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Everything posted by areaseven

  1. This looks sexy. Tamashii Web Exclusive: Ka Signature x Robot Damashii (Side MS) Full Armor Gundam Mk-II
  2. Also announced: HG Gundam The Origin 1/144 RX-78-01[N] Gundam Local Type
  3. R.I.P. Prince. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2QM6vWdcUG8
  4. Gene probably wasn't enlisted until way later on during the One Year War (either before or after the Battle of Loum).
  5. Between Walküre and Delta Squadron, who's paired with whom? Of course, we all know that Freyja will be partnered with Hayate, but maybe you guys can help fill in the blanks: Mikumo - Kaname - Makimaki - Reirei - Chuck Freyja - Hayate
  6. More upcoming Gunpla: HG Gundam The Origin 1/144 MS-05 Zaku I (Denim/Slender Unit) HGUC 1/144 YMS-15 Gyan [Revive] HG Gundam Thunderbolt 1/144 RGM-79 GM (Anime Ver.) HG Gundam Thunderbolt 1/144 MS-06R Zaku II High Mobility Type "Psycho Zaku" MG 1/100 FA-78 Full Armor Gundam Thunderbolt Ver.Ka
  7. Not gonna happen, as Paul Greengrass was the one that made shaky-cam a thing.
  8. Most likely. Tried a Google image search with their names, but found nothing. Guess we'll just wait until the next episode. Well, Google Translate answered my concern: ハインツ・ネーリッヒ・ウィンダミア(ハインツ2世) - Heinz Erich Windermere (Heinz II)
  9. I don't know how her middle name should be spelled, so I'd wait until the official site posts her character info. You can try Google Translate, but it's a hit-or-miss.
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