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Cannon Fodder

Cannon Fodder (1/15)



  1. Simply awesome. I'm very much considering repainting the one I just purchased over Ebay to fit with Milia's red paintscheme, as suggested by some people here. Particularly since I've already stolen her FAST pack, leaving her rather.. bare.
  2. I did. But I did a pretty dang piss-poor job of it, on my previous - and first - attempt at applying waterslide decals. Live and learn..
  3. Yeeah.. well, I actually pulled it out, but it's pretty embarassing looking at it now. I learned a lot about proper decal-application from the experience, and the overall look is good.. but - especially compared to this one - it's really not very photogenic. Especially after a few transformations, things degraded pretty fast; tearing and silvering all over the place. I'm more likely to just do it all over sometime in the future.
  4. Thanks, people. Already noticed a mistake, which I can fortunately redo.. Also, it might not be super-visible in these pics, but my personal fave part of doing this custom was how the Dengeki set became quite a lot more transparent through the use of Micro Gloss - an unforeseen but pretty nifty effect. Turns out that modelers often use the stuff on transparent plastic for exactly that purpose. Heh, yeah, that was definately one of the reasons I wanted to throw these two together. Seemed to fit somehow. I used: Anasazi Low-vis set & Low-vis FP set, Anasazi M&M set, and a few Takatoys Low-viz Option stickers. (Really wanted to put on the shark-mouth from that set, too, but I screwed it up. ) Was a pain in the ass to do. I'm just glad I just had to do the FP; the Low-viz itself already has subtle panel-lines and weathering.
  5. Daysleeper

    Custom: Wraith

    Behold.. Full frontal Valkyrie Hindquarters Inner workings Sleek profile Even nukes come in matching colors! (My apologies for the rather crappy lighting in the pictures. Just finished tonight, and its rather, er, well, dark. Nights tend to be. Also my apologies for the inane captions above. Lastly: yes, I do read the pulp visible in the background. I put Tolkien's Silmarillion in that stack just to look intelligent.)
  6. Thanks, EXO.
  7. How easy is it to swap out the wings of a 1/48 Valk? I'm sort of thinking of exchanging the appropriately red-striped wings of my 1J Hikky with the black-striped 1A Hikky wings for the Jetfire custom I have planned. My alternative is to just take a Valk and a day off work, and start trying to disassemble and reassemble the thing and get a feel for how the thing is put together. But I can just picture myself sitting there with a freshly put-back-together valk and discovering this little odd rectangular thingamajig I left out somewhere.. (D'oh!) How well do waterslide decals adhere to resin? Not strictly a valk-related question.. I've actually gotten a Half-Eye Perfect Change Getter, which, like all SHE products, is made of a sturdy resin. It has a small sticker missing and some others peeling a tiny bit. I could commission someone to reproduce me a set, but I'd really rather use waterslides rather than simply stickers.. but have no experience with resin as a material. Though people who do recasts in resin might have a good idea. Another relevant question would be whether it's safe to use Microscale products - Microsol, Microcoat - on it, too.
  8. AAAJin: Yup, that was me. And, erm, I was gonna, but then, you know.. my dog ate my homework.. Seriously though, I just never got around to it. Nightbat: Yeah, I'm Dutch.
  9. Yeah, I know. Didn't have the cash, then. But then, LVs didn't cost much when they first came out, either.. (and lets not even mention the apparent insanity going on with 1S Hikky's right now) And, I'm rather used to paying more for stuff, anyway.
  10. Just happened to browse past the website of one of my fave import-stores around here in the Benelux, and noticed the number of toys listed under Macross - set up as one of my categories to keep a close eye on - went up.. one was a VF-1S Roy.. YAY! .. for 180 euro.. not-so-yay. But then noticed two pictures of Max in the listing.. they'd had the 1/60 forever, but.. could it be? YES! 1/48! And the price was.. *drumroll* 113 euro. That's about $140, for you non-European folks. (And shipping's always really good from these guys; for a measely 8 euro I get next-day delivery with track&trace. ) Not bad for a brandnew valk, I told myself; moreso in an insane country where a gallon of gas already costs over $7.50.. a conviction I was strenghtened in when I took a peek on Ebay to ascertain how good of a deal this really was. Prices in excess of $200?! Man. WTF. Okay, so I fiddled with the quantities to try and see if I could grab a few for people here, but, unfortunately, it started complaining when I even put in 2. =/ I managed to snag the last - or perhaps the only - one they had, apparently.. Sorry about that. ... It's weird.. I had three 1/48s and I really figured that was plenty for me. But these things, they just keep forcing their way into my collection, I swear. o.o I mean, I bought a Super Miria completely on impulse just last week, because a friend and fellow collector, having ventured into the 1/48 line but later deciding to focus on other things after all, was getting rid of it for a good price.. It's still sitting here in its box; haven't even had the time to extract it yet. And now another one.. Collecting 1/48 Valks just inevitably escalates, it seems.. Ah well. Guess this gives me something to snap the GBP armor on once it comes out.
  11. Wonderful work. I've been planning on doing a Jetfire custom, myself, for ages; but never got 'round to it.. seeing this, though, I'm getting really inspired to try putting together my own!
  12. Yeah, I know.. I'm not exactly quick in updating. Everytime I actually found time to take some pictures, they turned out blurry as all hell.. dunno what I did, but the last picture I took this attempt actually ended up looking presentable. Hence, I offer it for your "enjoyment".. Here you can at least see the legs, and some of the small creative things I attempted with some of the decals I ended up not being able to use; like the white edges intended for the knees ending up gracing the little leg-"wings," and the fact that I ended up cutting the sponsor-logo's in half to divide them equally over the seperate legs, so as to not run into the red stripe. Gerwalk: (Damn. Already slightly damaged some of the decals. I seriously need to go back and give it a better protective coating, before I dare handle it more..)
  13. The all-white Hikaru: This was my first 1/48, and it was second-hand, with applied stickers. I'm not too happy with them, really, and am planning to strip and redo them one day.. perhaps with water-transfers.. But, it still looks presentable; particularly with the recast 1S-head.
  14. Current mostly-Macross shelf:
  15. Thanks for the comments, people. I'll try to churn out some decent pictures eventually, whenever I find time.. >EXO<: The reason for that is simple: I intend to display this thing in fighter-mode.
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