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Everything posted by areaseven

  1. Here's my RG RX-78-2 Gundam Ver.GFT. It's essentially the same kit as the standard RG kit, but with the addition of Magnetic Coating joints, a display stand with adapter, a floating Amuro Ray figurine with cable, and an additional marking sheet to match the livery of the 1/1 Gundam statue. As much as I wanted it to be my favorite 1/144 RX-78-2 Gundam, it falls short due to the extremely loose hands and the weapon pegs refusing to stay on them, as well as armor panels falling off and the loose Action Base 2 adapter. The RG wins on the looks and articulation department, but in terms of durability, it loses to the three HG kits. Furthermore, the HGUC Revive beats it on overall poseability. Still, the RG is a good kit for those who want all the MG-level bells and whistles in a small package.
  2. Yup. No Charlton Heston, not a Ben-Hur movie. "I'm not gonna remember it in T-minus 1 day (Yep, already forgot it)" "C+" "55% and 45%" Rotten Tomatoes Rating: 32% Metacritic Score: 41 out of 100
  3. Just looking at this makes you go bankrupt. [Reckless/C3 Tokyo 2016] MSZ-006%5BBst%5D Z Plus Hummingbird (Ver.Red/Ver.Blue) - 33,480 yen each
  4. Now this is a disappointment - Underneath all that badass armor is... a pile of sticks. MG 1/100 FA-78 Full Armor Gundam [Gundam Thunderbolt] Ver.Ka Review
  5. Whether or not they're shooting in China, the film will still be a hit in that country. Besides, AOE did very little shooting in China other than some location shots in Hong Kong; all the Hong Kong action scenes were actually shot in Detroit and Chicago. Hell, they forgot to erase the Sears Tower in one scene.
  6. Even with all the negative press from AOE, the Chinese market will still completely eat it up, so yeah - it'll make a billion.
  7. The Byarlant Custom is easily one of my all time favorite kits. Great detail and articulation, surprisingly well-balanced for a top-heavy design, and fairly easy to build. Just have some wine red or burgundy paint ready for the thruster panels. The Gaplant TR-5 Hrairoo, on the other hand, is a mixed bag. It looks badass, but posing it can be quite a chore due to its loose joints. And because of the new parts, what was once a fully transformable kit has resorted to partsforming.
  8. Despite not being chrome or metallic, the HGUC Hyaku Shiki Revive looks sharp.
  9. Good question, as many fans are not happy with Miles Luna and Kerry Shawcross taking over the series. Otherwise, here are some predictions for Vol. 4:
  10. Anyone here have a drone? I just got this Parrot Bebop Drone 2 as a gift. Unfortunately, it's raining heavily out here, so I can't do any field tests until the skies finally clear up. In the meantime, here are a few pics I took and some sample videos from Parrot and other users.
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