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  1. In my experience, sanding hardened CA glue can be very difficult if you allow it to cure/harden for a few hours. Fully cured CA has the properties of rock hard plastic! I suggest buying a CA glue accelerator (available in some hobbys shops and hardware stores) to speed up the curing process and then sand off any excess glue immediately after it hardens. To dissolve CA glue, I've always used nail polish remover. The active ingredient is acetone which can give off noxious fumes so wear a respirator when handling it and work in a well-ventilated area. Hope this helps.
  2. Hi Valk009 - Good luck on your foray into resin kits. I'm sure you'll enjoy building the kit although IMHO, it takes a bit more work compared to plastic kits. The best glue for resin kits is cyanoacrylate glue, also commonly referred to as CA glue, super glue, crazy glue and "that glue that bonds your thumb and index finger together" . The so called "glue that gets you high" I think refers to plastic modelers cement which is only suitable for plastic kits. It works by "melting" the plastic thereby crating a strong bond. Since there is no plastic in a resin kit, it obviously won't work. Hope this helps!
  3. Hey! Thanks Omega One. The magazine scans were certainly helpful. BTW, I hope that members of this board don't find it rude if my first ever post is a request for help. I'll do my share in contributing whatever little I know. Cheers!
  4. Hi. I'm a newbie to this board from the Philippines. I'm a moderately experienced modeler but I am currently finishing my first Macross kit project - the Hasegawa VF1-S. I've enjoyed building this kit so much that I plan to start on another very soon. I was able to purchase a clear version of the VF-1S and plan to use the custom decals that come with it to do the SVC-8 Blue Roses. I understand that this and the other custom valks were featured in Model Graphix Mag's April issue ( I forgot the year). I can't seem to find a copy of this mag anywhere. I would really appreciate it if anyone from this Board can provide or point out any source of info on the SVC-8, particularly the color scheme and recommendations on what color paints to use, (out of the bottle or mixed), and the most appropriate Hasegawa kit for this project (VF-1S, VF-1A or VF-1J). Thanks in advance!
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