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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. Question #2- Yes Question #1- Liscensing, harmony gold is bitching saying that they hold the current liscense for macross and macross related material, and aren't trying to let go, at least i think it is like that, how manga got a hold of mac+ and macII i don't know, but that is the main reason mac7 and mac0 and the vfx-2, which was actually supposed to be released on playstation1 but harmony gold said no, and now they are requesting permission from anyone selling any macross or robotech related products, i think that is how it goes anyway
  2. "fp" means fast pack, and yes it is because of liscensing issues that nothing is being released, and the odds of a 1/48 yf-19, i really don't know, but i highly doubt it, because then they would have to redo the whole mac+ line, which would be great, but it doesn't seem like yammie is going towards that route right now
  3. seeing as how people have been asking for a sequel to this particular installment alone it should be good, i hope so anyway, as long as they can keep the feel of the original, although it is going to be a more updated look, like the movie
  4. see even graham has read them, and they are good, but like he said don't take them seriously, look at them as a completely different universe all together
  5. kakazaki from dyrl without a doubt, right in the head, and of course guld boa bowman, even though you see it coming in the movie edition it still brings a tear in your eye for his moment of redemption, like bowemier (i think that is how it is spelled) in LOTR, The Fellowship, his moment of redemption was a tear jerker because he would not just die, he fought until the very end
  6. yeah but the alphas looked cool to, and look at how that turned out, plus you can't but voltron as a whole, you have to buy the pieces, which will probably be spread out over three months in between each piece
  7. hey before i got real heavy into macross which was hard to obtain for awhile, i did read these books, and they are okay, i really like the zentradi rebellion book number 19, because it talks about the transition period of everything, rick and company getting ready to leave in th sdf-3, the emergence of the southern cross army as well as hovertanks, and with all this the zentradi uprisings in south america, it was good, but now i have all things macross, it is kind of no longer as interesting as it once was, since the macross story line is much better.
  8. i don't simply cause i have no desire to create further competition for my macross habit. yeah which is also true, since it is now starting to get hard to find certain items, but then that will make companies take notice and make more product
  9. mine is i can spit ice costume: Magenta Battle Cry: "Now that's what i am talking about" Sidekick: 98 Year old man named Melvin
  10. by the way does anyone have any info about gungrave 2?
  11. Uh the power ring john stewart uses is the most powerful weapon because it is based on imagination, and for the most part for awhile at least it's only real true weakness was te color yellow, which has now changed to damn near nothing alt all. all he really ever does is laser beams, but that doesn't mean it sucks it means he has no imagination, and i actually like him, he is a green lantern, and he is a troubled one at that, he has gone through a lot, he is no kyle rayner, or hal jordan, but he is still good, and stop your bitching, so what if he is in there only for political correctness, it would have been wrong if they just created him purely for the show, like i don't say spike from x-men evolution. at least he is an actual dc character.
  12. i know, i got it the moment it came out, i am also looking forward to Robotech Invasion
  13. hey, is the fan base getting smaller, possibly, but does that mean the products will no longer be produced? no. think of it like this, how many of us remember getter robo, (starvengers in the states), how many actually care, there really isn't a big demand or a huge following, but studio halfeye is still releasing transforming toys of the series, and they seem to be doing well with it. now i believe macross can come back, it may take a new series, or it may take robotech to do it. i wouldn't mind seeing a new series, but you know right now robotech is making all the right moves by having a new series in the works, and making new games to play (btw Robotech: Invasion based off of mospeda looks great) and maybe that for right now will be the only way to generate interest. i found macross through robotech, and then through macross plus, but it was robotech in the 80's that originally caught me, and even anime magazine that talk about robotech always talk about macross and how it is where it all started and even tell about the new series and sequels that have spawned from macross, so it wil come back, but personally i want to keep it small, i don't want to go to a mall and see macross shirts everywhere like one particular anime series i know (dragonball z anyone?) also word of mouth doesn't hurt, i tell everyone i meet about macross, and i hope you are all doing the same, let people know if you want the fanbase to grow, spread the word about all the series, even if you don't like macross 7 or macross II someone else might and that may be what gets them in on it.
  14. i have always liked this color scheme for some reason, i know it is very basic, and nothing truly special, but it always looked cool to me, then again blue is my favorite color, but i like this one better than the all blue vf-1j
  15. i was just on the toynami website and i have realized something, actually i have always known, but i felt i should share my opinion with others. have you ever noticed that they don't actually come up with their own designs unless they have to? i mean look at yamato, when it came time to make the vf-1 toys they redid it so it was no longer like bandai or the others, toynami didn't. the same goes for most of their products, i just saw the speed racer toy on their website, it is the same toy that was released a few years back with a different color scheme. all they do is change colors, or add the smallest bit of articulation and call it a masterpiece, well they need to do a little less masterpiece, and a little more redeisgn of products, which could also help in their qc issue, and make newer, better toys, not rehash of old stuff
  16. that is how it is marketed on their website, www.toynami.com, which is really stupid, and makes me not want it, i will go to ebay and try to find a better one, i hope they do on the other hand make southern cross, i really want a hovertank that goes into all three modes
  17. i really don't hate toynami, or HG, i actually love robotech, it just stands that because of quality issues, toynami isn't the best company. i love what they are attempting to do, if they can fix the qc problems, they will definitly be a great company to buy a product from
  18. it looks alright, but i quess we will just have to wait untill it comes out to see if it is any good, i mean the alpha pics looked great too, and look at how they turned out, just trying to transform it i pulled the arm out, oh well.
  19. i guess we will never know, we have built website, forums, and even dedicated our lives to something that may not even have happend. spent countless hours and money, on a phenomenon that know no one, except hoary froating head, knows what actually happened. the true story isn't even revealed, this could all be a lie, maybe the zentradi actually won, who really knows???
  20. i agree
  21. brilliant i just saw the whole series not to long ago, and i am looking forawrd to this and gungrave 2
  22. it is kind of like watching the new star wars movies, they just don't quite fully fit with the continuity of the original three, it would seem like it is another person making them, but it is lucas messing up his own creation, same applies here, justr wait until you watch macross zero, then you will have more questions, and be more mixed up about dyrl and sdf
  23. Hey i was wondering if any of you guys have customized any of your valks to match the color schemes at the beginning of the macross mecha designs book, i was thinking about doing it with my vf-19s, and so on, but wanted to see if any of you have done it as well.
  24. i have been a gunbuster fan since the early 90's, the only anime to bring a tear to my eye, until i saw the last episode of gungrave anyway. i always thought it was great, and even wanted the toy that was released. i think studio halfeye should get off their behind and make a transforming Gunbuster, that seperates to buster machine 1 and 2, hell if they can do it with getter robo, the gunbuster should be a piece of cake. BUSTER MISSILE
  25. has anyone seen the new guilty gear artbook, is it as good as the first one, and does anyone have any of the figures.
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