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Everything posted by areaseven

  1. Now for some more bad news... Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 78% - "Ghostbusters does an impressive job of standing on its own as a freewheeling, marvelously cast supernatural comedy -- even if it can't help but pale somewhat in comparison with the classic original." Metacritic Score: 59 out of 100
  2. Back from the dead! The Nostalgia Critic gives his Top 11 South Park episodes. To summarize: 11. Christian Hard Rock 10. Britney's New Look 9. Cancelled 8. Chinpoko Mon 7. Good Times with Weapons 6. Make Love, Not Warcraft 5. The Passion of the Jew 4. The Coon Trilogy 3. Woodland Critters' Christmas 2. All About Mormons 1. Osama Bin Laden Has Farty Pants
  3. Damn, now that's how figures should be packaged.
  4. Why do you think we have a Worst Science Fiction Film of All Time thread? It's to test our pain threshold on movies such as this.
  5. More of Cat-ear Qan[T]. HGBF 1/144 Gundam 00 Shia Qan[T]
  6. P-Bandai: Pissing off international Gunpla collectors since forever. P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Perfect Strike Gundam Special Coating Ver. P-Bandai Exclusive: HGUC 1/144 Mega Bazooka Launcher P-Bandai Exclusive: MG 1/100 Full Armor Gundam Ver.Ka [Gundam Thunderbolt] Weapon and Armor Hanger Expansion Set
  7. Now that was a close call.
  8. Freyja is real, ladies and gentlemen. On a side note, if you thought the song sounded familiar, here's why...
  9. Finished detailing my first major repaint. Overall, I could've done a better job, but once I start taking up airbrushing, I'll do a more accurate version.
  10. Gelgoog family shot. The Gelgoog Jäger doesn't look bad, but its head is small compared to the rest of the pack. Still need to to a lot of work on my Gelgoog Marine EFSF custom. The Legend of Hugues Courand.
  11. Least likely for the standard/Char/Cannon variants, as they came out in 2006-2007 and there's not much to improve on them as their articulation and proportions are pretty much spot-on. On the other hand, the Gelgoog Marine from 0083 hasn't aged well, especially the Cima custom. The Gelgoog Jäger from 0080 may or may not need a Revive treatment, depending on how it looks beside Char's Gelgoog.
  12. New TV spot for Walküre. Also featuring Maaya Sakamoto's new single.
  13. Early this year, there has been news on the Web about Big Hero 6 getting a sequel, tentatively titled Big Hero 7. The most notable plot rumor is Tadashi Hamada returning from the dead as Sunfire; furthermore, he may or may not be the main villain. Big Hero 7 Release Date, Plot, News Update In the meantime, enjoy this Honest Trailer.
  14. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_i8UnUTLwt4 Chris Evans to Step Down as Top Gear Presenter All I have to say is this...
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