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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. cool, anyway the problem with live action anime and manga is who is doing them and why, remember when comic movies were a joke? spawn anyone? tank girl? but it took real fans with great imagination, and drive to bring the characters they love to life in the right way. i am always ready for the next animated tale, just like i was with comics, but nothing compares to seeing live action. think about it have jerry bruckheimer of top gun come on board, find a director with exstensive knowledge of the material, and is doing it for the love of the story and craft, and not for the money, i guarantee you it could work and be great. i hate anime, manga, and video game movies with a passion, but only because the movie industry trys to capitalize on an idea, but not put the proper people behind it, best example Aliens vs Predator
  2. yeah i have been to all those, and studied them already, except protoculture, i am not new to macross or macrossworld, i am new to the forum, but i do appreciate the heads up on the rt references. but it is cool i understand, for the most part, within my group of friends, and most of this town that i hate, i am like the macross expert, people who have corrected many of so call "experts" but i never called my self one, because i was always on these site realizing how much i really don't know. but it is nice to be among those who understand paying 150 dollars on the latest 1/48 valk from yamato.
  3. i am origianly from belguim, i spent most of my childhood in germany watching what i thought were normal cartoons, only to find out later they were anime, it was running rampant over there, then i moved to pissant killeen, texas, aka fort hood. most of you know where it is, so i am about 2 hours away, and though i do like robotech, for all of you out there macross is my heart, and my first love, or i wouldn't be here now. now the real reason i posted this is because i have enlisted into the airforce at the ripe ol age of 23, and i am trying to get this cool ass audio visaul job, where you learn to work cameras, i thought that i may be cool if that in 4 yrs when i get out, i would try to beg studios to give me a chance at making the movie, though it is a far fetched dream, you never know, i have a lot of drive and ambition when it comes to macross.
  4. true but if they don't reuse it then what's the point of changing it? if you were just rebuilding for appearance sake, then why not leave it the way it was, if we restore a battle ship i doubt they would update it with a lot of enhancements or better equipment if they aren't going to use it, they would leave it the same for nastolgia, i live on an army base, i know
  5. okay, one last thing, um what is the best paint to use, and is the best tool to use so that i can paint my panel lines, i remember trying to do it on my old gundam models, but i never got it right, they aren't too many people where i live that i know of who are good at modeling, so i have to ask
  6. by the way, yall, (that's right i am from texas) love to bash robotech, but if it wasn't for robtech you wouldn't have me here to pick on me, because i wouldn't care on anime, oh and ps, you all can kiss my ass.
  7. sorry for the bad spelling, i am feeling sick and my jobs sucks, i am ready to get home and see if my vf-2ss model and alpha mpc came today,
  8. i think that it could work on the big screen, there was once a time where x-men and spiderman couldn't have worked, at least not without people laugh at the costumes and everything, we live in the era of great computer animation, and although i personally don't like it have the time, i think that it could be done, i mean it would be like watching top gun, except the mechs change, it isn't as impossible as it may seem, and as far as story goes, that can be done easily, no one said that you have to cover the entire series, when they make comic movies they don't try to cover everything, they explain major points, which can be done at the beginning like star wars, and you can show a side story. i never said the main characters of the show had to be the main characters of the movie. (alert another robotech reference) look at robotech battlecry the game, it was someone else's story, and he just happens to cross paths with the main characters, or it can be handled differently than that, but it is possible.
  9. well i am sorry if it was discussed before, i am new here and very bored at work and was hoping to talk about something i thought might be interesting, i mean i have other reasons as well as to why i started this thread, but never mind now, how about this, what are you opinions on MACROSS movie, how about that.
  10. um honestly to my knowledge i don't know, but this post wasn't posted for arguing the whole hg vs. macross debate, i was simply asking if a movie came out with the moniker robotech, but was in every way macross, would you see it, and who would you like to see of the big screen. i really don't care if they do or don't, i was stating that if a movie came out it may have to be called robotech, but if let's say someone like graham made it, even though it would be called robotech, because you knew graham is involved you knew it was really macross, would you go and see, and who are your casting chocies, i hope this clears things up
  11. yes you are a genius, now genuis, prepare to fight a legal battle with harmony gold over the rights to produce macross related materials, which they say they own since the purchased it as robotech.
  12. okay you'll aren't paying attention, i mean a live action one that can be made here in the states, because it is made in the states it would have to be robotech, because of harmony gold, now i would much rather watch a live action macross movie, but you know legal stuff, and why would you bash it? if it is good, and is more like macross than robotech, but must carry the robotech name to be released then why would you bash it? you have to remember right now it is hard to release anything macross in the states, so thus the movie would be named robotech, not macross, but it would be like watching a live action macross, not robotech. get it?
  13. you know he has a point, because even in the later sequels everything seems to be more based off the movie, as it the show never existed, like in macross plus, the macross didn't have the super carriers like the show, it had the um what were they called, armd? units like it was in dyrl
  14. now i know, eveyone here would much rather watch a live action macross movie, but come on if it were to be made here in america, because of bs over rights it would have to be a robotech movie. now, let say this film came out, in i don't know like 5 years or so, as long as it was done by a director who was really good, and hopefully a fan of the show, espicially a macross, fan would you watch it? and if so who would you like to see protray your favorite macross characters. i figure if they do the movie if should be based off the macross saga the most popular, and should kind of retell it, without changing anything big. you all talk about how macross isn't as popular in japan as gundam or most series, but if this movie is released there,( which i doubt hory froatind head would allow) but if, imagine what it could do to revitalize the macross franchise as everyone will be interested, or think of the controversy that it will be associated with if they do release it in japan, nothing like a little controversy, so what are your thoughts
  15. yeah thanks, and the thing with the strap happened to me to, but you know it happens, i am new to the yamato toys, for the longest time i just couldn't afford them, and now i can, but i am not use to how careful one needs to be, anyway, what is the best sealent for the rubber? i already now how to take the leg apart as i have tried to fix my broken leg so that isn't a problem, but i want to know what the best sealent is, one that won't eat the rubber.
  16. When i recieved my first toy it was a vf-1s hikaru type, and i loved it, but the rubber parts in the joints of the legs were already coming off the minute i took it out of the box, and the left leg joint broken upon first transformation, now i have learned from my mistakes, but i have just recently purchased vf-1j hikaru with fastpack online, now how do i keep those from happening, the leg joint i understand, be more careful, but what about the rubber parts in the socket, and how do you place the strap on the gun? i had a hard time figuring that one out too.
  17. QUOTE (kanedaestes @ Aug 26 2004, 06:18 AM) What's up all, i have a question, i don't think it is considered newbie, seeing as how i am not to the macross universe, but after reading many posts, i have realized that my knowledge is nothing now compared to most of yours. and so i ask, i remember reading a post about the diffeerences of the transformation levers, as how in macross dyrl, and everything since it is just two "joysticks" if you will the proper terminology escapes me, while in the series it was nobs, and levers depending on the mode at the time. now my question is exactly how would the mecha differentiate in dyrl the difference of transformation, because if you are in battriod mode and you fold the stick to the right and push forward, you can either be in gerwalk or fighter, how does that work? at least in the series it was better explained as every mode had it's own designated lever, or nob, although it may not be as practicle. or maybe they are using the robotech novels theory that by using your helmet you can tell the mech what you want to do, any explainations I was guessing that rotating throttle acted like the gear shift on an automatic car, with the throttle rotated to horizontal position being fighter, then tiliting it up to the next "notch" for gerwalk, then vertical for battroid. now that makes sense, thanks
  18. that's cool, i mean no one wants them to say change gerwalk mode. and i can understand the whole retooling of the design, i actually like the dyrl design when it comes to transformations, it makes it look better, but i was just wondering in an "real world" stand point as to why one manuever could do 2 totally different things, but i honestly if you think about it, in the heat of battle during an intense dog fight, i am quite sure i would be a pain in the ass to have to turn a nob or flip a lever, when one movement can do both.
  19. i was aware that the robotech books have nothing to do with macross, although i wouldn't call them garbage, it is just a seperate universe with a lot of the same concepts, if you read it as that it is actually decent, i never thought of them as the same though i know better, i was curios that's all, but yes for flying i understand, but there has been many of times when they transform on all the sequels and prequels were all the do is lift the lever or lower the lever and push or pull it back and the valk changes. they did it in m+, m0, and dyrl, and you never really see if there is another switch or button pushed.
  20. What's up all, i have a question, i don't think it is considered newbie, seeing as how i am not to the macross universe, but after reading many posts, i have realized that my knowledge is nothing now compared to most of yours. and so i ask, i remember reading a post about the diffeerences of the transformation levers, as how in macross dyrl, and everything since it is just two "joysticks" if you will the proper terminology escapes me, while in the series it was nobs, and levers depending on the mode at the time. now my question is exactly how would the mecha differentiate in dyrl the difference of transformation, because if you are in battriod mode and you fold the stick to the right and push forward, you can either be in gerwalk or fighter, how does that work? at least in the series it was better explained as every mode had it's own designated lever, or nob, although it may not be as practicle. or maybe they are using the robotech novels theory that by using your helmet you can tell the mech what you want to do, any explainations
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