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Everything posted by Mathieu

  1. I play with them with the Magic Engine emulator. Magic Engine Website
  2. By the way, could somebody take better scans and compress it into high quality jpeg? This is really a nice picture.
  3. This is all I could do before I felt asleep. You're missing something like 1 cm on the picture so it was really a pain in the ass. If somebody want to fix to errors, feel free to do it.
  4. Nice picture! Seem like a great challenge. I'll give it a try.
  5. A while ago, I created two pages filed with Macross screenshots of the 2 PCE CD games. Since the old forum was the only way to reach those two pages, I repost them here. Macross 2036 Macross Eternal Love Song Enjoy!
  6. Thanks a lot Lu523!
  7. I found on the imacross4 servers 7 episodes of Macross 7 made by [ass]. They are very good quality. Do you know if he's gonna rip the rest of the series?
  8. No. In North America, we have the Animeigo set.
  9. I'm sure it's just a mistake by the animators.
  10. Mathieu


    I study in multimedia in Cégep de Maisonneuve in Montreal in Canada. In this program, we touch everything from websites, videogames, design, 3d, sound, video... It's a 3 years program and I'll start my 3th year next monday. The cost of this program is really cheap because it's in a public school (something like 500$US per year). I'm not sure but I think it's the only public school to teach Maya in North America. Personaly, I'm not really into 3d like some freaks that I know. I prefer drawing on paper and writing scripts.
  11. Very nice clean design! The location and the size of the elements of your wallpaper create a great harmony. I really feel the mood of Mac + in this wallpaper.
  12. Mathieu


    Maybe... I actualy never saw the anime ; I used a toy as a model so maybe that's why the face may looks wrong... here's a shot from the back.
  13. Tu viens de où? Moi je viens de Montréal. Y'a pas beaucoup de hardcore Macross fan dans mon coin.
  14. Beau desing. Les images de background de la section Macross TV ne semblent pas fonctionner. Dans la section gallerie de Macross II, ce ne sont que de petites images et on ne peut pas voir les version aggrandie en cliquant dessus.
  15. Mathieu


    Hey vicviper! I see by looking at your avatar that you're a Getta Robot fan! I did, a couple of months ago, a Shin Getta 3d model for a Maya 3d exam. The light effect really suck because I did them really fast.
  16. Yeah I agree with the white drew carey. Also , when you use too much filter to give special effects, it sometimes gives a messed up result. The most simple wallpapers are often the best looking ones.
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