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Everything posted by areaseven

  1. And now for a quick recap of the previous episodes: Episode 2: "The Assassination of Abraham Lincoln" Directed by Neil Marshall (Game of Thrones, Westworld) The trio travel to April 14, 1865, the day John Wilkes Booth assassinated Abraham Lincoln. There, they discover that Flynn is plotting with Booth to not only kill Lincoln, but to wipe out Vice President Andrew Johnson, Secretary of State William H. Seward, and General Ulysses S. Grant at the same time. Episode 3: "Atomic City" Directed by Charles Beeson (Terminator: The Sarah Connor Chronicles, The Vampire Diaries) Flynn travels to 1962 Las Vegas, where he blackmails John F. Kennedy's mistress Judith Campbell into helping him steal a plutonium core from the nearby army base. Meanwhile, upon the trio's arrival in the timeline, Rufus spots Anthony Bruhl, a member of the time machine project who was kidnapped by Flynn, only to discover that Anthony is a co-conspirator of Flynn's main objective: to destroy the secret organization called "Rittenhouse".
  2. Timeless MiddKidd Productions/Kripke Enterprises/Universal Television/NBC Television/Sony Pictures Television, 2016- Created by Eric Kripke (Revolution, Supernatural) and Shawn Ryan (The Shield, Last Resort) Running Time: 45 minutes per episode Rated TV-PG for violence and mild language. Cast Abigail Spencer (Alice in Cowboys & Aliens, May in Oz the Great and Powerful) as Lucy Preston Matt Lanter (Anakin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Liam in 90210) as Master Sgt. Wyatt Logan Malcolm Barrett (Sgt. Foster in The Hurt Locker) as Rufus Carlin Sakina Jaffrey (Linda in House of Cards, Dr. Hickman in Third Watch) as Agent Denise Christopher Paterson Joseph (Wes Leyton in Law & Order: UK, Mark in Casual+y) as Connor Mason Claudia Doumit as Jiya Goran Višnjić (Dr. Kovač in ER, Armansky in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo) as Garcia Flynn Matt Frewer (Max Headroom) as Anthony Bruhl Susanna Thompson (Moira Queen in Arrow) as Carolyn Preston Daniel Di Tomasso (Killian in Witches of East End) as Noah Synopsis Multi-billionaire Connor Mason has created a time machine, but when master criminal Garcia Flynn steals it, Mason and U.S. Homeland Security assemble a trio to use an earlier version of the time machine to go after Flynn and prevent him from altering history. Episode 1: "Pilot" History professor Lucy Preston, Delta Force operative Wyatt Logan, and tech wiz Rufus Carlin are assigned to pursue Flynn to May 6, 1937, the day of the Hindenburg disaster. Upon their arrival, the trio discover that Flynn has prevented the Hindenburg from exploding, only to devise a more sinister plot for its voyage back to Europe. Lowdown These days, sci-fi TV series tend to be too cerebral for most viewers to understand and sometimes too slow-paced. This is not the case with Timeless. The series keeps the plot simple and leaves complicated subplots to a minimum. Each episode is fast-paced, keeping audiences focused from beginning to end. As for the characters, they are a very interesting bunch. Lucy is a history professor hoping to fulfill the legacy of her dying mother, only to discover that following her team's first mission, her mother no longer has cancer, but her sister Amy has disappeared from existence and she is suddenly engaged to a man she really does not know. Wyatt is a soldier still grieving from the death of his wife in 2012. Despite co-creating the time machine, Rufus is not comfortable with traveling to the past due to his being black. Garcia Flynn is a cold-blooded killer, but throughout the series, his role as the main villain turns out to be questionable when he first confronts Lucy and hints at the bigger picture of his motives. Connor Mason (a.k.a. Black Elon Musk) may be the owner of the time machine project, but he might actually be the real bad guy, as he has Rufus secretly record the team's activities. The CGI effects are fairly good, but it's the set and costume designs that really shine. The producers spared no expense in painstakingly recreating scenes such as 1937 New Jersey, 1865 Washington, and 1962 Las Vegas. In short, Timeless is a great throwback to time-travel shows such as Voyagers! and Quantum Leap, with a little bit of Back to the Future on the side. Good storytelling and a solid cast make this series worth watching on Monday nights. Rating: A- Links Official Site
  3. Admit it: You all miss her (and Stacy Keibler).
  4. Timeless is the latest TV series to involve time travel. In this series, three people chase after a master criminal who is using a stolen time machine to change American history. It is created by Eric Kripke (Revolution, Supernatural) and Shawn Ryan (The Shield, Last Resort) and stars Abigail Spencer (Alice in Cowboys & Aliens, May in Oz the Great and Powerful), Matt Lanter (Anakin in Star Wars: The Clone Wars, Liam in 90210), Malcolm Barrett (Sgt. Foster in The Hurt Locker), Sakina Jaffrey (Linda in House of Cards, Dr. Hickman in Third Watch), Paterson Joseph (Wes Leyton in Law & Order: UK, Mark in Casual+y), Claudia Doumit, and Goran Višnjić (Dr. Kovač in ER, Armansky in The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo), with recurring appearances by Matt "Max Headroom" Frewer. Timeless premiered on October 3 on NBC and has been receiving positive reviews. Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 84% - "Sometimes goofy but consistently entertaining, Timeless is a fun throwback action series with a kooky premise that's worth a watch." Metacritic Score: 65 out of 100
  5. Here's a look at the Thunderbird S Real Kit to prevent people from quoting the same two images over and over again. Oh yeah, this video is quote-protected to prevent idiocy.
  6. "Logan, what did you do?"
  7. Ouija: Origin of Evil opens today in North American theaters, but it has already received a lot of praise (81% on Rotten Tomatoes and 65 out of 100 on Metacritic). It makes everyone forget that this happened. "Dogshit" "D+" Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 7% - "Slowly, steadily, although no one seems to be moving it in that direction, the Ouija planchette points to NO." Metacritic Score: 38 out of 100
  8. Another sequel nobody asked for. Even the title foreshadows the audience reaction. Not surprisingly, it's by the same actor/director team that insulted Japanese culture with their 2003 film. "C" "You are not gonna remember this movie in T-minus 10 minutes (Yep, already forgot)." "44% and 50%" "1 Star. Nobody needs to see this." Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 37% - "Monotonously formulaic, Jack Reacher: Never Go Back is one action thriller sequel whose title also serves as a warning." Metacritic Score: 47 out of 100
  9. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b48iqR63zEM https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hbZ3j4NB-Hs
  10. I tried to watch the 2016 reboot a few days ago. The main problem is not the female cast or whatever storyline they tried to come up with, but the fact that it's just boring. The moment Kristen Wiig let out the first queef in the film (around the first 5 or so minutes after the intro), I started to doze off. By the time I woke up, the video player had already stopped. I don't think I'll attempt to watch it again.
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