Ninja member say: "As long as it have green hair, whatever you call it okay by me!"
Pretty much any spelling is okay I think. Officially, I've seen Millia and Milia. I tend to trust Millia the most. There's also Miria, Miriya, etc.
Vostok 7
Older model MiG and Sukhois are pretty easy to get your hands on. I think just about everything in Russia is for sale for the right price.
I'd kill for a MiG-31 or a S-37/Su-47. Or even an Su-37.
But I think all of those are still active duty.
I'd kill for an F-104 too.
Vostok 7
I'm probably going to get it awhile after Abombz does... after she lets me know if it's worth it or not.
Otherwise it's SWG for me... but I haven't played it in awhile.
Vostok 7
AWESOME!!! I wish I could do stuff like that again.
I've been out of Fathom for awhile... ( ) whos that other chick?
[!plug type: shameless] check out my Fathom fanart here [/!plug type: shameless]
edit: I know who the other chick is now... I need to learn to read. h00k3d 0|/| f0nix w3rkd 4 m3.
Vostok 7
Name: Patrick
Age: 20 (7 months to 21!)
Height: 5' 11" - 6'
Weight: 230 - 240lbs. (want to be 200lbs.)
Relationship Status: Single, but that's not what some think
That's me bling blangin' the farmer tan
There's my beautisimus WRX pre-accident
And there she is post accident
Vostok 7
Mikoyan i Gureyvich MiG-25/31
Why? Two huge former cruismissile engines strapped to an airframe...
Lavochkin La-5FN and or La-7
Worlds fastest prop back in the day next to the MiG-3. The La-7 managed to have the first Prop vs. Jet kill against an Me-262. Plus, they just look brutal... mmm radial.
Honorable Mention:
Sukhoi S-37/Su-47
Why not?
Vostok 7
Frankly, it might have been "Decepticons attack!" but I can't remember. I'm trying hard to get that incredably annoying voice out of my head <_<
Vostok 7
Here's one...
Good guy is an incredable sharpshooter even with short range weapons at long range, while bad guys can't hit the side of a barn from 5ft away.
Vostok 7
Ke ke ke ke
I usually like full armor stuff and things, but the Heavy Weapons Ez-8 is a little much. Looks like it'd fall over easy. Not to mention all those things hanging off would make movement in a forest next to impossible.
The High Mobility type is a little better, but seems out of place considering the story line.
Vostok 7