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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. yeah, but for how much, most of the anime series i buy i never pay more than like 30 or forty bucks, and i can in fact get the entire series for like 40 bucks at animespectrum.com, but like i said i heard that version has crappy subtitles, and it is in all japanese. maybe i should just wait for the fx perfect collection box if they make one, is should only be like 30 or 40 bucks then, with better subtitles and the english language track.
  2. i too have wondered about it, seeing as how it seems to be a very popular paint scheme on most custom valks. i think it is cool, and it would have been great to see them in action on the show or movie
  3. i am looking forward to at least ghost in the shell, i have been trying to get the whole series online, but most of the copies have horrible subtitles. but it is about time, cartoon network is starting to fall off
  4. i just recently received a macross II valk model, and i completely forgot how cool they look, i really appreciate teh movie now, if notrhing else just at least for the mechs.
  5. hey the way i see it if your women or men, whatever eb the case, have a problem with your macross displays, time to get new ones. i tell every girl i meet, well eventually anyway, about my collections and hobbies, and either they like it or don't, i have put my hobbies to the side once before for a girl, and regretted it, and now my current girl thinks it's cool, so it is all good.
  6. yeah he would have, which would have been cool to see so early in the series, everyone watching would have been like "what the f***" i know i would have.
  7. because it was brought up, i always believe the a vf could out manuever a MS, so there would be no contest, yeah a MS could have a ton of impressive weaponary, but it is useless if you can hit a target. besides the training for a gundam pilot is different than a vf pilot, i mean we are dealing with actual pilots, who are professionals in the art of dog fighting. gundams don't really dog fight, they shot huge beams, or just do sword battles with beam sabers, but that is my opinion oh and welcome to the site, they treated you far better than they did me when i started like a week ago. just look at the robotech movie thread here in movie and tv series
  8. thanks, uh anything in gerwalk or fighter mode by chance?
  9. oh sorry, i meant animespectrum.com, i hope you caught that.
  10. oh that's funny
  11. best animated movie or movie in general based off a game, stuck truthfully to the feel and story of the game, i haven't seen it any where, you may want to try animekrazy.com, or animearigato.com, or aniespectrum.com, they usually have excellent hard to find stuff for an extremely reasonable price.
  12. the dvd itself it just really cool clips and stuff that we here in the US don't get to see. it is really cool clips from all the shows, and video games, and well as ads of toys and models, it is a must for true fans, just like flashback 2012
  13. which makes sense, if you are going to have a mech with those capabilities, i believe they would consider that, if it needed to make an emergency take off wouldn't it be best to boost and transform. at least i hope people are that smart, do you honestly think we would build an aircraft and not think about any contigency plans in the event something drastic happened? i hope not if we did, we would have a sorry ass military
  14. hey does anyone have pics of a completed model of the vf-2ss, i am supposed to be receiving one and i wanted to see some pics of the finished product.
  15. hey, what company made that model on this thread?
  16. Does anyone have the Studio Halfeye Toys of the getter robo series? i was thinking about bying them, but they are pricey, and wanted to make sure that it is worth it
  17. i am looking for the bd2 and bd3 peices, and the rubber parts as well, and hopefully a gundpod strap, it would be much appreciated.
  18. thanks guys, where is the best place to get the gundam markers, do i only get them online
  19. he, so he made some mistakes, they all have, but for the most part if you look at his large body of work, and it is huge, he should be higher.
  20. okay, i know that he has never really headlined a film, and when he has it failed, but samuel l jackson has to without a doubt be one the list, he is without a doubt a through and through badass, and always will be
  21. well, although the mpc are crap, espicially the alpha i just received, i will at least buy more products if they produce the cyclones, and other mechs, because they are the only ones making them. just like the yammie fy-21fp, i do have it, it isn't great, but at least i have one. to me it is all about at least having it, because for the longest time i didn't have anything, and that is worse than having crappy toys, trust me. i didn't know about the sites that imported toys, so i was stuck with the american made ones, so although they are crap, they are at least putting out something that can be obtained by one who doesn't know about sites, or doesn't have a computer.
  22. the valk designs were also the only things that i liked about macross II, actually, it wasn't bad if it was it's one anime, non macross related.
  23. Uh, what is the best way to paint the panel lines on the 1/48 valks, i just really want to have that realistic look i guess you can say.
  24. hello, as of right now my painting skills suck, so i was wondering if their is anyone that wants to help a fellow fan by painting my yammie vf-19a in the original yf-19 colors?
  25. okay that makes sense
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