadowhawk (IIRC) which was the BTization of the Super VF-1S Battroid (IIRC) was the official mech of the Steiners (IIRC)... Not too shabby. The Clans used many "unseen" designs and used them quite extensively even if they were "Second Line" mechs. BTW, WizKids has redesigned the "Unseens" and is now re-releasing them in a George Lucas-esq rewrite of Battletech History (though I don't think they're re-writing history, I believe the official word is that the redesignes are new updated versions of the same old classic 'mechs.) Vostok 7
  19. WOOOOO! Time to reinstall FS2!!!! My voice appeared in Silent Threat, the huge addon for FS1. There was a mission or two in Silent Threat from a campaign I voiced ages and ages and ages ago. That was quite the cool though, to know that I was a part of something big like Silent Threat. I got into Freespace 'cause I was a Descent fan. It was a natural. Of course, I'm still sad that Descent died at Descent 3... No, I don't consider Red Faction a continuation of the Descent series since it in no way is (other than it started as Descent 4 and changed). Vostok 7
  20. Agreed! And I know at least one other person who would agree. However, I would push for a more OT forum. Every forum I frequent has a dedicated off-topic forum where you can talk about anything (within reason of course, no politics/sex/etc.)... I think that would be a good idea for MW. A dedicated thread to this like the Longest Thread is good, but a dedicated forum to purely OT stuff is much easier to moderate. And if the regular mods don't want to moderate it, I volunteer, if of course such an idea is plausable. So that's my $0.02 Vostok 7
  21. That's why my HWS Nu is running as a Kai right now I think ALL my MSiAs get "kai-ed" at some point in their life. It's using just the chest armor and leg armor and the huge ass gun. And the fin funnels and bazooka too of course. Looks great. And yeah, there are some FIX Zaku IIs being released soon. Vostok 7
  22. I was gonna. Welcome to oblivion, Dangeres-Q! Vostok 7
  23. I know BigBadToyStore has the FIX FA-93. And there hasn't been a FIX Saz yet. No enemy MS have been made in FIX yet, with the exception of the GP04G / Gerbera Tetra combo. Vostok 7
  24. He was JsARCLIGHT II: This Time It's Not JsARCLIGHT 1... But be ready June 2004 for... JsARCLIGHT 3: The Criminal Projective In 3D! Vostok 7
  25. Oh yeah, and I almost forgot. Abombz!! as A-tess had her original Abombz!! account (which was created by SOL) deleted and took a break from MW for awhile. Then, she returned as Succubus (name suggested by myself) and was that for awhile until she took back her original name of Abombz!! as a new account since the first had been deleted. There, that help? Vostok 7
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