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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. i love naruto, not only it is an action show but there is character development, and good story lines. my friend who doesn't even like action cartoons loves naruto. not only is it very action packed, but it is really funny as well. kakashi killed me when he first show up on the scene, and rock lee's mentor gai is riot. but i never looked at this as a kid show, i deem pokemon, and yugi-oh, and kirby and shows like that kid shows, this is a step or two above it, not the most indepth show, but still a lot more fun to watch than DBZ, and i was a HUGE DBZ fan, so that says a lot. but then DBZ got really old quick, at least with naruto it is still fresh, and even when they do each person's signature move, it is rarely ever done the same way twice, unlike seeing the kamehameha used a billion times the exact same way.
  2. that is going to be good, is this confirmered or rumored?
  3. um, you know how about we not talk about whom should be who, i believe that if a fan of the comic is making the movie, then he or she knows what they are doing, i mean who would have thought some unknown actor from australia would make a good wolverine? and also i liked the hulk, it is exactly what it should be, you ever read a comic, yeah sure there are some with a lot of action, but it is mostly about a person trying to keep his inner demon under control, and about a monster who wants to be left alone, exactly what the movie was. and i look forward to the new movie, the only casting that i ever truly deemed wrong was hallie berry as storm, it should have been angela bassett, but they went with hallie because she is younger, and if this movie is supposed to be the FF at the beginning, Sue Storm is supposed to be young, not older like Charlize, or Sharon. and have you ever considered that maybe the actors or actresses that you name and would like to see may not even want the role? there are a lot of different reasons why they cast who they cast. Hugh Jackman wasn't supposed to be wolverine, the villian from Mission Impossible 2 was, but he was busy making MI@
  4. Question, when lucas first made the series, did he have the fans in mind? no there were none, he wanted to make a movie to match his vision, but due to budgets, and lack of technology we got what we got which is still good. no i too have complained about this, but after looking at some documentaries and everything, i am changing. he even said himself way back then that he was not happy with the finished product, so now that he has the chance to change them he will. look i am an aspiring film maker, now i may or may not make it who knows, but i do know this, i intend to make films the way i want, and i really only want to please myself, so if i make a film that pleases millions and becomes a huge hit, but i am unhappy with it, then yes i will make changes to to match my vision. because if nothing else neither GL or i will be making movies for the fans, we make them for our selves.
  5. where exactly is this screen shot from, i don't remember it
  6. i have one, my left arm pulled out completly out, although i think that may have been my fault, but for the most part it isn't that bad, but i can only say that because i don't have any of the original mospeda toys to compare to, this is my first one. besides if they make the beta to go with it, then i won't mind a few qc problems
  7. first get the sdf series, then mac 0, and then mac 7, save seven for last, because if you don't like it, it may ruin your whole outlook on macross, get everything else first. at first just the very thought of macross 7 upseted me, i mean playing instruments to fly valks, what nonsense, but then because i am a completist when it comes to macross, i picked it up as well as the movie and dynamite 7, and i do have to say that the more you watch it, the more you get into it, i still think playing instuments was stupid, but at least the series isn't as bad as i thought it was, i even come home and put it on if i get bored, which i thought i would never do. but get everything else first, as well as flashback 2012, and Macross 20th anniversary, and if you live in Canada, try going to import-anime.com, you can get very excellent deals there.
  8. the bounty hunter wars was excellent in my opinion
  9. i like to believe that he is still in space, kind of makes it more poetic that way
  10. my belief was that eventually the empire started excepting regular people as stormtroopers. when they started to take over the galaxy, i am quite sure they offered people of different planets the chance to join them or be destroid, which is why the stormtroopers all look different in the old trilogy
  11. screw that who is counting down the days until x-men legends comes out? anyone?
  12. i thought that "SF" was referring to a specific series, not sci-fi as a whole, come one give me more credit than that
  13. that was because of the mutation spores that he was infected with, he is not actually a snake, seeing as how he has a son, at least in the comics anyway
  14. "SF" tv series, what is that?
  15. g.i. joe completely done in cg, um i don't know about that one, it looks okay, but to me it seems to have a lot of room for trash in it. i will wait until someone else with the same tastes as me sees it first and tells me how it is, unless i can rent it somewhere. on a side note i think i will go and pick up the original 80's movie this weekend, now that is a classic.
  16. hey i go for the animated route, clones wars on cartoon network is freakin awsome, and it is only like 5 minutes long per episode, but they are great. let genndy tartokosky or whatever his name is, and have him do the rest of whatever it is they are going to do, i am currently looking forward to the new season of clones wars starting in March of 05
  17. yeah i know, it just seems odd that he seem to be in those types of roles, i mean he died in the beginning of equilibrium, and you thought he was a traitor, until the end of the movie where it is shown that he was actually a good guy
  18. thanks, uh supernatural power, oh no this is going to be crap, why do they have to add such idiotic trash to a great series?
  19. yeah him, sean bean aka 006 from goledneye, hey you ever notice he take a lot of roles where he is a traitor?
  20. here is a question, what is the new series about, i mean noriko and company where gone for like a thousand years or so, when exactly does this take place, and who are they fighting, and has anyone seen the new buster machines, are they called buster machine 4 and 5 and so on? or are they just going to forget about what happened all toegther in the first ova series? i sure hope not
  21. aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhh can't.....seem.......to........remember.......what.....movies..........where......origianlly......like. my brain is going into overload. to many updates, no longer great, why is hayden in the end of rotj, what kind of parallel universe is this, where is the lucas that i remember and loved, what has happened to him. i believe money has really affected his brain
  22. okay yeah when he was younger in the flash backs he was a punk, and he was kind of a punk in the part where he had to find himself, but for most of the game he held his own, and even when he was a nobody he still ran up to sephiroth and fought, knowing sephiroth was a much more skilled fighter, yes i played the game, i know what i am talking about. and i hope that didn't come bad or seems like i am offended cuz i am not, and brandon heat aka beyond the grave from gungrave is cooler than both, and don't make me bring guts from berserk in here
  23. Form Blazing Sword!!!!!!
  24. i understand you feelings, but for a lot of people FF VII was their introduction to the FF world, like myself, for the longest time i couldn't ever get into rpgs, i thought they were pointless, then i play super mario rpg ( still one of the greatest, i don't care what anyone says), and then i played chrono trigger another great. but it wasn't until i finally played FFVII that sealed the deal, now i just recently purchased the remade versions of IV, V, and VI and i really want to play VI since i have been hearing about it since i was like 9, but i do want to see a sequel to this one, more so than FFX-2 anyway, i really don't care waht happened to tidus, but i do care about cloud, he was the coolest. oh xenogears, another classic, pick it up
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