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Everything posted by kanedaestes

  1. hey i love my boots and they too are bad, but if u really hate them fix them that is the best part, fix, modify, make it the toy u want it to be, cause if u fail, it is cheap to replace, thats what i plan to do,
  2. kanedaestes


    i have a question, is it direct sunlight that causes yellowing or just prolonged exposre to outdoor light. see i light to have my blinds open in my room, and i am worried that over time my 1/48 my start yellowing, but the dont get direct sunlight so if it is sunlight then they should be fine right? oh and go see batman begins
  3. oh my god, oh my god, they have finally got it right. withouth a doubt the best batman movie ever (which is saying a lot cause mask of the phantasm was the best before that). And maybe one of the best superhero movies ever, i cant wait to watch it again, and again. i havent felt this good about a movie in so long, a movie that i want to see over and over again in the theaters, i dont care how much it costs, it is very much worth every penny, u are in for a ride
  4. in last month issue of wizard they did bring it up, but said she was too old pushing like 41 or so, and if they wanted to do a origin story, and start a franchise they needed someone younger, but 20 years ago she would have been perfect
  5. oh come on, u mean to tell me his voice isnt perfect for beast?? i do believe he is just doing the voice over though, i think beast maybe cgi, i hope not they have done pretty well with out an all cgi character, he may just be in a suit. but honestly i agree with that one, he has the witt, and humor for beast.
  6. well even though this is the umpteenth thread i feel i may say something, i doubt that this has anything to do with macross plus, but u never know, hype williams took the scene from kite and used it for no doubt's exgirlfriend video, but at least he admitted to it.
  7. and for anyone who is interested, kelsey grammer is confirmed to be playing beast on xmen 3
  8. i still buy comics, for the most part i believe some of the best writing to come out in years is in that medium. Especially now since we have hollywood writers writing them, joss whedon is doing xmen, as well as making the wonder woman movie, and serenity, jeph loeb, a major writer on the smallville series, as well as a person who has worked with richard donner, writes a lot of stuff for dc comics, j. micheal strazynscy, creator of babylon five is writing spiderman, and some other directors and film, and novel writers are heading towards the comic industry, it has been doing real well. plus with the recent increase in making movies from comics why would one believe that people arent reading them anymore? open your eyes man comics are everywhere, and now more than ever they arent just for kids. most comics now cater to a more adult pallet
  9. oh and once again i state, ME as lando
  10. what i meant is that we like to take perfectly good movies or shows and add sequels, make remakes, or merchandise the hell out of it, i once loved dbz, and now i cant stand it, and i hate to think of whats going to happen to my precious naruto once it starts. and lets not forget the neverending story 2 and 3, an american tale 2 and 3, secret of nimh 2, land before time 2- whatever it is now, like 33 or something? thats what i meant. i hate looking at video stores and seeing stuff like that. i even heard that there is talks of a sixteen candles sequel. that movie is great, and like almost 20 yrs old, do we need a sequel, what will it be called 32 candles?
  11. Howard the duck, thats the one i was trying to remember, i was thinking there was one movie he did that was an out and out complete dud. i do like labyrinth and the 1ST land before time, the rest were stupid and good examples of how america kills great ideas.
  12. there may still be a world's finest, the thing was that they were trying to do that, as well as a new superman, and like 2 different batman movies at once, and it doing work right, now that both properties are hot again, and we have fresh new actors it may still happen, ah but who should direct it? it has to be someone who can make it dark when it needs to be for the gotham scenes, and bright and new for the metropolis scenes, and whatever place that supposed to happend to bring the two heros together. but i think a brandon roth/ christian bale fight would be great to see on the big screen. and batman should win
  13. first u would have to install fear in the creatures, show them whos boss, and them while the run shot at them with a high powered laser. first one needs some kind of instrument of fear, a symbol. dinosaur are a superstitious and cowardly lot, alas i shall don the guise of a bat, and outwitt them, and use my amazing technology against them. haha, or use my spiderlike abilities and pummel them to death, or, or, just never go to an area that has a dinosaur problem
  14. its good to see that someone else agrees with me about topher grace being luke, just look at the episode where they did a starwars parody
  15. well i dont have high hopes about this one, although the first 2 movies were very wolviecentric, at least they were done by a compentent director and crew so they turned out well. a wolverine movie is probably not going to be done properly, hell x3 probably wont be done properly. i feel as far as comic book movies go you should only get film makers who know about the comic itself involved so that they know how it should be handled, most of these directors are just now picking up the comic they are making movies about for the first time and are messing them up. thats why i like sam raimi, who understands spiderman, the constant loser, a man always struggling. bryan singer did a good job with group dynamics which is what xmen is about, and i loved how in x2 they were always making the joke that it isnt all about wolverine, that was classic. ang lee, who may not be a fan, understood the hulk, a powerful being who really isnt violent, he just wants to be left alone, thats why those movie worked (granted i am aware most people didnt like the hulk but i loved it and thought it was done right for an origin movie) and lets not forget sin city, why not have the creators be part of the movie making process? it will only help with the transition
  16. great i can hear isamu's american voice all over again, who by the way is byran cranston, the father from malcom in the middle
  17. has nothing to do with original story, but it is considered an alternate universe, originally it was stated that it was the sequel, but that was before shoji cameback with mac plus and said that mac 2 isnt part of his timeline, then things got all screwy about the subject
  18. i always thought that topher grace from that seventies show would be a good luke, skinny, whiney, bowl cut. and brad pitt as han, i will go with kiera knightly, and me as lando carisian, or maybe taye diggs, but i prefer me
  19. i started in my senior year of high school, mostly was into dbz and trigun toys. i was always looking for macross (or robotech yeah i know boo) but the availability at that time was scarce, and the prices on ebay outrageous. but then i happened to come across a store in my mall that specialized in old and import toys, they had some mospeda stuff so i picked up a rook cyclone, and then he had a jetfire without the armour, i shelled out like 100 for it, hey it was my first valk, and i have been wanting one since i was a child in the 80's. then i saw that toynami was making some, got a vf-1j, then of course moved on to the yamato side of things when my pay allowed it. but during those years i picked up many a gundam wing model, trigun figures, gungrave, transformers, etc. but yeah it all started for me around 1998-99, i am suprised my mom never really said that much about it, if she really knew how much money i spent she would have killed me.
  20. i dont know, i like sean william scott, hes a good actor and has great comedic timing, but johnny knoxville i am not sure about, and jessica simpson isnt all that great to me, the less lines she has the better, i am quite sure they could have found someone better, but because i am a movie junkie depending on what comes out that week i may or may not see it, oh wait thats my birthday weekend, uh maybe not i will be in a drunken stuper somewhere, hopefully miami
  21. Actually mutant x was made by marvel for television, and there is a mutant x comic but the comic and the television show were 2 completely different animals, so its not a rip off, it is just something to ease the fan boys as they wait for the next big budget production to come out
  22. i just saw that too, brett ratner is the next director, well at least it will have beast, and vinnie jones so its going to be good one way or another, and kelsey grammer is such the perfect choice for beast, the casting for the series has been pretty solid and dead on for the most part, although i still think that angela bassett would have made a far better storm, i dont care if she is 40, she is still beautiful and she has the screen presence to be storm,
  23. see, if this one sucks, (which i HIGHLY doubt cause i am a fan of all those involved in the making of the film) they should get bruce timm to take over, he is the head guy in charge of the animated series and justice league, so he obviously knows what hes doing
  24. so i just saw the longest yard and saw some great previews for this summer. hustle and flow is the one i really want to see, i have been hearing a lot about it for some time now, but the one that suprised me and the one i really want to see is sky high. anyone else think that its funny that this movie may just be better than xmen 1 and 2 when it comes to showcasing superpowers on the big screen? i was like wow this looks great for a superhero flick, even if it is a kids movie made by disney, plus it has the kids in the hall and lynda carter, how can u go wrong???
  25. in all honesty in truth the best and greatest batman movie is mask of the phantasm. The guy who voices batman is without a doubt the best actor, although his physical appearance says otherwise, and the best joker is and always will be mark hamill, nuff said
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