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Vostok 7

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Everything posted by Vostok 7

  1. Pictures!!! Vostok 7
  2. How was it ironically funny? It was an incredably stupid pun on an entirely used up cliche. So no, it was not funny period. <_< Vostok 7
  3. Me likey. Vostok 7
  4. It wasn't even funny the first time <_< Vostok 7
  5. Good god I hated those commertials! "Who da man? Yoda man." Vostok 7
  6. Dismemberment is the same as Jedi Outcast to me, only maybe a touch more frequent. Showing damage on the characters is a nice new touch though (lightsaber tracks, black smudges on stormtrooper armor where they've been hit by blasters, etc). Unless you're thinking of Jedi Outcast with the "realsabers" turned on... Vostok 7
  7. Okay, that would be funny Vostok 7
  8. Nah... just pathetic. Bwaaaahaha OWNED! Vostok 7
  9. Arg! Vostok 7
  10. I would have, but it was over the like com system. Vostok 7
  11. I think you meant Su-47 Berkuts. Vostok 7 <--- Lying Russian Aerospace Purist
  12. Yeah the dude in the power armor was tough... I can't remember what you had to do, but I had to consult a walkthrough to do it... I like Jedi Academy so far much better than Outcast. The lightsaber is still a little clunky, they could have really done more to improve it, but it seems much better than it did in Outcast. Plus, you can control where your powers go... nice touch! Except Luke yells at you if you emphasize the dark side too much. Vostok 7
  13. Get it. it is awesome, period. You get to go to hoth and prowl around in Echo Base and ride tauntauns and kill wampas... One picks you up ESB style and you lop his arm off and run... THIS GAME ROCKS!!!! And I don't think it's as hard as Jedi Outcast quite yet... And yet you don't feel like you're being babied. The mission difficulties are very well done. Vostok 7
  14. Picked it up last night, played nearly until 2am... Great game. I like it much much more than Jedi Outcast... The saber moves seem to flow much better, and the change to one swipe kills is much more realistic... I can take out mulitple enemys with one or two moves... much much more realistic. Can't wait to use the double sabers and sabers staff... They were lots of fun in the demo! If your playing multiplayer, look for "Kiran Horn" the double saber weilding TIE Pilot. Vostok 7
  15. Star Wars Episode III: The Last of the Plot Holes Vostok 7
  16. I'm thinking it's about 1/24th scale... So roughly 8in tall? Maybe? Anyway, looking sweet. Not a huge fan of the head, but then I never like Transformer heads... I just might have to buy another one for a custom... Vostok 7
  17. Same here <_< Hahaha, same here. When I find an album I like, I listen to it non-stop until I get bored, then I do the same thing again with another album. Pretty soon I'll get back to that first album and listen to it non-stop again... Vostok 7
  18. The Nintendo game systems have always had games that appealed to a ... shall we say 'broader' crowd? Not to say there aren't some kickass games on it... F-Zero GX looks good enough to make me get a GC... EDIT (Yes, an EDIT.) : That said, it's pretty ignorant to say that the GC is a 'kiddie' console... After all, aren't ALL consoles for kids when you really get down to it? Vostok 7
  19. Or is it like throwing a hotdog down a hallway? Vostok 7
  20. Oh really.... <_< Vostok 7
  21. Bah! Thanks fulcsters. I shalt worry no longer... hopefully Will can fill the bajillions of pre-orders he got Vostok 7
  22. I have it on pre-order at Blasto! Toys. (Will rocks!) I'm just worried because usually HLJ will put it on "sorry, not available" status rather than just remove it from their cataloge. Vostok 7
  23. What's the story? HLJ doesn't show it in their cataloge anymore... It is coming out right? Please? :( Vostok 7
  24. No, Millia. My internet wasn't working for a few hours... you know something I don't know? Vostok 7
  25. That's probably why she's offline right now... <_< Vostok 7
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