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Everything posted by SHMOGUN

  1. A High Vis VF 11 From VF X 2 would be totally awesome --I'll get one of those as well with fast packs. To w ish upon a star.
  2. Awesome Graham-If theres anyone that would figure it out, it be you. Overdrive is processing mine. Can't wait, but waiting.
  3. 'Max was living proof that you didn't need a 1S variant to be an ace and kick major ass. True, true.
  4. I went into battroid configuration--my goodness. Took me a half hour checking the manual and cross checking on you tube-I love the complexity of it. By the way, thanks guys for the advice--the videos are very helpful. Battroid mode is kick ass, especially with the fast packs and twin gun pods and I displayed it next to my Miriya Q-Rau. Fighter mode looks awesome, all I kept saying (in my mind of course) was "stealth". Might change it tonight to guardian mode and pose it for a while that way. Just got the Macross Plus Movie version. Pop that bad boy into my DVD player tonight.
  5. Just got my YF 21 through the mail. Came in today "I'm so excited" *Borat impression*. Can't wait to go home and open that box. The YF 19 25th year special should be arriving in the next few days with the fold booster and fast packs. Its just Macross Goodness Yamato style!!
  6. Yo thanks for the shot out- 1VF 2NV.
  7. Hey hey Rohby, You re my new friend I was wondering if you can put me down for 4. Email: SHMOKOSO@HOTMAIL.COM Check out my Valkyries at: SHMOGUN'S SKULL GROUND CREW
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