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Everything posted by areaseven

  1. I don't know how Kitty was introduced in the first series or Evolution, but in the movies, she does nothing but walk through walls. People who have not read the comics don't realize that she's also a computer genius.
  2. Some ramblings concerning WrestleMania XX: - You have read rumors of past WWF Superstars making a one-time-only return at next year's PPV extravaganza. Well, here's a new one: WWE wants to bring in former Intercontinental Champion Ricky "The Dragon" Steamboat. In the WWE, he's credited as having the best singles match ever (vs. "Macho Man" Randy Savage at WrestleMania III in 1987). In the rest of the wrestling world, Steamboat had some of the best matches with the likes of Ric Flair and "Stunning" Steve Austin (before he became "Stone Cold"). He retired in 1994 due to a back injury. If Steamboat decided to come back, you might see him face Flair one more time. - Following a successful interview on SmackDown! magazine, WWE is still negotiating with Randy Savage on returning to the company. He still wants his hands on Hogan, though. - WrestleMania XX will once again have Undertaker facing Kane. The American Badass is dead and buried, but will Mark Calloway return as the Dead Man we've all known for the past decade? In other news: - WWE has released Dustin "Goldust" Runnels, due to his injury-prone state and the fact that the company no longer has any interest in him. - The main event for Armageddon will be a triple-threat match between Goldberg, Triple-H and Kane for the World Championship. Also, RVD will defend the Intercontinental title against Randy Orton. (I hate it as much as you do, but expect RVD to drop the belt to Orton.) Shawn Michaels will square off against Batista. Expect Shawn to job, as the WWE wants Batista to remain undefeated in singles competition.
  3. I stopped reading Marvel comics altogether during the time Gambit was hitting on Rogue (around 1993-94). Did they go any further? Last time I checked, there were suspicions of Remy being immune to Rogue's absorbing powers.
  4. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TEvVgjwGzNU X-Men: Pryde of the X-Men! Marvel Productions/New World Productions, 1988 Best Film & Video Co., 1992 (Out of Print) Directed by Ray Lee (G.I. Joe, Jem) Written by Larry Parr Based upon characters created by Stan Lee, Jack Kirby, Len Wein, Chris Claremont and Dave Cockrum Running Time: 23 minutes Rated TV-Y7 for some violence. "This is Stan Lee of Marvel Comics warning you to look around you. Your classmates, your friends. You'll never know which one of them may be a mutant!" Cast Michael Bell (Duke in G.I. Joe, Prowl in Transformers) as Scott Summers/Cyclops Neil Ross (Springer in Transformers, Keith in Voltron) as Logan/Wolverine and Kurt Wagner/Nightcrawler John Stephenson (Mr. Slate in The Flintstones, General Flagg in G.I. Joe) as Charles Xavier/Professor X Kath Soucie (Fifi Le Fume in Tiny Toon Adventures, Janine in The Real Ghostbusters 2nd season) as Kitty Pryde Dan Gilvezan (Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends, Bumblebee in Transformers) as Piotr Rasputin/Colossus Alexandra Stoddart as Alison Blaire/Dazzler Earl Boen (Taurus in G.I. Joe: The Movie, Gurlukovich in Metal Gear Solid 2) as Eric Lehnsherr/Magneto Susan Silo (Sandra in Inhumanoids) as Emma Frost/The White Queen Patrick Pinney (Mighty Mouse, Mainframe in G.I. Joe) as Cain Marko/Juggernaut Pat Fraley (Ace in G.I. Joe, Max Ray in Centurions) as Saint-John Allerdyce/Pyro Alan Oppenheimer (Mighty Mouse, Skeletor in He-Man and the Masters of the Universe) as Fred Dukes/The Blob Frank Welker (Scooby-Doo, Megatron in Transformers) as Mortimer Toynbee/Toad and Lockheed Stan Lee (like no one here knows who he is...) as the Narrator Overview The Uncanny X-Men. Who doesn't know this comic book series these days? Originally created by Marvel pioneers Stan Lee and Jack Kirby, this was the story of mutants (people born with powers instead of acquiring them from freak accidents) struggling to protect the innocent and endure the prejudice against them. It sold poorly in the 1960s and early 1970s and faced cancellation until Giant Sized X-Men issue #1 hit newsstands in 1975 and Chris Claremont took the writing helm shortly afterwards. From that point on, Claremont - along with memorable artists like John Byrne (Next-Men), Marc Silvestri (co-founder of Top Cow Productions) and Jim Lee (founder of WildStorm Productions) - churned out some of the best storylines in comic book history: "The Dark Phoenix Saga" (1979-1980), "Days of Future Past" (1981), "Inferno" (1987) and "X-Tinction Agenda" (1990), just to name a few. X-Men's popularity further expanded worldwide with four animated series, a series of box-office hit movies and a number of best-selling video games. But the 1992 cartoon series wasn't the first time the X-Men were animated. In the 1960, the X-Men made an appearance in Prince Namor the Sub-Mariner as "The Allies for Peace" as substitutes for the Fantastic Four due to copyright issues. In 1981, the team made a number of guest appearances in Spider-Man and His Amazing Friends (because Spidey's "Amazing Friends" happened to be fellow mutants Iceman and Firestar). Seven years later, Stan Lee and company decided to experiment with giving the X-Men their own show by producing a one-shot special titled "Pryde of the X-Men." It roughly chronicles the team's battle with Magneto and his Brotherhood of Evil Mutants. "Whatever the challenge, whatever the peril, the X-Men will be there!" - Stan Lee Story: C The way Kitty Pryde is introduced in this special is very awkward. In the original comics, Kitty is a Jewish girl from Chicago who joins Professor Xavier's School for Gifted Youngsters before her parents finalize their divorce. None of that is found here. Instead, Kitty takes a taxi to the X-Mansion and accidentally messes with the Danger Room. She's afraid of Nightcrawler (False, as she and Kurt are close friends in the comics) and Wolverine does not like the idea of a 14-year-old joining the X-Men (False again. Logan and Kitty are also close friends - check out the Wolverine and Kitty Pryde mini-series). Magneto steals Cerebro's central core for a sinister plan not even related to telepathic powers. The White Queen uses her telepathic powers to form an energy spear to disable the electromagnetic field inhibiting Magneto's powers. In the words of the WWE's Hurricane: "What's up wit dat?!" Character development is a major issue here. There's no mention of Dazzler being a former disco singer. The White Queen was never a member of Magneto's Brotherhood (she was one of the Hellfire Club's elites). And what's with Wolverine and his Australian accent? He's Canadian, for crying out loud! On the bright side, Pryde of the X-Men! maintains key elements of the comic: The X-Mansion, the Danger Room (which still has yet to see action in any of the movies), the Blackbird (as opposed to the current-generation X-Jet) and Asteroid M. It also keeps the concept of superheroes who are feared by the public because of their mutant traits. Still, it's pretty entertaining for its time. Animation: A Now this is how to animate a Marvel title (not the cheap quality you see in the 1992 series). The artwork has amazing detail and the animation is so good, it's almost anime. As a matter of fact, it still looks better than X-Men: Evolution. Soundtrack: C- Just a not-so-memorable BGM score and a theme song with cheesy lyrics. The Bottom Line Despite a cheesy storyline, Pryde of the X-Men! boasts much better animation than the first official TV series. It's well worth checking out for old-school Marvel fans and people who are interested in classic X-Men, True Believer. Did You Know? The characters used in this animated feature were also in Konami's X-Men side-scrolling arcade game. Reference The Internet Movie Database
  5. Well, I celebrated Thanksgiving over my cousin's place in Palmdale. Had a chance to watch X2. The film was actually pretty good, even though it still screws up the original Marvel continuity and there were too many major characters relegated to minor roles (Come on! Colossus and Shadowcat should be full-fledged X-Men, not just students of the school.). And Iceman shouldn't even be dating Rogue - in the comics, he was with a Japanese girl who had ties with a cyborg Yakuza clan (X-Factor issues 63-64). Jean's death on this film was not really a good way of introducing the Phoenix in the next film, as nothing space-related occured. I also got to watch Bruce Almighty. While not as funny as Liar Liar and Me, Myself and Irene, or as groundbreaking as The Truman Show, it's still one of Jim Carrey's better works.
  6. So far, eight episodes have been fansubbed by TV-Nihon while the "29 Groups" have apparently stopped production after episode 3 (probably due to fan protest). The storyline and characters are developing pretty well, especially when Rei-chan and Mako-chan start disagreeing with each other. The episode where Usagi-chan, Rei-chan and Mako-chan go out with Mamoru and his buddies is hilarious. Going to the polls, Rei-chan (Keiko Kitagawa) is on the lead with Ami-chan (Chisaki Hama) at second. Minako-chan (Ayaka Komatsu) is not too far behind, even though we have yet to actually see her in action other than the first episode. Usagi-chan hasn't advanced since the beginning of this thread. And has anyone seen Queen Beryl (Aya Sugimoto) out of her costume? Damn, she's hot!
  7. Shortly after walking out of the WWE, he got drunk and beat up Debra. Of course, he got arrested and faced time in prison for it, but Debra decided to drop charges against him.
  8. She also happens to be the ex- of the late "Gentleman" Chris Adams. Basically, her relationship with Austin was the boiling point of the teacher-student rivalry between Adams and SCSA. In-ring, the rivalry didn't compare to Bruno Sammartino vs. Larry Zbyszko, but backstage, both men were bound to kill one another. Eventually, someone murdered Adams more than a year ago. I don't know if Austin attended his funeral.
  9. Parents are just overreacting to the rat torture scene.
  10. TV-Nihon has MRR fansubbed (eps. 1-6, 12-18).
  11. 1. Basically, I think Austin just wants more time off. He'll be back. 2. The Rock is pretty much gone. BTW, did anyone here watch The Rundown? I've been told he did the Rock Bottom on this one. 3. Maven and Christopher Nowinsky are still on RAW as mid-carders. Nidia just had plastic surgery (hence the angle where Tajiri sprayed mist on her face). Linda Miles is probably training over at OVW while Jackie Gayda is on RAW as Rico's main squeeze. BTW, if you watched RAW a couple of weeks ago, Jackie did a nipple slip. I don't know what WWE is doing with the most recent winners.
  12. Mick Foley having the "Michael Jackson complex?" Okay, that's something I never knew. Speaking of Al Snow, Ivory said he's a big comic book freak and is currently collecting Spider-Man. And because I was at the autographed signing, I missed the SCSA special on UPN. What happened there other than interviews with Austin's ex-wives (and his daughters having English accents)?
  13. Suzie Spirit. Months after that injury, she got a major push and, if I remember, won the Tag Team title.
  14. Order your Engrish Greeting cards today at Engrish.com.
  15. She's on RAW once in a while. During the autograph session, she mentioned a lot of things: - There was supposed to be another season of Tough Enough, but MTV canned the project. - Shaniqua and Nidia recently had implants. Nidia also had plastic surgery. - Booker T. is her current favorite wrestler. - It was Ivory's birthday and she shared cake with everyone at the store. She told everyone that she's 42 now. - She signed the store's replica of the Women's title belt, marking a 'III' (meaning she held the title three times). Lita will be signing that same belt next month. - She was surprised that I remember watching her back in the old days of GLOW (Gorgeous Ladies of Wrestling), when she was GLOW Champion Tina Ferrari. When it comes to interaction with the fans, Ivory seems to be the Divas' equivalent of Mick Foley. She's very, very friendly and talks to everyone very casually. I'm much honored, as she's the first WWE Superstar I've met. I also got to meet Rob Van Dam's wife. She's so cute. Now to make plans for December 9, when RVD returns and brings in Lita.
  16. SilverHawks = Gatchaman clone
  17. Because neither GaoGaiGar nor any of the Brave series are owned by Bandai. Even though they're animated by Sunrise, the Brave Robot titles are owned by Takara. ADV unsuccessfully attempted to license GaoGaiGar a few years ago. Takara said 'no' unless the toys and the rest of the Brave series came in stateside. That alone will cost millions to promote, not to mention that the return of Transformers marked the end of the Brave Saga.
  18. Look who I met earlier tonight at RVD's 5-Star Comics: And I tell you - she looks better in person (even at 42) and is one of the friendliest people around. Now to wait two weeks to meet Lita...
  19. Hyper Police? Isn't that the anime about the half-animal bounty hunters? Yeah, Bandai might port over MRR next year, as they have registered everything pertaining the show in the U.S. copyright department.
  20. Actually, the custom parts aren't mandatory. You can leave your car as plain as you want. It's the performance parts that are important.
  21. Wow, The Fast and the Furious made the list, even though the game isn't out yet. With that in mind, I'm surprised that Need For Speed Underground isn't on the list. Speaking of NFS Underground, you guys should buy the game. It's possibly the best NFS game since NFS Hot Pursuit 2.
  22. Action Asteroid Blues Pierrot le Fou Comedy Mushroom Samba Cowboy Funk Drama Ballad of Fallen Angels Ganymede Elegy Suspense Sympathy for the Devil Toys in the Attic
  23. Chouseishin GranSazer (超星神グランセイザー,) General Entertainment/TV Tokyo/Konami/Toho, 2003-2004 U.S. Distributor Pending Running Time: 25 minutes per episode Not Rated (TV-Y7FV). Contains martial arts violence. "Souchaku!" ("Equip!") Synopsis Many billions of years ago, Earth was inhabited by a human race far more advanced than we could ever imagine. Then one day, alien forces - fearful of the human race's technology - indiscriminately attacked Earth. The humans launched their ultimate weapons known as "Ultra Star Gods" to counterattack the invaders, but in the end, not even these weapons could save them from total annihilation. The human race became extinct, but eventually made a comeback eons later. Fast forward to the present day: delivery boy Tenma Kudou is hired to send an important parcel to an archaeologist who is in the middle of discovering an important relic when an intruder at the excavation site attacks and abducts him. During his abduction, Tenma discovers extraordinary abilities hidden within him, transforming him into Sazer-Tarious. Soon, he finds himself in the middle of a war between GranSazer tribes that have returned from extinction. Lowdown For decades, sci-fi fans have associated tokusatsu (the Japanese word for "special effects", but the term is commonly used for live-action hero and monster shows) with Toei's sentai and Kamen Rider shows, Toho's Godzilla movies and Tsuburaya's Ultraman franchises. Enter: Konami - one of the world's largest videogame franchises. In a surprising turn of events, they've decided to compete with Toei in the sentai wars with Chouseishin GranSazer. The first episode has a very lengthy intro - perhaps too long to the point where one has the urge to change the channel. Nothing much happens other than Tenma getting his ass whipped by one chick (Mika "Sazer-Mithras" Shidou) and then another (Ryoko "Sazer-Velsou" Amemiya). For the most part, GranSazer has a lot of catchy CG effects, but nowhere near the same level as Kamen Rider 555. Not even the Matrix-style camera angles are all that. Some of the GranSazer outfits look pretty tight. Sazer-Mithras, on the other hand, look a bit portly compared to Toei's sentai girls. At least the kung-fu fight scenes are interesting to watch. Nice try, Konami, but Toei still makes better tokusatsu material. Maybe in a few episodes, GranSazer will improve on overall quality. Rating: C Links Konami's Official Chouseishin GranSazer Homepage (Japanese) Toho's Official Chouseishin GranSazer Homepage (Japanese) TV Tokyo's Official Chouseishin GranSazer Homepage (Japanese)
  24. Never trust It Ain't Cool News when it comes to movie rumors.
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